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What 'Base' am I at with my Gym Crush?



Today I gave my Gym Crush my business card with my cell phone number on it.


We had been chatting off and on at the gym for the last couple of weeks and he mentioned now that the weather was getting warmer that he'd like to come running with my group at some point. I told him he was always welcome and just to let me know ahead of time so that I would make sure someone (me) would definitely be there.


Just about an hour ago, he texted me thanking me for my contact info as well giving me his last name. So now I know his last name 'officially'. And his cell.


Getting a text - That's gotta be a 'base' in this day in age, isn't it? Is it like 2nd base maybe? :boy:




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  • Site Administrator

LOL. I wouldn't know since I don't date or text most of the time. I do see all those teen sitcoms where the girls go gaga over the boys texting them though so it sounds promising. :P Now you just have to convince everyone else to stay home on the day he wants to go running so you can have him all to yourself. :P

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LOL Vic.... :P


sounds like you got a new running buddy at least :D


Just don't send him any drunken messages :P

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Only if it's a text of his....*ahem*



Anyhoo dude I'm soooo jealous of you. I miss that feeling of getting closer to someone you're interested in and smiling at the smallest of gestures. Most of my texts nowadays are with my guy and we're like bored married couples who glare at each other 23.9 hours a day. :....(

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Sounds like it is moving in the right direction. Last name is a big move up from cute gym guy!:D

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I'm not sure if it's second base, but at least you're playing. If you think about home base as wild, monkey sex, well, I think you have a ways to go. biggrin.gif

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Just don't send him any drunken messages


:blink: oh my, you're right. I think when I do plan to do any drinking, I should leave my cell phone at home.


Could you imagine what *liquid courage* could do? I might mistakenly proclaim my love to him in text.

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