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Some Special Thank You's



First to Graeme, Lugh, and Cia who worked announcing, planning and helping to get the Anthology together. Their hard work makes the stuff us writers do look so much better. They start a year in advance with getting the ideas together, having people vote, and then work it over till it shines, before it is given to us writers to put our own spin on it. Then they create skins, double check the work, and make it all go together smoothly.


Then to not only those work behind the scene deciding who will gain that title of Promising Author but to the readers who take the time to devote to the work, comment, and make it a pleasure to post. For those who have read, liked, commented and been there to encourage and push along a writer.


To those who have inspired new work, to those who helped correct my awful ideas smoothing away the rough edges and making me look better than I am, again thank you. It is nice to have something to be truly grateful for. May my work continue to bring you in and make you read.



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I second that :)


Have a great Christmas and New Year. You deserve it because you are one of the truly sweet people I know :)

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  • Site Administrator

Didn't see this earlier, I've been out of town. I actually don't have much to do with it. I help sometimes, but usually it's Graeme and Lugh. Also, the WST team helped check stories this last anthology so a big thank you needs to go out to all of them as well! Most things on this site require teamwork between the staff, members, authors, editors... So thank you to everyone who cooperates and does the work to make GA what it is.

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