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Writing Prompts #168 & #169

Renee Stevens


Is it just me or does it seem like Friday's just never end? I mean really, you get looking so forward to the weekend and there is just this one little hurdle in your path, Friday. Last day of work (for the lucky ones), last day of school, and just anything else that ends on Friday and gives a two day break. Well, to help it be a little easier to make it over that hurdle, we've got two new prompts for you from our Prompt Guru: Comicfan. Why not take a minute and try one of them out? Just think, by the time you're done you're that much closer to Friday being over. Oh, and don't forget to share it in the Writing Prompt Forum!


Prompt 168 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Now why on earth would I do that?”


Prompt 169 – Creative
Tag – The Truth
People always say they want to hear the truth. A scientist who had been working a truth serum has had enough. One day the scientist asks his assistant why they are late. They reply “I’m not really sure,” and turn away from him. Feeling totally fed up he returns to the lab and opens the untested air born version of his truth serum. It spreads across the world like wild fire. Now no one can lie. Is this a blessing or a curse?




Now that you've seen the new prompts, it's time to take a look at a prompt response. Today we're going to highlight a response to one of the GA 10th Anniversary Prompts. The Prompt was: Anniversaries are always something special and unusual. What makes the one you are attending that way? The author of the story we are going to show you is none other than Lugh!

On Valentine’s Day when I was thirteen I received my first flowers – a small bouquet of red and purple carnations. It was at school and it embarrassed the hell out of me, especially since the card only said, “Love is Unpredictable” and was unsigned.


One of the clubs even sold them for the occasion so boys sent them to their girlfriends for the holiday, and girls sent them to boys they liked as well. In fact, some people saw it as a popularity contest to see who could collect the most by the end of the day. My best friend, Toby, delivered my flowers that day. I think he blushed as much as I did.


The next year I received the two carnations – red and purple – as well as a very pretty white flower. This time there was a card. It read, “Love is Happiness”. I knew the clubs didn’t sell anything but the carnations with a sprig of baby’s breath. Toby told me. He was in the club that sold them. I later found out (thanks mom) they were called Lily of the Valley and, “they aren’t cheap”.


At fifteen, my bouquet grew by one more flower – a large sunflower – and a card, “Love is Loyal”. Toby didn’t deliver this one, he had gone to college. I missed him and couldn’t wait until summer vacation to see him.


That was the summer Toby told me he had fallen in love. I wanted to be angry at him; especially when he left early to go back and be with her. I was so confused.


Intrigued? And why wouldn't you be? To read the rest, check it out HERE and afterwards, you can always leave Lugh a review. He doesn't bite... Well, maybe just a little smile.png.

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