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Writing Prompts #178 & #179



While it is great to read what some established writers do with these writing prompts, it is just so wonderful to see new authors, who haven't published any stories on GA.Stories yet, answer these writing prompts. These writing prompts are a great way to try your hand, see how you can do and get some great feedback. We're thankful to Comicfan for these prompts, and we hope you take a try and share what you write with the community in the Writing Prompt forum.


Prompt 178 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in a story – blanket, red thong, snow, necklace, and salad.


Prompt 179 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Well that sure didn’t go as I had hoped.”


A couple of weeks ago, Prompt 171 was "Tired of seeing the community in trouble you begin a program called Helping Hand. What is this program does?"


As I said in the intro, it is always wonderful to see newer authors trying their hand at the prompts, and this week's feature is a perfect illustration of that. Here is joann414's prompt response:

Young Ryan flinched at his mother's words. " You useless piece of shit. You come in from school, and eat me out of house and home. Go find you a fucking job already. You are just like your sorry ass father."


Ryan forced himself not to slam the door as he left the hovel that his mom called a house. Heading out to the local youth center, that welcomed him even though he had hit eighteen a couple of months ago, he went straight to the gym. Grabbing a ball, he started viciously shooting, paying little attention to those around him.


Having slammed the rubber ball onto the wooden surface for over an hour, he flinched when he felt someone touch his shoulder.


" Ryan", the resident priest said," can you spare a few minutes?"


Ryan wiped his face on his cotton tank, and followed Father Nate to the back of the gym.


"What?", Ryan asked bitterly.


Studying the young may for a few moments, Father Nate asked, " You interested in working here four or five nights a week?"


His mom words running around in his head, Ryan said quickly," I am in. What do I need to do?"


"I need someone to organize a group for the young street kids going here. You have the go ahead to name it, and organize all activities. My plate is full, and I need help."


Ryan did not even hesitate before he asked," Can I stay here?"


Father Nate nodded his head.


Crying and grinning from ear to ear at the same time Ryan headed home to get his possessions, not even trying to rouse his mom from her drunken stouper.


Two Months Later


Ryan glanced at the colorful sign reading " Helping Hands", hanging above the entrance of the largest room at the center. He unpacked the new uniforms that had been donated for his team, trying to keep the smile from his face. He had found his place in life.


After his success at the center, some of the benefactors has asked him to check out a few more of the youth centers they were investors of. Assuring the investors that they had dropped their money into a safe place, he had invented "Helping Hands", for more than he could have ever imagined. Grinning at his partner, he reached for his hand, knowing that he was not a piece of crap anymore, but a helping hand for those who needed him


Thank you for writing this joann414 and more importantly, sharing it with all of us - I loved it!


Recommended Comments

I always like seeing new people taking on these prompts. A great effort Joann. One down, one hundred and seventy eight left for you to do :lol:

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EMBARRASSED? Slappity slappity slap slap slap. :P For someone who's only been writing for a very short time, I think you're doing great, girl. I mean, every story has its technical issues, but you have managed to touch several social issues here with quite a deal of sensitivity. I'd say you perhaps wrapped it up a bit quick, but it's a really good exposition of saying a lot, in good to read prose, keeping it engaging,but not overegging it.


Andy's right, you've a lot of catching up to do. And that bloody Wayne guy produces these things two a week. :P:D

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Actually I am about two months ahead in writing them cause they need them for the blog. lol. And I have to make sure not repeat myself. Not always easy but I enjoy the challenge.

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