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Writing Prompts #194 & #195



Well - since the world ended, no one is reading this, right? Heh - just in case, I guess I should let you know what this week's writing prompts are. I mean - maybe our Prompt-guru Comicfan knew something the Mayans didn't, because we have two new prompts from him.


So - if we're all here tomorrow, check out these prompts and give one (or both) a try. But when you do, please share with the rest of the community in our Writing Prompts forum - cause you wouldn't want bad karma because you decided not to share, eh? :whistle:


Prompt 194 – Creative
Tag – The Boat
You were found unconscious on board a boat that can carry about sixty people. The boat is empty but there are clothing and things belonging to many different people. The police question you to find out what happened. Why were you on the boat and where are the rest of the passengers?


Prompt 195 – Creative
Tag – The Fey
Things have gone wrong and you are left with no choice. The only way to possibly make this right is to cut a deal with a member of the Fey. Everyone warns you that any deal you cut will only favor them. When the time comes you meet a totally captivating Fey who agrees to broker a deal with you. What is the deal and why did you have to make one with a Fey?


So as usual, in addition to giving you new prompts, we look back at past prompt responses. And as I guessed, last week's prompt 192 gave us quite a few ... interesting responses, notably by our Infamous Trio though layla's entry was great as well. Rather than just highlight one response, I urge you to check out the full thread here. I mean, with a prompt of "Use the following words in a story – baseball, handcuffs, torn pants, dollar bill, and a nun." - well, it is no wonder that we got such humorous prompt responses.

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