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Featured Story: Challenging Fate



I am especially thrilled to present today's review for you. I've been preparing for this for a while, went out and asked someone whose reviews I particularly enjoy and asked that person to give a review for this story that I personally LOVE!


BUT - before we get to the story, I want to give a little plug for our Premium membership, especially as it seems like we haven't plugged Premium in almost a year (last July, if I recall correctly).


We strive to keep most of GayAuthors.org as a totally free site, building a community of authors and readers, as well as the ever needed editors, beta readers, artists and the like. On the flip side, to host and bring you all of this content is quite expensive on a monthly basis - and is offset in a number of ways, from GoogleAds to Premium memberships. Premium memberships are one way for community members to help with the costs of GA.org, and in return, we try to give our Premium members exclusive content on a regular basis. The cost of a Premium membership decreases per month, for those members who purchase blocks of months. The current pricing scheme is:

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As someone points out - that's typically less than a couple of coffee's a month, and as you can see, the longer you subscribe, the more you save! Please consider joining as a Premium member. Thanks!


As I mentioned, one of the benefits, or Thank You's, for Premium members is some exclusive content and recently, the Radiant Renee Stevens finished posting her story, Challenging Fate. I asked Joann414 if she would consider reviewing this story, and was thrilled when she agreed - actually, her exact words were "I fell in love with the story."


With that - here is Joann's review of Renee's Challenging Fate.



Reviewed by: Joann414
Status: Complete
Word Count:24,946


If you are like me and I am sure many other readers ,you have that certain genre or storyline that you look for in a story. Until I found GA, I had no interest whatsoever in fantasy. But, I ventured off into a story with unicorns and fell in love with it, so I decided to try dragons and found that many great stories are fantasy, and Challenging Fate is one of them.


Cyan and Ryder are the two men/dragons in this story that keep you invested throughout the tale.


Cyan is of the Warrior clan, but is spurned by his family and clan after is he shifts and shows his dragon side in his early teens and he is a blue dragon. The blue dragons are believed to be evil and even turn against their own family and clan.


Ryder is of the Peacemaker clan, who are not allowed to associate with the Warrior clan, but do not see the blue dragon as evil.


Several years after being outcast by his family and clan, Cyan happens upon Ryder being what appears to be brutally tortured by a wizard. He rescues Ryder from his captor, and the story becomes even more intense as the two try to sort out their feelings, the other's feeling, and how they feel being together. Sounds like a lot huh, but you have to remember that you are not only dealing with human emotions, but also the strength of a dragon in each of these characters.


Once I started this story I did not stop reading. I read it at one sitting and was very sad to see it come to an end. The author makes you want to hug, slug, and kiss both Cyan and Ryder. This is one of the best stories that I have read here on GA. So go read and let Renee know how much you enjoyed her tale of the fates of the two man/dragons.


Thank you Joann414 for the review, and I am glad you enjoyed a story that is one of my favorites as well - Trebs!

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  • Site Administrator

A very special thank you to all the people that are involved with our Premium Content from subscribers, to the authors, editors and reviewers! :)  We couldn't keep the site open with all that we do without you.

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  • Site Administrator

Challenging Fate is one of my favorite stories of Renee's that I've beta'ed. It was an excellent fantasy with colorful dragons with a romance that helps redeem and enrich the lives of both main characters!

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Thank you everyone!!!  Definitely not what I expected when Trebs told me he had a surprise planned for today.  Sneaky sneaky :).  I had a lot of fun writing Challenging Fate, but it still wouldn't be what it is without the help of my completely awesome team! 

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  • Site Administrator

*snickers* Renee's gonna beat on you!

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this story was so awesome! each week it got posted I was tuned in to see what joys and heartache awaited the characters. was so happy with the whole story!

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this story was so awesome! each week it got posted I was tuned in to see what joys and heartache awaited the characters. was so happy with the whole story!

thank you kryshim. Glad you enjoyed it.


But it was so short...! :o:(

Makes me glad there's a Book 2 forthcoming. :D

ummm... there is?
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there could have been until one of the baddies sucked the life right out of it...... slurp

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Thank you everyone!!!  Definitely not what I expected when Trebs told me he had a surprise planned for today.  Sneaky sneaky :).  I had a lot of fun writing Challenging Fate, but it still wouldn't be what it is without the help of my completely awesome team! 


You know how HARD it was to keep this a secret from you?!?  GACK - I spent more time and energy than some of the surprises I've tried to pull on Dan!  But you're soooo worth it (and the story is too).

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You know how it is Trebs. Renee just likes to keep her finger in a few pies so she can jump in when needed. I personally loved the story. But then again that is the advantage to working as Beta for her. :)

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there could have been until one of the baddies sucked the life right out of it...... slurp

Knowing me, there's never any telling what's going to happen... But first, I have to finish the dozen or more stories sitting on my computer in different stages of completion. 



You know how HARD it was to keep this a secret from you?!?  GACK - I spent more time and energy than some of the surprises I've tried to pull on Dan!  But you're soooo worth it (and the story is too).


My jaw literally about hit the floor when I seen it, so whatever work it took, you managed it!!!  My hubby always tells me I'm really hard to surprise, but I so so so appreciated it and the effort it took!  Thank you!!!



You know how it is Trebs. Renee just likes to keep her finger in a few pies so she can jump in when needed. I personally loved the story. But then again that is the advantage to working as Beta for her. :)


Who?  Me?  :whistle:  0:)   At least you have a couple perks with being a beta for me... There is the disadvantage though of getting story starts and then me losing interest in that particular idea for a while... How many times have you wanted to smack me for that??

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I too loved the story and agree it was too short!  


So glad you enjoyed the story DDK!!!  I have had a few people say they wish it was longer, and to be honest, the finished product you read was about double what the original was.  This story was originally written to be under 15K, but when it was decided to do it for Premium, I revised and fleshed it out just a bit.  I won't say we'll never see these characters again, because honestly I'm not sure.  I've learned to never completely discount an idea, but a sequel for Challenging Fate is not a story that I'm actively pursuing at the moment.

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