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Wacky Wednesday: How Ga Changed My Life



How GA Changed My Life

Compiled By

Renee Stevens


I don't remember what really brought me to GA in the first place, but that's not important. What is important is what I found here at GA. I no longer get asked why I write what I write. Instead, I have found acceptance of my writing that I haven't really found anywhere else. I was made a part of this community and I have met so many wonderful people who I am honored to call my friends. Those friends have been instrumental in so many aspects of my writing, but even more than that, they have helped me through some extremely tough times, especially lately, and I don't know what I would do without them. They are always there to encourage me and many of them I talk to on a daily basis. I talk to them about everything from story plots to what is going on in life. I can only hope that I am there for them as much as they are there for me.


With the way GA has helped me, I decided to ask GA Members to PM me with how GA has changed their own lives. I got a couple replies and if you feel like sharing something else, please feel free to do so via the comments!



GA has changed my life because it has given me my first ever audience for my writing. Some people have been absolutely lovely about what I've written and that has inspired me and made me very happy. It has also taught me how to use the internet a little better. I'm still a terrible attention-seeker online, but I now know better how to deal with people who don't want to pay me any attention! Partly, I think, because I have made some gorgeous online friendships through GA. I've also learnt that there are people out there who share some of my curiosities, and that's been very delightful. Mostly, thanks to GA, I have written bucket-loads. And even though I aren't as accomplished or interesting as the best writers here, I do think I have improved my work through practice and the inspiration and ideas presented here. So, thank you, GA!




The main thing that GA gives me that other sites didn't is the community. Writing is a solitary habit and it can be very lonely. It felt especially so for me, because even though I write and tell friends and family and coworkers that I write, I never talked about what I wrote about for obvious reasons. I posted at several sites and got plenty of feedback (a writer's ambrosia)! but I never really felt a connection before I came here.


The community here is amazing. I met people from all over the world, exchanging snippets of life through the chat room and forums and PM system. I have gotten incredible feedback, not only from readers, but from other writers as well. I have worked with awesome beta readers and editors that help bring my writing to another level. And it is so wonderful to be able to connect and talk to like minded people, who write in the same genre, and discuss ideas, issues and the crazy process that comes with creating new worlds and bringing characters to life.


The East Coast meet up brought me up to D.C. and gave me the opportunity to meet some of these great people face to face. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. I've met so many people and heard so many great stories (fictional and no) and it is so amazing how the people here have touched my life. Am I gushing? Probably. Does GA deserve it? Definitely.


Thanks to GA for giving a lonely writer a home. smile.png

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Reading these make me very happy. I think GA is a very special place filled with extraordinary fiction and even more extraordinary people. Sure, GA has had its fair share of mishaps and site wide disagreements, some of which have been long buried, but overall, deep down the people are kind, supportive, and genuine. I think that's why a lot of us have stuck around here for so long. I've never felt more part of an online community than I have felt at *home* here. Thanks Renee for compiling these!

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I agree with Jo Ann - a place with great stories and also a place where you can goof around and have fun.

I really love this place :)

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I hadn't published anything in years, never mind putting out anything gay. However, I get bored and that itch comes back, you know the one ... well I hope you do cause you're reading this. That itch to read a good story. I love my books, but face it, they are expensive. Almost by accident I found GA. Then I got sucked in by one of the curmudgeons who likes to bite his minions and who writes some fairly twisted stories. Of course the advantage of GA is you can comment on any story ... if you join. Damn. So I joined. Then I posted a story. I found a fairly dedicated team to help my writing make sense to someone other than myself. I have made friends, adopted some, and have found some who enjoy the stories I write as well. I read and comment, and in just over a year's time became part of the team trying to help GA stay the friendly place I found. Oops. Sorry, I do run off at the mouth sometimes but even with the faults ( yes I know that no one and no thing is perfect) I am proud of those who work behind the scenes, the authors, the beta readers, the editors, and especially the readers who make this place worth coming to and spending so much time. -Wayne

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Oops, it seems I've reached my share of positive votes for the day :) 


Ta stax, Renee, for sharing your compilation with us, and same to all of you who have commented and shared your personal points of view. Once again I've gained some better insight into what makes some of us tick - especially here at GA.


There is not a day that goes by that I'm not at least checking in once at this wonderful GA community. Actually, GA is the site that I frequent the most (I visit FB about twice, or at the most, thrice a month :P)...and just LOVE scrolling and exploring around this massive *playground*, getting to know people and marvel at the numbers and extent of it all.


You guys and girls gives me the courage to maybe, well just maybe sometime to dare to post my first one :)

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