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Writing Prompts #308 & #309

Renee Stevens


I can't believe it's Friday already, and that means it's time for two new prompts from our prompt guru, Comicfan. I hope you enjoy them and that one of them will spark an idea!


Prompt 308 – Creative
Tag – Photo


Prompt 309 – Creative
Tag – Phone Call
Your phone rings and you pick up it. There is only one problem, the conversation going on is one you remember happening ten years ago on the date of a terrible accident. As the conversation continues you suddenly feel very light headed and close your eyes. However, when you open them you find yourself still on the phone but now dressed as you were all those years ago. What do you do?


This week was another tough week to pick a prompt to feature as there was so many good ones to choose from! I decided to go with a response to prompt #307 from Valkyrie71:

“Are you sure there is nothing that can be done?” Ethan was devastated. Five years old was way too young to be diagnosed with cancer. He had been hoping to adopt again, but this changed everything.


Elliot put his arm around Ethan’s shoulder and pulled him close. “It’ll be ok, E. We’ll do whatever we can to save him.”


Ethan looked at Elliot gratefully. He reached down and stroked Kyle’s head. Kyle looked up at him with bright green eyes that melted Ethan’s heart every time he looked into them. Ethan had to look away to stop himself from crying. He needed to stay strong.


“There’s nothing that I can do here, but I will refer you to a specialist. This type of cancer is incredibly rare, so I would recommend a trip to Cornell. They will be best equipped to deal with this. I think it’s Kyle’s best chance.” The vet handed Ethan a brochure with the Cornell Vet Clinic’s contact information. “I would suggest making the appointment sooner, rather than later.” The vet paused and said quietly, “It is a long, expensive trip with no sure outcome. It would not be wrong to consider euthanasia.”


Ethan was horrified. The last thing he would consider was putting the little ginger cat to sleep! He wanted to give Kyle every chance he could, and if that meant an expensive vet bill and a long trip, he would do it. Elliot squeezed Ethan’s shoulder. “Babe, the vet isn’t wrong. You don’t want to see Kyle suffer, do you?”


“Of course not.” Ethan stated emphatically. “He deserves a fighting chance, though. I say we make the appointment and get on the road as soon as we can.”


Ethan had made the vet appointment because the little cat was losing weight. He still acted the same, although somewhat tamer than usual. He hadn’t destroyed anything in a couple weeks, which Ethan thought in retrospect, should have been a clue that something was wrong.


The drive to Cornell was uneventful and quiet. Elliot drove while Ethan sat in the back seat to keep an eye on Kyle in his cat carrier. Kyle was sleeping, so he watched Elliot as he drove down the interstate. Ethan thoughts drifted to when Elliot first admitted his feelings for him. Ethan had a long history of being other men’s second choice. His past three boyfriends had all left him for other men and the last one had hurt the most of any of them. He had been ready to give up on relationships and stay single for the rest of his life. After a conversation with his best friend re-opened some very deep, very raw wounds, Ethan had a bit of a meltdown on the job site and destroyed some newly installed drywall with a hammer. Elliot witnessed the meltdown, and at the end of the day hung around until he and Ethan were alone. He walked right up to Ethan, ran his hand down his cheek, looked him in the eye and said “You’ll never be my second choice.” Then he kissed him.


To read the rest of this prompt, click here.


If you want to read all the other prompt responses from last week, you can do so in the threads for Prompt 306 and Prompt 307.


Don't forget.... Read, Write, and REVIEW!!!

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  • Site Administrator

I agree with Slytherin.  I really enjoyed reading all the prompts last week, too.  Thank you for featuring mine :)

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