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May C S R Feature: London And Love By Carringtonrj



May already! Have you been enjoying the CSR features and interviews so far this year? Or have you been slacking on your reading? Well don't worry, each month you have a new chance to enjoy a story by one of the great authors posting on GA. This month we're featuring CarringtonRJ's London and Love. This 45k contemporary story might be just up your alley!


by CarringtonRJ


Length: 45,592


Description: Tony is apprehensive about being sent to London for a year. How will he manage there? He's an introvert by nature, and thoroughly queer. He goes because he has nothing better to do, not expecting to find love in a foreign town.


A Reader Said: Thank you for a great end to a great beginning. The word that comes to mind is 'satisfying'. After Tony 's wobble in the last chapter, it's refreshing to see them working at being together. Whilst there is a sense of resolution, there's real energy and excitement about the future. ~ damejintymcginty


This month's discussion day will take place on Monday, May 30th.

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CarringtonRJ is a superb writer. The last thing I read of his was "Vintage" and it was a wonderful experience. It opened me up to another world, and Shenton and Carrington are characters who have stayed with me all this time. Now I have the push needed to add something new to my reading list. If it's half as good as "Vintage" it will be worth the read :) 

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London and Love is a fun romantic read that's filled with humor and angst.  It's the right combination of reality and fantasy.  The story starts with all the warmth and anticipation of a budding romance and mutual attraction.  As the story moves along, the characters become more fully developed. They work through their own identities and explore who they are in relation to one another. 


There's real satisfaction in watching the characters work through their dilemmas and differences, looking for the practical, workable solutions that we all need to find no matter how "in love" we are.


CarringtonRJ is a wonderful storyteller.  I'm looking forward to the discussion at the end of the month!

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I'm a dedicated fan of RJ's stories and did a blog review for Presence. Having been to London several times I can definitely relate to the very British feel of this story. It was frustrating at times, but the characters were delightful as always.

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What I loved about this story was how it delved into Richard and Tony's lives so intimately yet at the perfect pace.  The two of them explored each other and each layer revealed something else.  Sometimes it seemed big, but it ended up not as important as they thought.  Other times, small things became apparent and they seemed to grow in significance.  This made them seem more interesting to me.  I felt I knew them and could have a pint and a chat.  Great story overall.  

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Gosh I loved this piece. I left a story review.. sorry was reading on my tablet and it's such a pain to write on it, so a story review it had to be this morning. Beautifully written, sweet, funny, sad and in the end just full of love and acceptance. Brilliant!

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