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Writing Prompts #522 & #523

Renee Stevens


I hope everyone is having a great week! It's time for this weeks prompts, supplied by our prompt guru, Comicfan. Just a reminder, and for those who haven't worked with the prompts before: prompt responses under 1,000 words must be posted as part of a collection. Hopefully you'll find something in this weeks prompts to spark an idea and get you writing!

Prompt 522 – Creative
Tag – First Line
“Please, I have to see him.”

Prompt 523 – Challenge
Tag – Weather
Weather can be an important part of a story. It can work for or against the protagonist, help set the mood, or almost become a character. Write a scene where the weather helps to drive the events.

At the time this posting was completed, there were simply NO new prompt responses to feature. That being said, I made the executive decision that no prompt response would be featured. IF you posted a prompt response and simply forgot to post a link in the thread, feel free to share a short excerpt and link in the comments.

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  • Site Administrator

Prompt 522 has been started.  It will be a continuation of my zombie prompt from a few weeks ago.  :D

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