Incomplete Love
For Timmy, Emi and Mr. Benus:
Incomplete Love
All relationships are a work in progress,
A building to be finished, an infinite mirror
Beneath a starry sky. A battle between belief and reality,
A compromise between expectation and evolution
Between engagement and understanding.
Experience vs. Emotion
Broken crumbling pieces of self mixing
Into happiness and grief and regrets
Creating the mortar of us. Bricks and days
And labours of indecisive Apollos' creating
The walls of Troy only to be breached
By a stupid wooden horse
Of momentary weakness,
Merrymaking in the filth as snakes slither in
Our garden.
Yet even then looking up you see
The angelic choirs praising
The one perfect moment of absolute happiness,
One moment in eternity where you and I became Us.
The slowly dying flowers in the vase are laughing at the trees outside.
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