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I Voted For The First Time!

Drew Espinosa


:D:D :D


I'm still on cloud 9!


So, earlier this afternoon, I went to cast my vote for the 2016 Election. :)


For President: From the get-go, I would not be voting for either Trump or Clinton. Trump is a buffoon and too unpredictable and volatile (especially when it comes to international matters) to be our president. Clinton, she has so much baggage with an array of scandals (real or imagined) and she is too much of a warhawk for my liking. In the end, I voted for Jill Stein, because she shares many of the same views as Sanders- who I supported during the Democratic Primary. Yes, I know she'll most likely not be our next president and no, I don't think I wasted my voted. All votes count, whether that vote went to join the tens of millions of its brethren to a major candidate or the tens of thousands for a minor one.


For US Representative: I live in the 13th Congressional District of Texas. It is one of the most Republican districts in the country. In fact, it's so Republican that there isn't usually a Democrat on the Ballot. I ultimately decided to cast my vote for my current congressman. I asked myself a simple question: has he done a good job representing my district. And for me, yes he has. So, I saw no issue in reelecting him. (FYI- my congressman has literally represented me my entire life- he was first elected in 1994 and I was born in 1995 :P)


For State-Wide offices: In this election, other than my state representative and the Railroad Commissioner, several seats on the Texas Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals were open to this election. For the judges, I chose a few Republicans, a few Democrats, and a libertarian.


It must show my independent nature to choose Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, and Republicans. :lol::P


I honestly don't have much else to say other than: It was a pretty amazing experience and it was such an amazing feeling to know I helped make a difference for my state and my country.

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"a plague on both your houses" could be the most significant factor in who gets the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue :P

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Congratulations, buddy. I've voted in every presidential election since 1976. I challenge you to match my streak. I wish more kids would care enough to do so.

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Glad to see you gave it thought and your choices were well reasoned. Congrats!

Thanks Dugh!


Congratulations, buddy. I've voted in every presidential election since 1976. I challenge you to match my streak. I wish more kids would care enough to do so.

I'll be sure to live up to your challenge, Daddy!

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Congratulations, buddy. I've voted in every presidential election since 1976. I challenge you to match my streak. I wish more kids would care enough to do so.


I've voted in every presidential election starting in 1968 when the voting age was 21...This is lucky number 13

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Never forget this wonderful feeling of contributing to the civic society of your nation. Too many people say and feel that their one vote doesn't matter, but they do. the politicians exist only through our consent, and that consent cannot exist without our participation in the system.

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Congrats Drew, I voted already tooI'll reveal my choices next Monday, when I return to the pit

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It's a right and a duty.

Very good Drew. I'm proud of you for taking this seriously.


I also voted, but being superstitious and old I only tell others what they like to hear about who or what I voted for. :P

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Drew I had many similar experiences voting last week. I was shocked they had early voting ballots open on Saturday, but I had to go cause it was so easy. Anyway, also living in Texas there are some Republicans unopposed on certain ballots. Honestly it doesn't bother me, and I voted for em cause why not. But then again I don't belong to either of the major political parties and am more of a libertarian than anything. It's difficult when you're rather conservative on some issues and liberal on others. So it's hard for me to find a home.


But voting for president sucked. I won't say who I voted for, but I couldn't stand either candidate, and neither of them seems like a good candidate for the presidency. Unfortunate that this was your first, but congrats anyway.

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