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life after chemo

Finished chemo on May 23. Had my follow up and all the extra tests. No sign of cancer. My hair is growing back....it did change color - sort of. My hair was very fine before chemo, it’s even finer now. So fine it appears colorless. Hopefully this is short lived.

My supervisor at work thought I breezed through chemo, until the last two treatments. I guess I’m good at hiding fatigue, weakness and burning pain. For a while I thought I would have to quit teaching because I would forget the topic in mid-sentence.  My students made a game of it, trying to be the first to jog my memory or come up with the word I’m describing. 

I’m working with a physical/occupational oncology therapist. This is not fun. The therapist says my nerves are a bit mixed up and slow in sending signals. I believe it, the other day the cat clawed me, I couldn’t feel his tail under my foot. For the last month shoes and socks felt like someone was driving nails into my toes. It’s still uncomfortable to wear shoes, but not painful. I still tire easily but I’m getting more energy back. So recovery is slow, but I’m shuffling along and taking frequent breaks.

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  • Site Administrator


I'm glad to hear the cancer is gone.  :hug: I hope the after-effects of the chemo lessen for you soon. 

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Chemo brain sucks!. I still pull blanks 7 years later, but it does get better and so does the neuropathy. Hang in there.

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That sounds rough. From the sounds of it, you should give yourself lots of credit.  I hope you continue to improve and feel better.

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Hope everything continues to go well, and that you too continue to feel better. *hugs* 

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Sending positive vibes and karma your way.  Keep up the good work!

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