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Weekly Wrap Up (Jun. 21 - Jun. 27)



I saw this Friday night and thought it is such a good song for right now with everything going on in the world!

Well it made me smile and who better to cheer us all up than the Muppets! Hopefully it will keep that smile on your face for the rest of the week too :) 



I also want to put out an offer to everyone! Our GA resident prompt guru comicfan, or those that love him, Wayne, will be away for a little while as he has a lot going on right now. This means we want you all to try your hand at creating a prompt or two for the next while. If you feel up to the prompt challenge, you can send a PM to @Renee Stevens and/or @wildone and we will try to post a lot of them! After next week's Anthology Wrap Up, we will be returning to our regular scheduled programming of the prompts on Friday. So we need some soon! This is a way to get you name immortalized in the GA Weekly Blog :gikkle: .



Now we should get to the wrap up!

Monday, Renee featured another great review supplied by our Supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus Review Team! This review was done by @Timothy M. :P 


Fast forward to Thursday and Renee was back again with Week  of 4 of the Spring Anthology :wizard:

And don't forget about all the words that Myr supplied us with too! He will help us add to our vernacular, even if you want to discuss vermicular.

So how did we do last week? This was sooooo close it will make you cry 😭



  • Suggest a prompt(s) - Recommend a few prompts to be feature on Prompt Friday! PM @Renee Stevens and/or @wildone with your ideas.


  • 2020 Fall Anthology - Shadows - Due by November 15th, 2020
  • 2020 Fall Anthology - Bridges - Due by November 15th, 2020
  • Author Anthology Questionnaire - Click here to participate
  • Anthology 101 - New in the Anthology Forum. Everything you need to know about GA Anthologies

Blog Opportunities

  • Ask An Author: Send your questions for your favorite authors to @Carlos Hazday (no questions = no Ask An Author)

  • Guess the Author: Open to all GA authors. PM @Renee Stevens to participate


Classic Updates:

Dancing on a Star by Ronyx

The Castaway Hotel: Next Generation Book 4 by Bill W

The Eschaton by Mike Arram

The Truth is Out There by Myr  *Anthology Entry* *Complete*

Signature Updates:

June, 2020, Hell in a Handbasket by AC Benus

Malibu by Carlos Hazday

Northern Exposure by Mark Arbour; Book 8 of Bridgemont

Phases of Moon by Mann Ramblings *Anthology Entry* *Complete*

Rear-View by Comicality *Complete*

The Challenge by Headstall *Anthology Entry* *Complete*

The Teacup by aditus *Anthology Entry* *Complete*

Unicorn Quests by Cia


Don't forget.... Read, Write, and REVIEW!!!

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In addition to coming up with prompts, you can also write a story review for the blog and get your name mentioned that way too. :yes:  Simply send the text to @Renee Stevens or me. There are available spots in August.

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