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Weekly Wrap Up (Sept. 8 - Sept. 14)



There went a Saturday without really realizing it :gikkle: 

Saturday AM I thought I would see if there was anything interesting on Prime. I haven't been on in a while. After the other week of me saying I haven't finished some of the streaming shows that I have watched past seasons of, I saw that Season 2 of the The Rings of Power was out and streaming. The thing is, it was so long ago that I can't remember the Season 1 happenings :P Don't worry, @Krista is keep a collection of retirement home pamphlets handy for when it is time for me to check in.  So what could I do but rewatch Season 1? That is what happened to my Saturday.

I remember back in Grade 4, our Language Arts teacher, that's what they called it in elementary and junior high school, not until high school did you call it English, started reading us the Hobbit. I was enthralled :o It was my favourite time of the day. After having it read to us I had to reread it and own a copy of my own. We lived on an air force base way in the middle of nowhere, so not really a place to find a bookstore. I think we had a library, but I was in elementary and their might have been one in the junior high, or most likely the high school. So on one trip to the big city 4 hours away, I convinced my parents to stop at a bookstore in a mall. Once going in, I looked for the Hobbit, but didn't know where to look. A lady helped me and my dad find it and Dad looked at the price and said no way. I'm sure I was much to old to have a tantrum at my age, but I do believe I did and all ended well when we walked out with me owning the Hobbit. 

Jump ahead to Grade 6, I had been saving my allowance and was able to buy the Lord of the Rings trilogy next. They didn't have box sets or 3 separate books, it was just one massive paperback book! Not sure how long it took me to read, but I'm sure not too long.

So what am I rambling about this week? :gikkle: What is the earliest book you remember reading on your own and did you fall in love with the characters and do you still love to go back to the story even today?

Oh I lied, the first book was probably a Scholastic order of How the Grinch Stole Christmas with a record to accompany it :P Not sure what a record is, Google it :D 

So tell me your story!

Now onto the Wrap Up. Monday I got the pleasure to post a review by our super Review Team for the month of September:

 Tuesday, Myr must have been looking ahead to Friday the 13th as he featured the Horror genre this week:

Thursday was a HUGE reminder that October 1st is rapidly coming, so get in your Anthology soon!

Friday, we had Mr. Cole grace us with two new Prompts to choose from:


Oh, by the way, are you enjoying the Words of The Day since even someone like me can understand them? :unsure:

festive, gratified, beaming, melancholy, antidisestablishmentarianism, incomprehensibilities, uncharacteristically



Upcoming Writing Events 

Annual Anthology - In Too Deep - Due October 1st 2024. Click here for all the information and more that you will need.

Prompt Team Event/Contest - More information to come.

Coming of Age - A Tribute to Comicality - Due April 25, 2025 - More information to come.


Member Participation Blogs - Great way to promote yourself!!

Ask a Author 3.0 If you have a author you want to get some answers from, write a PM to @astone2292

Author Guess Who Get our members to guess who you are and also let everyone know who you are. Also write a PM to @astone2292


Here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!


3 Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. By Chance or Appointment by Parker Owens
  2. You Were There, and other poems by AC Benus
  3. Peace of Amiens by Mark Arbour

2 Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. Secrets 2: Looking Through Different Eyes by Bill W
  2. Love Will Tear Us Apart by Dabeagle **Complete**

25 Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Tragedia Et Amor by P. E. Knapp
  2. The Seventeenth Summer by Mark Ponyboy Peters
  3. Brandon Smiling: From the Billy Chase Chronicles (3) by MrM
  4. Echoes of the Heart by vanalas
  5. Hercules enslaved by Catgenie
  6. Deer in Headlights by Salerion
  7. Troublemaker by Superpride
  8. Heckle Me Not (Lest Ye Die - Laughing) by Lee Wilson
  9. Prophylaxis by Rambling Robin
  10. The Red Zone by CasualWanderer82
  11. Two for One by P. E. Knapp
  12. Of Pride and Power by W_L
  13. Crossing the line by Robert Hugill
  14. Dragon's Roar by Xfighter1984
  15. Liar vs. Liar by Laura S. Fox
  16. Trash Polka by Demiurge
  17. Tales of Three Worlds by ColumbusGuy
  18. Bleeding Hearts by Josh Aterovis
  19. Ralph: Breaking free by Robert Hugill
  20. How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life by KKirk
  21. Re-Organizing by Justin4Fun
  22. Halos and Heroes by JJQuinn
  23. Take me to Your Leader by quokka
  24. Eternal Echoes: The Story of Aelios and Adrian by Hikaru29
  25. As They Say - (Revised) by D.K. Daniels

1 Recently Updated 'Poet' Stories

  1. Marvin B Erotic Poetry Collection by Marvin B

Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (Don't forget to Recommend too!)

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Quote of @wildone  Saturday AM I thought I would see if there was anything interesting on Prime. I haven't been on in a while. After the other week of me saying I haven't finished some of the streaming shows that I have watched past seasons of, I saw that Season 2 of the The Rings of Power was out and streaming. The thing is, it was so long ago that I can't remember the Season 1 happenings :P Don't worry, @Krista is keep a collection of retirement home pamphlets handy for when it is time for me to check in.  So what could I do but rewatch Season 1? That is what happened to my Saturday.


Personally, I prefer binge watching shows like that, because I'm less likely to forget or get confused when I start watching again.  Yes, I know that might be partially due to my age, but I find it's much preferable.  

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Quote by @wildone  I remember back in Grade 4, our Language Arts teacher, that's what they called it in elementary and junior high school, not until high school did you call it English, started reading us the Hobbit. I was enthralled :o It was my favourite time of the day. After having it read to us I had to reread it and own a copy of my own. We lived on an air force base way in the middle of nowhere, so not really a place to find a bookstore. I think we had a library, but I was in elementary and their might have been one in the junior high, or most likely the high school. So on one trip to the big city 4 hours away, I convinced my parents to stop at a bookstore in a mall. Once going in, I looked for the Hobbit, but didn't know where to look. A lady helped me and my dad find it and Dad looked at the price and said no way. I'm sure I was much to old to have a tantrum at my age, but I do believe I did and all ended well when we walked out with me owning the Hobbit. 


When I was in elementary school, the teachers would often read to us after recess (playground) to get us calmed down.  My sixth grade teacher read us a chapter from "The Hobbit" by Tolkien each day at the start of the year, and then a chapter from "The Martian" by Ray Bradbury each day after Christmas break.  I'd always been a reader, although not those particular books, but it inspired me to expand my reading materials, and a lot of the other boys to start reading after that, since the stories had been so exciting.  

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In the third grade I found Howard Pyle's "The Story of King Arthur and His Knights" an almost 500 page book which I read in a week.  I became a voracious reader and by 7th grade had to get glasses due to myopia.

Edited by Daddydavek
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6 hours ago, Daddydavek said:

In the third grade I found Howard Pyle's "The Story of King Arthur and His Knights" an almost 500 page book which I read in a week.  I became a voracious reader and by 7th grade had to get glasses due to myopia.

One of my favorite authors was Mark Twain. Mentioning King Arthur, you've reminded me of Twain's A Yankee in King Arthur's Court. We all had to read Tom Sawyer in elementary school, but my all-time favorite is The Prince and the Pauper. 

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My favorite Mark Twain has always been The Prince and the Pauper. The 1937 movie version starring Erroll Flinn stills sets my heart a-flutter!

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1 minute ago, Tim Hobson said:

My favorite Mark Twain has always been The Prince and the Pauper. The 1937 movie version starring Erroll Flinn stills sets my heart a-flutter!

Oh, Erroll Flinn - the best Robin Hood ever!!!🙂

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