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I looked at them, and they honestly look too different from each other to belong to the same author. I'll try googling a couple of sentences or so, and see if any similar results come up. I've been trying to join the website for the last two days, But I haven't been able to. The registration activation email isn't in my inbox... nor in my junk mail, for that matter.



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I've noticed lately that there have been problems with fanfiction's email system. I have gotten no chapter alerts from them in a week or so. This happens on occasion and then when they clear up the log-jam, I'll get a bunch of them, old and new at once. That might also affect their registration system.

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For awhile last night I could not log on, I send out more emails and a few pm's to some of the readers, Bird Probably search the first ones, if you need a way to log in, um pm me.



Some of us have found these:



is plagarized from






is plagiarized from



I've been informed that Mathis Rogers (author of 'The honeymoon')

has been notified and he has emailed fanfiction too.



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I am in awe of arabian00glow copy paste, and find>>replace skills used in the making of that story. lol... :worship::worship:

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DOm, I am declaring war on that website as well. I have already posted 3 comments (under different names ^_^ ) and am trying to join this site.


I also feel bad because on top of your bad thanksgiving, this had to happen to you. Good people do not deserve this kind of wrongdoing (especially someone like you).


We will be trying everything we can to take down this arabian00glow.


In the meantime, I hope you have a great holiday season.

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  • Site Administrator

No wars on Fanfiction please. Email complaints all you like to them and to the author.I've sent a rather strongly worded one to FF myself.

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No, no wars on the website. :) Remember, a lot of good authors use that site (Myr and Dan, for example) and from what I

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i was going to say i can't believe this guy said "my grandfather died..." as an excuse for not updating in a long time, but well given that he's plagarized every story, maybe i can believe that little ...i don' tknow if i'm allowed to swear on this site??


plusi don't quite understand the point of plagerizing someones story. i mean. you ask for reviews but its not on YOUR writing. you don't get any satisfaction from nice reviews. so wtf? and the style differences are just really funny. its so obvious sometimes.


on the plus side, if you can call it that, at least there are some extra positive reviews you can read about your own writing...

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and the disclaimer says i do not own any of the characteres herein (only the plot) what a loser. if thats mean of me...whatever

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i was going to say i can't believe this guy said "my grandfather died..." as an excuse for not updating in a long time

No way! He actually did that? O_o; I don't know if I should laugh or cry... Maybe both at the same time.


I'm sure there's a name in a book for people who lie and does things like this, he should have a psych evaluation.

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November 25th, 2006 -- We suffered multiple hard-drive failures which caused down-time to both email services (alerts, PMs) and the login area the past few days. These problems have been resolved and the backlog of email alerts is slowly being pushed out to everyone's inbox.


So hopefully it will be resovoled real soon.


Fictionpress.com is also a good one to look at, press is more for original stories, non fanfics.

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EVeryone should bombard his email address with thousands upon thousands of complaints:


You need to be careful here, that might count as spam, and could get you into more trouble than the recipient in some areas of the world.


You also don't know whether that could be the email address of someone quite innocent, who has had their email address 'borrowed' -it is very easy to fake a visible email address as well as to alias one.


On the bright side of course, it means that the standard of Doms' writing is good enough to be eligible for copying.



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  • Site Administrator

It could also mean that Dom might do very well writing an HP fanfic. ;)

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I see that the fanfiction site is registered to www.tucows.com, which is a much larger site that provides Windows shareware and may be legitimate. I'd suggest that people notify Tucows about the plagiarism; if they don't know about it, they may be willing to yank the fanfiction site. If they do, they should have a serious problem on their hands.



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Good news. it's been taken off :D


Edit It looks like the account is frozen, He changed his name stories deleted but his email is still there.

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You need to be careful here, that might count as spam, and could get you into more trouble than the recipient in some areas of the world.


You also don't know whether that could be the email address of someone quite innocent, who has had their email address 'borrowed' -it is very easy to fake a visible email address as well as to alias one.


On the bright side of course, it means that the standard of Doms' writing is good enough to be eligible for copying.




oops hyperbole got the better of me. I didn't really mean thousands upon thousands each. I was implying that if we emailed him/her individually, explaining why plagiarism is wrong it would probably be quite alot of emails, considering the size of Dom's fanbase.


I didn't however take into consideration the fact that it might be a fake address. Does fanfiction.net have an activation code sent to the email address thing?


Anyway, all the points are moot since the account has been frozen

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I didn't however take into consideration the fact that it might be a fake address. Does fanfiction.net have an activation code sent to the email address thing?

Yes, they have activation codes sent by email. So I don't see how it can be a fake email, but maybe you can change email after you've activated your account or something like that.

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