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Just a second



First off let me appologize for my last entry. I was really upset when I posted it, and the more I think about it, the angrier I'm getting. Mainly at myself for buying into a bunch of crap that I shouldn't have bought into.

I won't get into the details of everything, but what I will say is that I was told some pretty hateful things by someone last night and I let it all get to me when I should have just brushed my shoulders off and held my head up. To be honest, what was said to me made me really start to think long and hard about my worth as an author and whether or not I really belonged here. I actually spent about an hour last night comparing my work to the work of the other hosted authors here and I started feeling really self concious. I looked at all of the positive things I ever tried to do here at GA and on my site and questioned their worth and their effectivness. Then I started to feel dumb for even thinking that my work could compare to everyone else on the Hosted page.

I felt like I needed some time to think and to decide what the hell I was doing here. But you know what? I know what I'm doing here. I already knew better than to compare myself to the other authors on the hosted page because there's no comparison. I have my own style, and they each have their's. Is one better than the other? Perhaps, but that's not up to me to decide, it's up to the readers.

So I'm done sulking and feeling bad about myself. I can just chalk that up to another lesson learned and move on. I'm probably still not going to be on as much, but I will be updating my stories regularly. it's what I love to do, and I'm not going to let the words of one person affect what I do with my life.


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Glad that you took the right decision.


You're a really good writer. I'm sure of that. And you shouldn't listen to the crap of others. I'm glad that you dealt with it in the right way! :)


You should never compare yourself to others. That's a thing I always tell everyone. Coz you're unique.


Take care,


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  • Site Administrator
To be honest, what was said to me made me really start to think long and hard about my worth as an author and whether or not I really belonged here. I actually spent about an hour last night comparing my work to the work of the other hosted authors here and I started feeling really self concious. I looked at all of the positive things I ever tried to do here at GA and on my site and questioned their worth and their effectivness. Then I started to feel dumb for even thinking that my work could compare to everyone else on the Hosted page.

Welcome to the club :) I know that sound facetious, but I've been through the same thing. I've heard my name mentioned at the same time as other authors that I think stand head-and-shoulders above me, and it's taken over a year for me to accept that, maybe, I'm as good as them.


I felt like I needed some time to think and to decide what the hell I was doing here. But you know what? I know what I'm doing here. I already knew better than to compare myself to the other authors on the hosted page because there's no comparison. I have my own style, and they each have their's. Is one better than the other? Perhaps, but that's not up to me to decide, it's up to the readers.

So I'm done sulking and feeling bad about myself. I can just chalk that up to another lesson learned and move on.

It is extremely difficult for an author to judge their own work. I think this is because readers only see the end product, while the author sees all the options that were considered, maybe even tried, and then discarded. When an author has a style that is quite distinct, like yours, it becomes even more difficult. The same goes for subject matter. Different subjects have different target audiences. You can't really compare a horror writer with a romance writer -- the reader are generally too different and are looking for different things from the author. Nothing you write will every appeal to everyone -- that's just a fact and just because some people don't like a story, that means nothing more than those people didn't like it.


I'm probably still not going to be on as much, but I will be updating my stories regularly. it's what I love to do, and I'm not going to let the words of one person affect what I do with my life.

My comment on your last blog entry still applies. Everyone needs a balance in what they are doing. If that balance means you take more time away from the internet, then that's the balance you need. Don't worry about it and just enjoy yourself.


Graeme :)

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Your a great writer probably my favorite one thats not like a professional and what not. I also admire you to for having the courage the post your stories on a website where you never kno how people will take it. Something i wish i had the balls to do with my stuff.


Keep up the good work and don't let anyone effect your state of mind. Its not worth letting stuff get to you just because someone says something that hurts not matter who says it. ^_^

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A lot of people have asked me why I'm not posted at GA. I usually kinda blow off the question but the real reason is that I don't think my work is good enough to be here.


Not sure if that means anything to you.

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Hey Nick,


Everyone of us have had times, many times, where we've contemplated the way that we're doing things. With us as authors our characters and such come into play with our writing and our writing styles. So that when people are judging our stories people are also judging us. Not really as people, but sometimes it's hard to take. I know I've personally been compared to a lot of different authors. I'm sure you have as well.


I remember being compared to an author. The person listed everything that the author does and everything that I fell short on in comparison. Let me tell you, I fell short on a lot of them, if not everything he mentioned. That I needed to do a lot of different things before I can call myself a writer and such. I've not done any of those as I'm not that author. I wouldn't want to be.


Anyway, what needs to be understood is that none of us are the same person. To expect the same thing isn't fair and isn't really respecting what we do in our writing. I only asked him after everything he said was, "Are you a fan of me?" When he answered, "Yeah, I am," I left it at that. Even if he had said no it wouldn't have changed anything. I've learned to stop trying to please everyone and started working on writing the stories that I set out writing. The way that I wanted to, the ideas that I had, and the characters that are part of them. I don't turn a blind eye on criticim, only comparisons.


Take all the time you need to settle and do everything so that you can continue writing. You bring something to the site, even if that ONE person doesn't appreciate it.



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I'm glad you're feeling better now, Nick!


I can't really add anything to what the others have said, except to assure you that I definitely think you belong here, as I'm sure you're aware I'm a huge fan of your work, and as a person you're second to none.




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