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I had a dream about Domluka



Wow, you know it's bad when you start dreaming about Dom :blink:


Last night I had a very vivid dream about Dom. I don't usually remember my dreams, but this one stuck out.


So anyway, here's what I remember...


It starts out with me checking GA and finding that Dom has blogged again. I was sooo excited, that I considered updating my signature to say 'Domluka has reemerged again', but decided it was more important to read his latest blog entry.


Dom said a few things, like why he was busy and such (work, new bf, blah blah blah), but then he also said he was working on a new project, where he and the bf were making short movies. He posted a link to the movie, so of course I clicked on it.


The movie starts off with Dom sitting at his desk talking to the camera. Do you remember Danny the gay guy from Real World New Orleans? That's what Dom looked like :wub: , with a slight beard. He then introduces his bf who looked how I imagined Riley from TLW/ITFB would look like. It was a pleasant surprise to see that Dom was dating someone like that.


Anywho, I don't remember the entire movie, but there's this scene where Dom & the BF where dresses as cute little puppies with floppy ears and such and they were on their hands and knees pretending they were dogs. At one point Dom was play pouting as his BF was coming up from behind. Dom pouted into the camera, 'please don't hurt me'.


And then all I remember next was the movie ending with credits saying it was owned by HBO :blink: .


So anyway, that was my Domluka dream. I'm sure there are all kinds of symbolisms & Freudian type things to find in there. Weird....


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It must be the withdrawal symptoms.


Damn you for getting me laugh so hard!!!


Perhaps, it is a distress signal from Dom who is really being hurt by his bf and is calling SuperVic, saviour of Dom and domaholics! :P



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It must be the withdrawal symptoms.

Perhaps, it is a distress signal from Dom who is really being hurt by his bf and is calling SuperVic, saviour of Dom and domaholics!


:o OMG! what if you're right?


I'm not sure if I should be happy that Dom & I have a mental connection, or sad that Dom's in trouble then.

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