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Concentration... or should I say, "Lack thereof,"

I recently started taking Wellbutrin. It seems like ever since I started taking it, I have a hard time concentrating for any length of time. I can't write very much, and reading seems to be just as difficult. It's really frustrating too. I like to get lost in a story whether I'm a reader or an author. It's like Wellbutrin does something in my brain that makes it difficult to focus. It does seem to improve my moods though. Hopefully I will adjust soon and my brain will be able to function. I'm also starting to wonder if I have a shortage of dopamine. Dopamine gives a person a sense of pleasure. Thus, if dopamine is low, there is not as much motivation to complete tasks that are pleasurable. For me writing is extremely pleasurable and so is reading for that matter. I hope the medication isn't to blame. It's difficult to say at this point. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.


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But definately log stuff like this and tell the doctor next time you see them. They may agree something else is out of whack, or consider prescribing some other med... I personally got lucky that the first one I tried, prozac, seems to do it for me, but each person is different and knowing all of what is going on with you, they can hopefully tweak things to just help work on the moods without distracting you...



old bob


Follow Treb's advice !

The worst thing to do is to stop the medication without talking to your doc.



If you're looking for more dopamine, well you got the right medicine. Wellbutrin increases the amount of dopamine in the brain, they give it to people with Parkinson's Disease, but like all brain medicines it takes a while to get the brain to respond.


I thought it was doing pretty good until I had a personal crisis, then it didn't seem to be able to handle the overload and I had to go back to a SSRI. I wish you luck, though, because Wellbutrin is well known for its non interference with libido and the physical response thereto. ;)



Actually, it seems to have the opposite effect on my libido. :*)


As for a crisis, I think I would opt to ask the doctor about a medication for anxiety if that's ever a concern. ;)

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