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Boyfriend to Rehome



Boyfriend is tall and pretty. He may require training to pick up after himself. He is very loyal, but may experience separation anxiety if you go anywhere without him. He can get very loud about it when you come home, so he


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Wow! It's great to hear from you! I hope you do eventually get back to writing, because your stories are totally awesome!

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So where are these chapters? And I hope all works out with you and your boyfriend.. *gives you lots of luck* sounds like you'll need it with him. :P hehehe.



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Um - I think the whole point of the boyfriend post is that he is GETTING RID of the old one - the one that doesn't like Dom cheating with "books".


Dom - SO FANTASTIC to have you back... and take your time in writing or not writing - just knowing that you are around is enough for now. <HUG>

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Wow, I wasn't even sure if we would ever here from you again!! I'm glad your well and I hope to hear from your you in your writings in the near future. If anything please always drop us a line, and let us know how your doing, cause a lot of people care about you and not just your stories. Peace, take care!

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This is definitely interesting. I "discovered" your stories after your "disappearance" and had pretty much relegated you to the ranks of the missing authors, possibly never to be heard from again. I'm quite surprised to read this, and glad that all seems to be well with you. Maybe you don't even realise that you've gained fans in your absence, but you have. I just thought you might like to know that.

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"So Michael did you get what you always wanted for Christmas?" The man asked the child who sat in front of the computer screen with a big smile, without bothering to look away from the screen the boy nods eagerly in excitement.


"What was it that you wanted again?" The man asked confused, noticing nothing new in Michael

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Wow nice to see ya back :)

I actually just started reading 1 of your stories about 3 days ago. DomLuka the man who has me staying up till 9am.

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Um - I think the whole point of the boyfriend post is that he is GETTING RID of the old one - the one that doesn't like Dom cheating with "books".

Really, it's a testament to Dom's amazing writing skills that he sounds so fond of this guy in the BF description. I kept expecting some endearing qualities to come up!


Good to hear from you, Dom! ^_^

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Wow... this is what happens after I get a night drinking vodka with friends and bitching about my boyfriend -- DomLuka returns! I should do the vodka/bitching more often, apparently it has great returns...




I'm sobbing with happines, btw. Just thought you should know.

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Wow, a blog entry *by* DomLuka! I'd given up on that ever happening. Great that you're back! :D I've been enjoying your stories so much, now there's even a chance that there'll be more of them...

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Oh, Dom!! I am glad you are still among the living. I was extremely worried about you, but tried not to bug you if you were busy.


Sorry about the BF situation.


Take all the time you need to straighten things out. I will be here whennever you are ready to return to us.




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  • Site Moderator

Welcome Back Dom. I can wait for another chapter. It will make that much better when it's posted.



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Dear Dom,


Don't dissapear on us ever again! I was so worried something horrible would had happen to you D= *sends hugs and e-cookies*


Take all the time you need writing, I'm just so happy you're here again, I don't care if you need another year to post a chapter!





PS: Seeing you wrote a blog post made me cry a little... *sob* *is happy*

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