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"And the reason is you...."

Alright so because I didn’t explain it before and I’m sick of people bugging me about it, I figure I’ll post what happened here so you can all get your fill and stop asking me. Part of me didn’t want to post something like this because it had the potential to be somewhat negative and I was trying to stay positive about the whole situation. Well f**K that. I’m pissed so here goes nothing.


I’ll start by posting the letter I wrote to him making it official that we broke up. This isn’t word for word because I changed some of it, but you’ll get the main points.


I’ve never had to do this before so I’m sorry if it turns out bad, but it’s hard for me. Earlier today I had so many reasons why we shouldn’t be together, but when I’m sitting next to you, I just forget everything. You have that effect on me because I still do love you, but that love has been starting to fade.


I’ve been trying to stay positive and think that it can all work out with us, and maybe it could, but I’m not in the right state of mind to do it. I need professional help because I can’t do this myself, and it’s not fair for me to ask you to put your life on hold while I try and fix mine. It’s not going to be quick, and I’ll probably get much worse before I get better, but I know I won’t be able to handle any type of relationship while I’m doing it.


Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am. I never intended to hurt you, and it kills me even more to know that I am. I didn’t want to lead you on, but like you said, depression doesn’t fade quickly. When you grabbed my hand and started holding me, everything felt better at the time, but I knew it really wasn’t.


You have every right to hate me and never talk to me again, but I truly hope you don’t. I do want to be friends with you. You’ve been such an important influence on me and I don’t want to lose that. I know it’ll take time for both of us to heal, but I’m willing to wait for that friendship. If you don’t think it’s possible, I’ll respect that too. I want what’s best for you even if it doesn’t seem like it.


You’re an amazing guy and deserve someone just as great, not someone who’s on the verge of hitting rock bottom. I want you to move on so you can be happy with your life. The longer you hold on to me, the more it will hurt later on.


I’m sorry I had to write this in a letter, but I’m not good with words. Call me a pussy, or an inconsiderate, full-of-shit jackass, but I’m not able to do this around you because it hurts so much. Forgive me if I drop this off and go, but staying would just make things worse. We’ve found that out already. I have trouble expressing my emotions, and it’s something I need to fix, but I’m not going to drag you down with me while I do it.


No matter what you might be thinking about me right now, I do love you and I always will. You have a special place in my heart, but I need to do this for me. I’m sorry, Mason.


You know what I got in response to that letter? Nothing. Not one word.


Basically it was a selfish reason to break up. With the stress that I’ve been under from school, work, family, friends, and our relationship, I was starting to crack. I was in a deep depression that I couldn’t work myself out of. I needed to do something to help myself before I did something I would regret. Without all the boring details, I moved back in with my brother and sister, cut back on some hours at work, and tried to patch things up with my mom. Too early to tell if it’s helping, but we’ll see.


When I was on my way to class this morning it was 40 outside. Tad bit chilly. I couldn’t find my nice jacket that I always wore, so I sent Mason a text asking him if he had it. Mistake #1 for me. I knew he had it because it was in his car the day we broke up. He flat out lies to me and says he doesn’t have it. I confront him about it and just say “It was in your car…”. Mistake #2 for me. I get the following in return.


“Ok. Jacket for Xbox.” He was referring to the Xbox he got me for my birthday. Which in all honesty, I would have given him, but I was about to start a final exam and needed a few minutes to look over my notes (which I didn’t have time to do) and couldn’t respond right away. Apparently he thought this was a no and went off on me. “Or better yet jacket for 9 months of wasted life. You would hit me up for some material bullshit. Prick.” I should have just left it alone at that and walked away, but I didn’t. Mistake #3 for me.


Still trying to be nice about things, I said “Sorry you felt the 9 months were wasted because they weren’t for me”. I guess I didn’t get the memo saying that no matter what I said, I would still be looking like an ass. His response: “Well I’m glad I made a good stepping stone for you”. Let’s just say it went downhill from there. I completely lost it and started going off on him while at the same time confiding in him. I told him something that I haven’t told another person. Mistake #4 for me. I haven’t told my parents, siblings, or even my best friend. Instead of being the bigger person, he threw what I had to say back in my face and called me a cowardly and disrespectful.


I finally made the right decision and sent this: “I’m done. I really do wish you the best of luck in life. I know you’ll go far and I’m sorry I can’t be part of it but you’ve made that clear so far. Good luck and good by Mason.” Never got a response from that.


So I get paid today. I was going to check my balance to see what I had in there before I got paid. Turns out I’m $150 over drafted now. I gave him a check for his mom for $200 at the beginning of October for rent. Apparently they decided yesterday was a good day to cash it. I assumed it had already gone through and didn’t plan my budgeting around it. Mistake #5 for me. I’m a f**king dumbass I guess. Now I have absolutely no money in my account, my check will cover the overdraft and fees, but not much more than that. This means I’m screwed for the next 2 weeks.


On the ‘bright side’, my student loan hasn’t gone through yet. I have to pay by 5:00 today or I’m not going to be going to Northwood next term. I guess some time off would be good, but that totally f**ks me over overall. There’s no way I can get the money in time, and I don’t know if it’s Citi’s fault or Northwood’s (most likely NU), but it doesn’t look good for me right now.


I had planned on saving some money and driving back up to Missouri to my parent’s house with my brother and sister for Thanksgiving. Today’s events completely f**K me over for that so I’ll most likely be at home alone on Thanksgiving. I guess that’s a step up from last year when I was working a 12 hour shift on Thanksgiving Day.


Speaking of long shifts, I now have a Sunday shift that starts at 11:00am and doesn’t end until midnight or later. And because there’s only a few of us closing that night, I’ll most likely have to close an area by myself again because the managers all seem to take advantage of the fact that I’m the only one that’s not a dumbass and is able to do it the right way, by myself, and not be there until 3am. Of course even when I do twice the amount of work (when we usually have 2 people closing that area and I’m doing it alone) I’m still getting paid the same, or less than some of the others working. Which is fine because we all started at the same time and it’s been less than 2 months, but when I specifically come to you and ask you for the most possible hours I can get (which used to be overtime scheduling, but now it’s right at 40) and you give me 33 while people that started one week ago are making 39 hours, that’s what pisses me off. Not being scheduled for overtime is one thing, but when new employees have a higher standing than I do when it comes to getting hours, I get a little bit pissed off.


Add to all of this that I’ve lost 15% of my bodyweight in the last 2-3 months, I’ve been physically ill on and off and it’s starting to take a toll on me. My body hates me, that’s for damn sure. I rarely eat enough, and even on the off chance that I do eat enough, it never has the nutrients I need. My body has been living on caffeine and ibuprofen for a while now though so it’s starting to get used to it at least. I can stay up for 20 hours without hesitation now. Usually 4 hours is good enough sleep to make it through the day.


Mistake #6 for me. I just responded to another text he sent me calling me an immature prick. In a nice way though. He said he wanted to be on good terms, but then added the part about “just wanting to let me know” that I’m a dumbass. Thanks. Appreciate that one, but I think it’s a little late to be on good terms with him right now. My blood pressure is through the roof and my mind doesn’t know what to do.


Score one for me though. I turned off my phone for now. So if any of you are thinking about texting or calling me… don’t.


It’s time for me to go find something to do to take my mind off all this before I have to go into work and start snapping at people (employees and customers) for being absolutely retarded.


Final Score:

Dumbass: 6 Joe: 1




P.S. Just in case you didn’t get the context, the song the title of my blog is referring to is The Reason by Hoobastank. I’ll leave the lyrics in a comment below.


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I'm not a perfect person

There's many things I wish I didn't do

But I continue learning

I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know


I've found out a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you


I'm sorry that I hurt you

It's something I must live with everyday

And all the pain I put you through

I wish that I could take it all away

And be the one who catches all your tears

Thats why i need you to hear


I've found out a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is You


and the reason is You [x3]


I'm not a perfect person

I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know


I've found out a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you


I've found a reason to show

A side of me you didn't know

A reason for all that I do

And the reason is you



The xbox is yours, it was a birthday present, not an engagement ring.


Not trying to sound all wise sage-y, but you're both saying things out of anger and hurt (probably him moreso than you). He's probably just trying to make you feel what he considers a little bit of the pain that he's currently feeling.


You both can't rush through all the emotions, just keep it in the back of your mind that you do want to one day be friends with him. So don't do any permanent damage.


Take care of yourself Joseph :)



Chill out both of you into neutral corners.

Take counsel to a best friend or whomever is of good support to you.

Yes take care of your well being.

Understand its hard on him also about the breakup.

Its out of sync with the letter you sent.

Both are you are making mistakes in the breakup.

Thats ok but stop pointing fingers to win a battle.

There is none to win.

I know it hurts but let it slide.

He will come around as soon as the breakup sinks in.

Gosh you two invested time in each other and I hope unconditional love was the basis.

Both of you are human beings.

Human beings make mistakes and learn from them over time.

If he wishes to apologized for how he took the breakup then be gratuitous to accept.

If the bottomline both of you remain friends then that's a plus.

You can not afford to have an enemy.

I am not sure how long it will take for him to see he's been a jerk or not.

I also hope if either one of you need each other as a friend that you or he would be there for each other.

I will pray for you and him.

Be good to yourself and take care.

Masked Monkey




You know I understand and live with depression. Nobody can say what the right thing is but you. You handle things how you have to handle them at the same time you seek help on how to handle them "better" or "different" or how you just wish they could be handled. In time things will change. I'm sure Mason is upset that you didn't give him a choice in that matter. This simple detail is probably the most important thing in relationships and probably the hardest thing for someone with depression to understand. In fact, I totally failed to mention it when talking to you because, quite frankly, in my state of mind, I forgot. Let him be mad at you, let him be a jerk, let him vent his anger and frustration how he needs to as long as it isn't AT you. You made a choice for YOUR life because of the realities of YOUR situation.



As for the bank, calling and begging to have the fees reversed. If the balance is covered (and you don't have a habit of overdrawing) they may be willing to work with you. Oh, and sob stories about roommates depositing checks early never hurt. Remember, all they can say is "no" and you might get a few bucks back







Joe, I continue to struggle with depression myself. It doesn't make you a pussy. It's a combination of life's events and the chemicals in your brain. The important thing is getting better. I'm not going to say if it was the right decision or not, because I don't really know for sure. I will say that you do need to fix the problem before you start a relationship with anyone else though. It's important to be at a better place so that you can give of yourself completely. Keep your head up. You'll get better. Try meditation. It does seem to help. If you want, I can send you a link to a good one. :hug:

Mark Arbour


Wow. That really sucks. Vic's right, the X Box is yours.


I tried to put myself in the other guy's shoes, just because that's an asshole thing to do and, well if the shoe fits... So you broke up with him and told him it's because you in essence need to go find yourself. If it was me, I'd feel totally rejected, and I'd also feel like there was something really wrong with me that you weren't telling me, and then I'd probably get all paranoid and become irrational. The way I would deal with that is to get angry and strike back. I'd be meaner than I ever thought I'd be, and say things I wish I could take back. And then when I finally calmed down and the pain ebbed, I'd feel horribly guilty, terrible, and it would be a whole different pain until I could make things right.


This guy probably isn't like me, because how many people can really be that awesome? :huh: But if he is, and you really want to help him, be there at the end to forgive him. Then you can be his friend.





I don't have an opinion.





smells like one of those things (just from what you've posted. clearly i don't know the whole situation) that could end up in you guys getting back together.


also: the financial aid offices of most universities are EXTREMELY UNDERSTANDING and if you talk to them, there's a chance they'll give you additional money (this happened for me.) you just have to show them that you're not deadweight to the university and that your situation is difficult (and living on your on at your age while trying to attend school, i would say you have some ammunition.)








No words of wisdom from me. Just my sincere hope that both of you make a smooth landing.


The game of love is a contact sport which leaves bruises in curious places.





I'll say this... he's probably deeply hurt by the fact that you made this decision that affects both your lives without giving him much say in it. He probably felt committed to you and is badly torn up over your decision and can't think straight about anything and is himself in a less than perfectly sane emotional state, which is where the comments about wasted time and wanting gifts back are coming from.


As Snowy said, you made a decision that you think is best for you given your situation - a decision which you also made on his behalf without his consent which affects him deeply, too - and I'll not say one way or the other that this was good or bad in the long run because that can not be seen - but it has certain consequences for both of you in the meantime.


Specifically - You won't be friends for a long while. Emotions are way too strong right now for friends to work. It is best to give each other space, probably for a few months, before trying to be friends again.


I'm sorry to hear things are getting so rough for you Joey :hug:



:( So sorry to hear this Joe, I do hope things get better for you. I hope you and Mason can salvage you friendship in the future. I do wish you would take care of yourself, losing weight is not good. And depression sucks. Need anything let me know. Take care!



Mark Arbour


So I'm wondering, now that it's been a while, what's going on? Have you talked to this guy lately?


Those of us with boring lives need to live vicariously through guys like you.





Maybe you remember how we had a talk on 3 am in morning in your time zone (5 am EST), but I'm very sad to hear about this. Also if u need money, I would give a little to you so u can stay in education because you're a great guy, keeping this warm network of LGBTQ and straight people together through talking, writing stories, and sharing our lives... I hope u will find the rightful path back to the rightful track of life.


If u need a talk, u have my screenname on AIM or pm me and I will send you my sn and we can have the talk again like we did a long time ago...


John :hug:

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