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Hope, it all comes down to hope...



So it's been an eventful week.


We got approved for our loan modification, I'm two weeks away from getting my substantial raise, one of my very best friends from work got transferred, someone gossiped to me and I acted like a total girl about it, but then I came to my senses (thank you Chris) and we're fine. There was more drama at work, and it wasn't about me, I got volunteered to do the monthly newsletter for in-store communication, and we did 'Go RED' Friday.


It's been raining for two days straight (I know, but I'm Californian) and I'm tired of having to paddle my car down the street to work, not to mention what it does to my hair. Also, along with rain, tends to come cold, and I'm a fan of the warmth myself.


Last night I went to meet Steve and hang out. It was sort of a family night, but it was cool, and also cold. We had dinner and watched some likely inebriated diner being escorted out of the restaurant and then off the property by the police for allegedly groping a waitress. Then we went to the movies and saw 'He's Just Not That Into You'. I'll admit I was worried by the choice, but also, I'm really glad we saw it and also, I LOVED it. It's exactly the type of thing I love, the inter-personal relationships between people. Friends, lovers, sisters, families, exes. It's learning who you are and what you want, and compromising, and standing up for yourself, and fighting for what you want, need. It's knowing when to stop, it's being true to yourself, it''s realizing that your actions have a profound effect on others and that means that you have a responsiblility that goes along with that. At the end though, was the message that I wave around all the time and still stand by and believe. Some people might say I'm overly optimistic, or not being realistic, or that I open myself up too much, that I'm inviting pain, but I still say it's all worth it.




Obviously I'm not saying that hoping for something makes it happen. What I am saying is that if you are convinced you won't ever get it, or it won't ever happen for you, it won't. I'm saying don't count yourself out of something you want, need, because it might not be easy or likely or typical. It all comes down to hope...


Anyway, I'll leave you with this thing I did on Facebook... Feel free to leave 25 facts about you as a comment. It's pretty fun and interesting to see what people find intereting enough to tell other people about themselves.


25 Facts About Me

1. My parents didn't name me, their Buddhist priest? did.


2. I'm an orphan, have been for 11 years now.


3. I've been (the same) someone's significant other longer than I haven't been.


4. I definitely have oral fixation issues, but I try to use it for good and not evil.


5. I did every grade and graduated high school when I was 16.


6. I fall in love with everyone just a little.


7. If you let me, I'll know you better than you know yourself.


8. When I dream, I don't remember anything when I wake up... unless it's a sex dream.


9. I write gay romantic fiction because I love boys, especially when they're not being 'boys'.


9. I'll admit, I have a favorite fireman that comes into my work, but for some reason he only shows up when I'm touring 30 2nd graders around on the Healthy Eaters Tour and we're doing the 'Eat 5 to Stay Alive' cheer and then he always looks at me like he can't decide if he's amused or feels sorry for me.


10. I had the same Spanish teacher as my kid brother and my daughter.


11. I have a child who looks nothing like me, but loves me more than anything.


12. I love to dance, but no one will dance with me so I end up being that girl that's just sort of bouncing around slightly hoping someone will get the hint... but it never happens.


13. I don't like coffee, or tea, and only on rare ocassions will I drink hot chocolate.


14. I was a Girl Scout and a Girl Scout Leader.


15. I SUCK AT MATH! Well, that's only partly true... I do just fine until you start adding letters in there, then you can forget it.


16. People have a hard time finding something to use to tease me about so they typically default to my height, or lack thereof.


17. Recently, people I know have been selling me out! Like on Christmas, when my sister-in-law told Rich that I was just trying to show her a picture of this cute (possibly the prettiest boy around) guy and he was all hmmmmmmm.


18. I'm the sex answers and advice guru to everyone I know, and I think it's cool, even if it does get me into some weird situations/conversations.


19. I still say awesome and rad.


20. The last concert I went to was Bon Jovi and Extreme more than half my lifetime ago.


21. I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up, so I don't. Maybe in another 11 years when my kids are grown, I'll take my turn.


22. For being as opposite as we are in almost everything, Rich is my best friend and I love him like you have no idea.


23. I think one of the best things about our relationship is that we got to grow up together, and I LOVE seeing him become the man I know he is.


24. I'm really good at schmoozing with people, but I secretly hate it, cause it's fake. I hate fake.


25. I wear the same size shoes and bra that I did in the 8th grade. I'm also the same height as I was in the 8th grade. I don't wear the aqua green eyeliner anymore though.



Rich was measuring the kids the other day and they wanted him to measure me, too, and it seems number 25 is false! Apparently sometime in the past few years, I've grown 1 1/4 inches... leaving me a towering 5'4 1/4"





Recommended Comments

That Chris guy sounds really freaking wise!


I agree optimism is important, but sometimes, ekkeh.


4: ha!

6: um, yeah.

8: hee!

12: after you move.

15: see 4?

23: cough.

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