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Someone actually said that? I had to delurk just to express my :blink: over the very idea.


Also, where does one find these mythical Members Choice Awards? I poked around the site, but I totally failed to find them.

Yeppers, there they are! (if you're good we'll give you links to lotsa other mythical entities too. How would you like to see a unicorn?)


BTW, we're glad to see ya delurking! Always nice when one more pair of eyes in the shadows turns into a face :D

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Ahh yes, as I recall he got on that boat when he suggested that he didn't want a sex scene between Jude and Quinn! My how time does fly!



Someone actually said that? I had to delurk just to express my :blink: over the very idea.


There is an entire faction of Domaholic's who actually prefer not to read any sex scenes in Dom's stories.


We don't understand them, but we still accept and support them for who they are. :D


Here's a link to the Sex Scenes thread where this topic was discussed.





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What I'd like to see is the result of the member choice awards but in the past,, not just the 2007 one....


Have you thought about using the 'Search' feature? Perhaps searching for keyword 'Awards' in the Lounge? I believe you'd find the 2006 & 2005 Awards.

Edited by NaperVic
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here you go... :)

Thank you!


Yeppers, there they are! (if you're good we'll give you links to lotsa other mythical entities too. How would you like to see a unicorn?)

This unicorn thing isn't going to be like the time I tried to buy that lovely beach-front mansion in Nebraska, is it? :unsure:


There is an entire faction of Domaholic's who actually prefer not to read any sex scenes in Dom's stories.


We don't understand them, but we still accept and support them for who they are. :D

See, I can totally understand not liking sex scenes in general (or, at least, I can understand that some people don't like them), and there are a lot of stories where it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference whether or not they were included, but I just feel like sex is so tied in to all of Quinn's issues that ToU would have been a totally different story without the smut.


And thanks, everyone, for the welcome. I've been hanging around here for almost two years, so I guess it's about time I actually, you know, said something.

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...but I just feel like sex is so tied in to all of Quinn's issues that ToU would have been a totally different story without the smut.


Smut?? Smut!! Dom does not write smut. :angry: And I agree with your assessment of Quinn's issues.



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This unicorn thing isn't going to be like the time I tried to buy that lovely beach-front mansion in Nebraska, is it? :unsure:



NOOOOO, of course not! Just email your credit card number to UnicornScam@bigripoff.com B)


See, I can totally understand not liking sex scenes in general (or, at least, I can understand that some people don't like them), and there are a lot of stories where it wouldn't make a whole lot of difference whether or not they were included, but I just feel like sex is so tied in to all of Quinn's issues that ToU would have been a totally different story without the smut.

I agree! That is a good assessment...though again using the word "smut" might have Vic and Sharon exiling you to that boat for even longer :blink:

And thanks, everyone, for the welcome. I've been hanging around here for almost two years, so I guess it's about time I actually, you know, said something.


You mean yours was the pair of eyes that's been staring for all this time! :-o


I hate that my quote button doesnt work.

Ohhhh, I hate that too!


It does happen from time to time. I just click mine like mad till it works!


Take care all


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Man, its been quiet around here lately.

There's no news. Dom's fans are thinning in numbers due to the lack of new chapters being released. No one seems to know his situation. He hasn't even been reading PMs sent to him (my last was on 11/22/07). I fear we may never hear from him. That's a sad thing to contemplate - a great loss to the community.

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There's no news. Dom's fans are thinning in numbers due to the lack of new chapters being released. No one seems to know his situation. He hasn't even been reading PMs sent to him (my last was on 11/22/07). I fear we may never hear from him. That's a sad thing to contemplate - a great loss to the community.



I just was about to come on here and say that I finished reading in the fish bowl again today and that I cant wait for the story to be finished. But maybe it never will be.

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The second author I am recommending goes by the pen name of JFinn and is the other brilliant author that I just adore. My favourite story is the longest and called The Human Condition (start with this), it does have a little angst but it has a good ending and the temporary heartbreak is worth it. Here is a link to the story it is great and if you are ever just surfing the net looking for something to do take the time to read this story you will not regret it. http://archerland.disbelieve.org/jfinn.htm


Oh, just a little factoid, but Dom has mentioned in the past that Jfinn's 'The Human Condition' is one of his favourites. (See this blog)


The Human Condition (actual link) was one of the first online stories I ever read after a friend sent me a link when I was complaining about how everything I was finding on nifty at the time was quick fix material and nothing with any real depth. About a week after I read it I posted the first chapter of TLW, something I probably wouldn't have done before because I was afraid I'd get flamed for lack of...smut?


Take Care

Edited by NaperVic
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The second author I am recommending goes by the pen name of JFinn and is the other brilliant author that I just adore. My favourite story is the longest and called The Human Condition (start with this), it does have a little angst but it has a good ending and the temporary heartbreak is worth it. Here is a link to the story it is great and if you are ever just surfing the net looking for something to do take the time to read this story you will not regret it. http://archerland.disbelieve.org/jfinn.htm



Oh, just a little factoid, but Dom has mentioned in the past that Jfinn's 'The Human Condition' is one of his favourites. (See this blog)

Yes, I recall this!


The Human Condition is indeed an excellent story! Definitely one of my all time favourites!!

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Oh, just a little factoid, but Dom has mentioned in the past that Jfinn's 'The Human Condition' is one of his favourites. (See this blog)



I can not believe you actually stuck that 'u' in there. Snap out of it !!! :wacko:


It's the new in gay thing that Kevin's been pushing. The extra U's are growing on me because it makes us sound posh B) .


Let's just hope the strVIII guys don't start copying us. :angry:

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It's the new in gay thing that Kevin's been pushing. The extra U's are growing on me because it makes us sound posh B) .


Let's just hope the strVIII guys don't start copying us. :angry:

:blink: um I don;t mean to disturb an inside joke but I just have to ask. Does the the "u" thing refer to spelling? I read sat8997 comment and I got confused. The only "u" thing I could see that was odd was that your the first American who I've seen spell words in a typically commonwealth fashion. Don't americans usually spell favourite without the "u"?.


Cheers from one confused Canadian,'


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:blink: um I don;t mean to disturb an inside joke but I just have to ask. Does the the "u" thing refer to spelling? I read sat8997 comment and I got confused. The only "u" thing I could see that was odd was that your the first American who I've seen spell words in a typically commonwealth fashion. Don't americans usually spell favourite without the "u"?.


Cheers from one confused Canadian,'



Hi there,


MJ I believe that's exactly the "u" Sharon and Vic were referring to. And yip - as far as I know but I might not even be the appropriate person to have a say in this - US Americans usually do not use the "u" in words where British English - or rather Commonwealth community - would use one. Has this fashion of adapting to Britishness something to do with Madonna starting to speak with a British accent? :wacko:


Dunno - and I'm rambling, which I tend to do because what I really want to say is: I miss Dom and I miss his stories. Although I've got a new addiction - so to speak - "Grey's Anatomy" it is just not the same as reading Dom's stories. I really do hope that he's doing fine and that his absence from the board means that he has a merry good ol' fabulous time!




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It's the new in gay thing that Kevin's been pushing. The extra U's are growing on me because it makes us sound posh B) .


Let's just hope the strVIII guys don't start copying us. :angry:


Yeah well...no offense to Kevin and his campaign for a new fad :blink: , it does not make you sound posh. I can't tell you in public what it makes you sound like B) (well I could but I've been doing so well with mellow) so sign yourself into MSN once in a while so I can. I don't have to be nice there. :P



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:blink: um I don;t mean to disturb an inside joke but I just have to ask. Does the the "u" thing refer to spelling? I read sat8997 comment and I got confused. The only "u" thing I could see that was odd was that your the first American who I've seen spell words in a typically commonwealth fashion. Don't americans usually spell favourite without the "u"?.


Cheers from one confused Canadian,'


If you haven't already, you may be interested in reading the thread D*mn British Influence.

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