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Billy Chase


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Com ... please don't take the Jimmy storyline to a sad place. you're stories always make me cry like a total girl when you get sad.


loving the new chapters though. you've really captured that excitement of meeting someone you like and who likes you back. i giggled all the way through reading it.

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omg when i 1st started reading this story and he was talking about jimmy and i was like "that kids totally gay" and then he was like giving away all his shit u know and i was like "hes gonna kill himself" lol... i totally know all the signs hahahah



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  • 8 months later...

As I read I couldn't help but to feel really sorry to Billy. I didn't blame Lee, after all Joanna is his friend, so he had to take her side. That's what I would have done. I blame Sam. Squarely and Joanna too. Well, Joanna is a bitch if she could do that to her boyfriend's best friend. But Sam is a TOTAL TRAITOR !! He threw away years of frendship. Stabing someone who cares for him and thought of him as the only one who would never betray him. He took Billy's hand and, with smile, stab him. Then he goes off with Joanna and leaves Billy there. Abandoned, bleeding, dying.... Years of companionship dissapeared !


He knew Joanna was Billy's girlfriend, yet, he welcpmed her approaches, that's of she begun the approached instead of him. he knew what would happen. He knew he'd betray his best friend. One who had been there for him throughout the dark times. One whom he had known practically all his life. One who shared memories of the hill. The laughs and tears of early adolescence. Yet, he decided to reward this one person, who cares for him, who loves him, with the most painful of betrayals. Wanton girl-snatching. On top of it all, he still tried to reason to Billy. WTF !! Why wouldn't Sam put himself on Billy's shoes ? Try to feel the pain of betrayal. Try too feel the hurt when someone you would do anything for betray you.....


That's what Billy is feeling. The pain of betrayal increased manifold because of the person who done the act. The one person Billy thought would NEVER hurt him. The humiliation of having your best friend and your girlfriend laughing brhind your back ! All the while your heart is breaking..... Well, I saw that coming. Sam would not want to burden himself with guilt or remorse. After all, he got the prize. No matter he had to stab someone at the back. No matter the someone have always been there for him. No matter the someone always welcome him with open arms and a smile on his face. For ONE moment in bliss, he destroyed his best friend. He killed his brother, really. Or rather, leaving him bleeding to death....


In ONE stroke Sam ended years of friendship, of camaradrie, of dreams shared together, of moments spent under cerulean sky. In that one stroke, when his best friend Billy was smiling and, as always, without suspicions of him, Sam stabbed Billy. Humiliate him. Making him the butt of jokes. If this is what Sam did to one he had known for all his life, to one who helped him through everything, then I don't wanna think what Sam would do to someone he barely knows....


Did Billy ended the friendship ? NO ! There are some things a man can not accept. There are some things that should never be forgiven. This is one such thing. Billy did the right thing. When someone so dear to you, someone to whom you feel nothing but trust, someone you always help, someone you thought would NEVER hurt you intentionally, when someone like this betray you early in life, there's no telling what he would do later in life. Billy cut Sam out. Well and good. That's what he should do. Billy does not need someone like Sam.


Oh well, I'm ranting. I hope not too boring =) As always, a touching story Comsie :2thumbs:


Cheers you all !



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((Hugz)) Rad! Thanks dude! The new "Billy Chase" chapters will be out soon, and I hope you like those too. It's a screwed up situation with him and Sam, and I've been there myself. More than once, unfortunately. Still, I'm watching out for my boy. Promise! :)

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((Hugz)) Rad! Thanks dude! The new "Billy Chase" chapters will be out soon, and I hope you like those too. It's a screwed up situation with him and Sam, and I've been there myself. More than once, unfortunately. Still, I'm watching out for my boy. Promise! :)


Woooww..... you've been there. Well, I have no right to tell you what to do. Just curious, what did you do with these traitors ? Admittedly, I've never been in one of those situations, but I've been called up to make a stance to this friend or another a couple of times.


Solomonic wisdom :king: if two friends call upon you to be judge between them, don't accept it because you will lose one friend. If two strangers come with the same request, accept it. because you will gain a friend.


Cheers ! :lmao:



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  • 2 weeks later...
Com ... please don't take the Jimmy storyline to a sad place. you're stories always make me cry like a total girl when you get sad.


loving the new chapters though. you've really captured that excitement of meeting someone you like and who likes you back. i giggled all the way through reading it.


I just read Bill Chase. Started at the beginning. I've read chapters 1 till 48 now, took me two weeks or something;

I read a bit every day.


I've cried REALLY hard when Jimmy tried to kill himself... but I already had seen it coming for a long time.

Billy is pretty stupid here and there (well, mostly). He doesn't seem to see things that are so obvious, and he

doesn't want to say anything or react to anything or take a chance, following his heart (but that is normal for Coms stories :angry: ).


Anyway, I too, think that Billy and Jimmy should start french kissing, and then Jimmy will get all

happy again and Billy tells everyone he's gay and in love with Jimmy and they return to school

again and all his friends are happy for them and nobody teases Jimmy anymore or Billy and all his friends

beat the shit out of them!




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Hehehe, well shit...where were you when *I* was in high school??? I might have had a much happier 'ending' myself if I had someone to assure me it would all work out for the best. :P


I dunno...the way I write is from my heart, from my personal experience. Maybe it's because I'm not out of the closet, or because of my father, or just because of the people around me at the time...but it was never that simple. NEVER. Not a single day of my life. The idea of 'just tell him and kiss him', while awesome for a happy story online, was a completely horrifying idea when I was 12, 13, or 14 years old. I was insecure and afraid of everything on the planet. I was scared at school, scared at home, scared everywhere in between. So Billy's thoughts pretty much reflect how I think I would be at that age nowadays. Of course, being gay is a little bit easier now, and I'm sure it was much easier for me than it was for people who grew up before me. But back then? TELL SOMEBODY? Take a big chance like that? Nooooooooo!!!! I'd rather dive in front of a bus than do that. Then again...at 14 I had a lot going on in my head. So maybe it's different for other folks. ::shrugs:: I do know this though, in the (approximately) 6 months that Billy Chase has been writing in that journal, he's made some real progress in how he sees himself. And I will make sure that it continues. Even if it seems slow at times. He's not blind...just worried. I can relate. :)

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Do keep in mind- Billy is what- 15?


Sure adults may have read Jimmy's behavior as dangerous or suicidal but Billy is a kid.


Sure- there is a lot of suicide awareness stuff out there now but how many kids are going to put all the pieces together?


It's not like Billy doesn't have a few things going on. Betrayal by his best friend, his parents splitting up, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think the story is moving a little slow.


I dunno I actually kinda like that =P because IRL (thanks Mattias!) things move slow too lots of times and it makes it seem more realistic... I don't care if it doesn't follow the general rules of stories as in they have to have a flow to them... or something...


It's okay if you feel that way, though, I didn't mean it like it wasn't okay =>




Oops... srry for the hardly readable color... =(

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  • 4 months later...

Nah, I can read it! :blink:


I wanna jump in here cause I'm a huge Billy Chase fan. :wub: To be honest, I never thought I would get hooked on it. I mean how much of a storyline can you get into a couple of paragraph entries? Guess I had something new to learn. Funny, but I sat on the edge of my seat for Jimmy LaPlane hoping he was gonna be ok, and stay that way. Brandon is a daily frustration, cause that's the relationship I would love to see Billy finally be in.


(Love you Brandon! Just thought I'd throw that in there!) -Billy


AJ has urked me since the first time the two were alone. That relationship seems so one sided it isn't even funny. I wanna smack Sam around and tell him what I think of him...


All this from a story I didn't think would hold my interest...


I should have known ;)



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I never thought I would get hooked on it. I mean how much of a storyline can you get into a couple of paragraph entries?


I agree, I mean I love Com and his stories, the way he writes, but to me, usually the details make the story and I thought that would be almost impossible to do in a few short paragraphs... but now it's funny cause I wait for Wednesdays to come cause I NEED to know if Billy has gotten the guts to kiss Brandon yet! I want them together soooooooooooooo bad! Hehehehe!


And somehow, Com is able to capture the innocence and the anxiety of new love and crushes that change as quickly as they do when you're 14 or 15 years old.


I love Billy Chase! and Com :wub:

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::Giggles:: Thank you. ((Smooch))


It took a while for people to get into this story, but after a while, it did catch on. And hearing that people look forward to the site's weekly 'soap opera' is a huge compliment! So thanks to you all. :)

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