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Friendships with GAY people

Friendships with gay people  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Describe the quantity of your friendships with gay people

    • I have tons of gay friends!
    • I have a significant number of gay friends
    • I have a few gay friends
    • I have no gay friends
  2. 2. Describe the quality of your friendships with gay people

    • My best friend/friends is a gay person/are gay people
    • Several of my close friends are gay
    • Most of the gay people I'm friends with are "casual" friends
    • I have no gay friends
  3. 3. What would you like to see happen in this regard?

    • I'd like to have more gay friends
    • I'd like to be closer with the gay friends I already have
    • I'd like to make more gay friends AND develop a close friendship with them.
    • I'm very comfortable with things as they stand
    • Gay people make me uncomfortable. I have no desire to form close friendships with them.
    • I'm sick of gay people. I'd like to distance myself from them.

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Short answer, depending on where you go to high school, college can definitely be better and if you have a choice, you should go to a gay friendly college. Both my undergraduate college and current graduate school are both ridiculously gay friendly.

yup that's what I was thinking.... For college, I am thinking of something around SF California... ;)

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B) ........That's great, so you are already looking up scholarships?

I will be giving my SAT's this May...After that, I'll look for scholarships. I will graduate from Highschool in March 09 so I have a ot of time to go through all scholarships and a few attempts of SAT as well.. :)

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I will be giving my SAT's this May...After that, I'll look for scholarships. I will graduate from Highschool in March 09 so I have a ot of time to go through all scholarships and a few attempts of SAT as well.. :)

Good luck, BK. I know you will do well. Hopefully, you'll find lots of cool gay friends at uni. :2thumbs:

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B) ........dare I ask the question! What does it stand for, I'm assuming London?

It stands for Uni of California


lol, i love the way you guys kidnap threads :P

I am sure you will do well on your tests BK... but wish you luck anyway (that never hurts with exams :) )

*smacks himself in the head*


Damn I did it again!


Benji and others, please move this discussion (about my uni) to Chat thread in Games and Humor.


Sorry guys,





Thanks for the wishes, Pete... :)

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It stands for University College London....Hence the reason I live in London and not LA.

oops, I took it for UCAL.... sorry.... :*)


As for the correct reply, Menzo, I can never think of shifting to England. Way too expensive for my family... A pound cost Rs 60 here!! :wacko: whereas a dollar is Rs 39

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oops, I took it for UCAL.... sorry.... :*)


As for the correct reply, Menzo, I can never think of shifting to England. Way too expensive for my family... A pound cost Rs 60 here!! :wacko: whereas a dollar is Rs 39


Yeah, living in London has severley curbed my shopping tendencies. But, um, you know, gay friends and all that on-topic jazz...



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oops, I took it for UCAL.... sorry.... :*)


As for the correct reply, Menzo, I can never think of shifting to England. Way too expensive for my family... A pound cost Rs 60 here!! :wacko: whereas a dollar is Rs 39

I doubt that makes colleges in the US much cheaper than the ones in the UK. :lol:

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Yeah, living in London has severley curbed my shopping tendencies. But, um, you know, gay friends and all that on-topic jazz...




lol, please, don't let me spoil your fun.. i really don't mind threads going off topic at all ! And actually, i think this isn't too far off topic.. isn't it kinda making/maintaining gay friendships to talk about stuff like that ? ;)

Edited by YaP
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oops, I took it for UCAL.... sorry.... :*)



Actually, you're probably thinking of UCLA - the University of California at Los Angeles.


The University of California has ten campuses in ten cities across California, each an independent school under to central University of California system. Take a look at www.universityofcalifornia.edu/campuses/welcome.html for information about the university system.


"The campuses of the University of California provide exciting environments that foster world-class educational and research opportunities and generate a wide range of benefits and services that touch the lives of Californians throughout the state.


The UC family includes more than 214,000 students, more than 170,000 faculty and staff, 37,000 retirees and more than 1.5 million living alumni."


Colin B)

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I doubt that makes colleges in the US much cheaper than the ones in the UK. :lol:

converted in terms of rupees, US is cheaper... )




Actually, you're probably thinking of UCLA - the University of California at Los Angeles.


The University of California has ten campuses in ten cities across California, each an independent school under to central University of California system. Take a look at www.universityofcalifornia.edu/campuses/welcome.html for information about the university system.


"The campuses of the University of California provide exciting environments that foster world-class educational and research opportunities and generate a wide range of benefits and services that touch the lives of Californians throughout the state.


The UC family includes more than 214,000 students, more than 170,000 faculty and staff, 37,000 retirees and more than 1.5 million living alumni."


Colin B)

Thanks Colin... I have not looked into uni's yet. Hell I haven't even given a thought about the course I want!! lol... I want to take one step at a time and first of all, I want to pass 11th grade!! ;):P

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  • 2 years later...

Saddly I know no Gays.


I know there are rumors that there are lot of bi people in my high school but there most likley in the closet.


I would like to have more gay friends, i think it would be cool and fun especially if were like walking down the street and I say "He has a cute ass" and he can also say "Yes he does." thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Saddly I know no Gays.


I know there are rumors that there are lot of bi people in my high school but there most likley in the closet.


I would like to have more gay friends, i think it would be cool and fun especially if were like walking down the street and I say "He has a cute ass" and he can also say "Yes he does." thumbsupsmileyanim.gif



You have a lot of gay friends on here hun :)

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Saddly I know no Gays.


I know there are rumors that there are lot of bi people in my high school but there most likley in the closet.


I would like to have more gay friends, i think it would be cool and fun especially if were like walking down the street and I say "He has a cute ass" and he can also say "Yes he does." thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


There are some gay people where I live but outside of the coffee night meets ...


None - really turn into any friends

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