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Have you ever....

S.L. Lewis

That made you cry or hurt?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Reading

    • I've read something that made me cry and hurt
    • I've read something that made me cry
    • I've read something that made me hurt.
    • None of the above/other: Please describe.
  2. 2. Heard

    • I've heard something that made me cry and hurt
    • I've heard something that made me cry
    • I've heard something that made me hurt.
    • None of the above/other: Please describe.

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Just as the title asks. Have you ever read or heard something that made you either hurt or cry? Or both?

I'm talking fictional, nonfictional and everything in between.

Mostly, I'm doing this to gather information for my story, but also, I'm curious.

Personally, I've read many things that made me hurt and cry, sometimes both at the same time. It's because sometimes, something just strikes ya, and you can't help it.

So, tell me your thoughts. Feel free everyone.

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Yes, it happens a lot.


Recently I went through a phase where the stories I was reading had quite a lot of emotional downers for the protagonists, or where there was a lot of abuse (I think Vlista's stories were amongst the latter group) and I cried and ached a hell of a lot knowing that although I was reading fiction, these kind of things do happen to people - I've seen it happen a few times and it's tragic not being in a position to help.


I got into a conversation with an email buddy and it turned out we both get affected the same way, and we both want to do something to help.


It got me to realising there's a 'gap' in support services when young people reach 18 - in most countries at least. Often, that's a critical point where the person really needs support and it ought to be available until they're 21 at least, and taper off rather than suddenly disappear. So, I'm mulling over an idea to set-up a trust to provide shared housing, intensive care and support for young adults that picks up where social services leave off in the hope it might save a few people from falling into a downward spiral that I've witnessed in real life.

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I chose the made me cry and hurt for reading....and hurting for something I heard.


I read two very well written books for my literature course last semester, and it got me very emotional. It was possible it was due to the fact I was going through a difficult time at home, or I was questioning my own life, but it seemed to hit home. Or sometimes something was so beautifully written or developed, you couldn't help crying at its beauty. I've cried out of sadness when reading, becuse the character was so beautiful and so real...like that character represented how everyone felt in real life, and knowing that made me sad. It took me awhile to stop thinking about those books. It got me very down.


Just like Tristan said, reading works, Vlista is a good example, and knowing that it does exist in real life makes me hurt and sometimes cry. It's the ugly reality that hits and really gets to me.


Or like you said Rose, something just strikes you and sometimes you don't even have a clue why, but it does. Like on some subconscious level. That's the power of writing and reading. It's amazing.


As for something I've heard, tragic news for example, it makes me hurt to know that stuff....that all these unfair things happen around the world or even at home. But I don't cry because with reading, it's expressed differently and I can grasp the situation on a more emotional level and thus I cry. Hope that makes sense. :wacko:

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Yes, it happens a lot.


Recently I went through a phase where the stories I was reading had quite a lot of emotional downers for the protagonists, or where there was a lot of abuse (I think Vlista's stories were amongst the latter group) and I cried and ached a hell of a lot knowing that although I was reading fiction, these kind of things do happen to people - I've seen it happen a few times and it's tragic not being in a position to help.


I got into a conversation with an email buddy and it turned out we both get affected the same way, and we both want to do something to help.


It got me to realising there's a 'gap' in support services when young people reach 18 - in most countries at least. Often, that's a critical point where the person really needs support and it ought to be available until they're 21 at least, and taper off rather than suddenly disappear. So, I'm mulling over an idea to set-up a trust to provide shared housing, intensive care and support for young adults that picks up where social services leave off in the hope it might save a few people from falling into a downward spiral that I've witnessed in real life.


That would actually be a good idea. I hope that works out for you. Until then, we'll write and bring those issues to the fore of peoples minds.


I chose the made me cry and hurt for reading....and hurting for something I heard.


I read two very well written books for my literature course last semester, and it got me very emotional. It was possible it was due to the fact I was going through a difficult time at home, or I was questioning my own life, but it seemed to hit home. Or sometimes something was so beautifully written or developed, you couldn't help crying at its beauty. I've cried out of sadness when reading, becuse the character was so beautiful and so real...like that character represented how everyone felt in real life, and knowing that made me sad. It took me awhile to stop thinking about those books. It got me very down.


Just like Tristan said, reading works, Vlista is a good example, and knowing that it does exist in real life makes me hurt and sometimes cry. It's the ugly reality that hits and really gets to me.


Or like you said Rose, something just strikes you and sometimes you don't even have a clue why, but it does. Like on some subconscious level. That's the power of writing and reading. It's amazing.


As for something I've heard, tragic news for example, it makes me hurt to know that stuff....that all these unfair things happen around the world or even at home. But I don't cry because with reading, it's expressed differently and I can grasp the situation on a more emotional level and thus I cry. Hope that makes sense. :wacko:


It does, don't worry. I know what you mean, but I'm more likely to cry than just to hurt when it comes to hearing.

I can only hope that I can bring a lot of issues to the fore with the story. Thank you for your time answering.

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I voted for 'cry and hurt' for both.


Reading-wise- it reminds me of 'One Life' by Ryan Keith. I still remember the only time I read its end. I cried that night and cussed at the whole world for being so...unjust!!! :(


Hearing-wise- too personal to be said here. :(


Btw, when a reader says he/she cried when reading your story, is that good or bad?


Take care,


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I voted hurt and cry for reading. I was reading the final Harry Potter book. For those who have not read it, I will not give details, but something close to the end made me hurt and cry. As for hearing, there are songs that have made me cry, but I cannot think of any in particular. Crying is a rarity for me. I probably cry once a month or less.

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I voted for 'cry and hurt' for both.


Reading-wise- it reminds me of 'One Life' by Ryan Keith. I still remember the only time I read its end. I cried that night and cussed at the whole world for being so...unjust!!! :(


Hearing-wise- too personal to be said here. :(


Btw, when a reader says he/she cried when reading your story, is that good or bad?


Take care,



:hug: I'm sorry for your personal pain.

As to your question, if your point was to make someone sad or to get that sadness across, then yes, it is a good thing. Otherwise, it depends on the story and the person.

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I cry easily really, with books, movies, or anything like that. There have been books over the years that I've picked up and read that has left me feeling moody, and I've cried a few times.


Anyway, I believe everyone will be hurt badly by someone in their life, it's just part of living. So that also has happened to me a few times.

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Oh most definitely!


I love it when stories make me cry! (or experience any emotion deeply)


Recently I went through a phase where the stories I was reading had quite a lot of emotional downers for the protagonists, or where there was a lot of abuse (I think Vlista's stories were amongst the latter group) and I cried and ached a hell of a lot knowing that although I was reading fiction, these kind of things do happen to people - I've seen it happen a few times and it's tragic not being in a position to help.



Just like Tristan said, reading works, Vlista is a good example, and knowing that it does exist in real life makes me hurt and sometimes cry. It's the ugly reality that hits and really gets to me.


Vance's got me too! They're really awesome! BTW, if you guys haven't emailed him to let him know that you liked them and you get around to it, I know that would mean alot to him and make him happy ;)



Have an awesome day all!


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Vance's got me too! They're really awesome! BTW, if you guys haven't emailed him to let him know that you liked them and you get around to it, I know that would mean alot to him and make him happy ;)



Have an awesome day all!



I don't think it's possible to not get moved emotionally by one of Vance's stories


Heck, a lot of the stories here have made me cry...even out of joy a few times :P





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It would almost be more appropriate to ask who hasn't.


There are three stories I've read in recent memory that made me cry/hurt (tear up, more accurately, cough). They were City of my Dreams, this random Swedish novel my best friend convinced me to read; Story of the Night, by Colm Toibin; and Shadow People, by the now-vanished internet author Jason Locke. At the end of all three, I felt as though a subway train had just rushed through my body. It was great. Painful, too.


What I've heard... to be honest, most recently it was the sound of my mother crying when she found out I was gay. That wasn't nice. Less personally, it was listening to Maria Callas -- in 1955, at her height, during which she really was La Divina, and in 1965, just a decade later, when her voice was a tattered shadow of what it was before. That really got to me as well.

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It would almost be more appropriate to ask who hasn't.


There are three stories I've read in recent memory that made me cry/hurt (tear up, more accurately, cough). They were City of my Dreams, this random Swedish novel my best friend convinced me to read; Story of the Night, by Colm Toibin; and Shadow People, by the now-vanished internet author Jason Locke. At the end of all three, I felt as though a subway train had just rushed through my body. It was great. Painful, too.


What I've heard... to be honest, most recently it was the sound of my mother crying when she found out I was gay. That wasn't nice. Less personally, it was listening to Maria Callas -- in 1955, at her height, during which she really was La Divina, and in 1965, just a decade later, when her voice was a tattered shadow of what it was before. That really got to me as well.


First of all, I'm sorry your mother took it so hard when she found out. :hug: I hope things are fine now.

And I remember hearing some old recordings of her. I was shocked by what I heard, though not really. A decade can really be hard on anyone.

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Voted hurt and cry for both. I love books, songs and movies that can make me feel something. Brokeback Mountain made me hurt. It made me feel hollow. Diane Duane's books often make me cry. Like TL The Writing Tiger, the last Harry Potter got me. It made me sob and ache for hours after I'd finished it. Anne McCaffrey's Pern seris has its moments, as well as Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality.


My own writing can occasionally do that to me. In the last book I wrote, I needed a certain scene to be painful and raw, so I found a song that made me hurt and conveyed the futile desperation I wanted my character to feel, and then I listenend to it over and over while I wrote. It hurt and I cried, but it's one of the most powerful scenes I've ever written.

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I've read a couple stories that made me cry. Can You Spare a Quarter? by TigerPaw and Joel by Ted Louis. Mysterious Skin by Scott Hiem too.

There was a novel written by a Danish guy that I read early in high school that also got to me, though I'm not sure I cried. I forgot the title and the author, but it was about time.

Like Tom, a few have made me cry from joy as well as pain. Joel by Ted Louis again is probably the best example.


Heard, well, I have heard things tht made me cry. "Your grandmother died last night" was a pretty rough one.

I also cried back in middle school when the Twin Towers fell. That was a very emotional day...


I've cried at several movies. Pay it Forward made me bawl. Mysterious Skin the second time through (the first time through I didn't know what to do). A few others too.


Edit: I cant get this formatting thing right...


I LOVE Pay It Foward. It made me cry to. :hug: The stories that you mentioned sound interesting. I'll check them out eventually.


Voted hurt and cry for both. I love books, songs and movies that can make me feel something. Brokeback Mountain made me hurt. It made me feel hollow. Diane Duane's books often make me cry. Like TL The Writing Tiger, the last Harry Potter got me. It made me sob and ache for hours after I'd finished it. Anne McCaffrey's Pern seris has its moments, as well as Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality.


My own writing can occasionally do that to me. In the last book I wrote, I needed a certain scene to be painful and raw, so I found a song that made me hurt and conveyed the futile desperation I wanted my character to feel, and then I listenend to it over and over while I wrote. It hurt and I cried, but it's one of the most powerful scenes I've ever written.


I know how you feel when it comes to writing something that makes you cry. I'm currently writing a one shot called 'Now I Lay Me Down' and it's making me cry because of the emotions and the fact that this is opening an old wound.

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i have had the pleasure of reading some awesome stories that have made me cry (not bursting out in tears, :P )... and have not hurt me, per se, but left an imprint on me.


Same is the case with 'hearing'.... :)

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I don't cry! Real men don't cry! :pissed:


I just get things in my eyes a lot when I watch certain movies or read certain books... :whistle:


Right, you keep saying that dear. :hug:

i have had the pleasure of reading some awesome stories that have made me cry (not bursting out in tears, :P )... and have not hurt me, per se, but left an imprint on me.


Same is the case with 'hearing'.... :)


We all have had that pleasure at one point or another.

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What I've heard... to be honest, most recently it was the sound of my mother crying when she found out I was gay. That wasn't nice.

Oh dude, :hug::hug:


I'm so sorry :(


Brokeback Mountain made me hurt. It made me feel hollow.

I just didn't care for that movie. I suppose it was a good cautionary tale about the dangers of the closet, but apart from that it didn't resonate very much with me.

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I just didn't care for that movie. I suppose it was a good cautionary tale about the dangers of the closet, but apart from that it didn't resonate very much with me.



Same with me. Brokeback Moutain may have been about gay males, but I still can't stand the fact that it tries so hard to sound sad and angsty! It's overkill.

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