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Michael H

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Hello Everyone. My name is Michael Halfhill. I'm a published writer. A writer friend urged me to take a look at this site and I was immediately swept up in the energy of the posts. I'm resisting the temptation to spend the evening and what's left of the day sifting through all the forums!


I have a website designed and managed by my partner of 12 years. My site features my books, excerpts and reviews.

I also write social essays which are not on my site. Perhaps after I complete my posting requirements I'll post a few.


I'm rotten at these intros so if anyone has questions about me and my work I'll be happy to reply.


Thanks again for having me here.




Visit My Website

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Welcome to GA Michael,


i am sure you will like it here :) .

Looking forward to read some of your work soon !





B) .........Welcome Michael, be sure to enjoy yourself here!

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Hello and welcome, Michael.


Are you perchance the friend "A" told me about?


Hi gary. Yes A and I have been friends for about six years. We've never met face to face but we speak regularly by phone. In fact it was A who encouraged me to find a readership. He's been very supportive, especially when I've been slow to get my butt in gear and put something on paper.



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Hi gary. Yes A and I have been friends for about six years. We've never met face to face but we speak regularly by phone. In fact it was A who encouraged me to find a readership. He's been very supportive, especially when I've been slow to get my butt in gear and put something on paper.



Finding readership is part of what he and I are working on. If you need any assistance please let me know. :)

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You'll love it here; gauranteed. The forum activity and conversations are always fun and everyone is so involved. A few more posts, you'll be one of the gang. :D

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You'll love it here; gauranteed. The forum activity and conversations are always fun and everyone is so involved. A few more posts, you'll be one of the gang. :D


Thanks Tiff and Everyone. You're all so welcoming. I'll be watching the threads to see where I can be useful.


Although I have a WIP, I'm taking a break from writing. Getting my last novel out took over a year from the final draft to a printed product. That's the longest I ever took to finish a project. I guess I'm suffering some burnout. I suppose my WIP would be considered a "romance" but it is a departure from the intrigue plot lines of my first three novels. Finding the tension device between the two MCs is not easy because they are so good to one another. The "usual" issues don't apply.


I have posted a couple of book reviews (posted elsewhere). When I get my legs here I may add them here.



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Finding readership is part of what he and I are working on. If you need any assistance please let me know. :)



:hug: Good luck on that dear heart.

But M, once more, welcome and I hope that you are able to build your readership up some more. :wub:

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:hug: Good luck on that dear heart.

But M, once more, welcome and I hope that you are able to build your readership up some more. :wub:

Thanks Rose. It's been fun so far. Hard work to be sure but interesting and challenging, all of which are things I think are fun.

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  • Site Administrator

G'day, Michael,


I'm always happy to find published authors. I think it's something special to be able to say you've got a book out there on bookshelves :)


Good luck with your new novel when you get back to it!


Graeme :D

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Welcome to GA!!


Hope to hear from you in our many differents topics


and check out the newsletter, they made a good job on it especially the interview :boy: (sorry had to plug myself somewhere :P )

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Welcome to GA! B)



You seem to be catching on pretty well. :) Have fun!



Hi Krista. You haven't seen me stumble yet. When I do, it's usually a spectacular goof! I keep a jug a water nearby to wash down the foot I always seem to have in my mouth!


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Welcome, Michael :)


It's wonderful to have you here! I look forward to checking out your work :)


If you have any questions or need any assistance with anything please let us know ;)


Take care and have a great day!



Thanks Kevin.

As I work though my WIP I'm sure I'll turn to some members for beta reading. When I worked in the real world I had a secretary who caught all my typos and misplaced modifiers. Now I zip along with my auto-correction reading glasses making all my booboos evaporate. Fortunately my readers are a forgiving lot. I wrote my first novel in 5 weeks. When I finished I ran spellcheck, read it over and sent it in. I told myself that was easy. Buzzzzz!


After my second novel I learned that value of beta readers. Their worth is beyond rubies. It's hard work!


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Welcome to GA!!


Hope to hear from you in our many differents topics


and check out the newsletter, they made a good job on it especially the interview :boy: (sorry had to plug myself somewhere :P )


Thanks for the welcome, Moonwolf.

I'll be scanning the various boards in a few days. I expect some will attract my attention. I did read over the newsletter last night but it was just a glance. When I left the work-a-day world I thought I'd have nothing to keep me busy. Ha!

My partner Peter and I are gearing up for an AKC dog show in York, PA this weekend. That means bathing one of our 85lb borzoi, putting her through a few paces to remind her what's expected of her in the ring. Once I get permissions I'll post some pics of our girls. We also have 5 Welsh corgis. Although our WCs are show quality we keep them as pets. Once the borzoi finish their championships they too will retire to a life of running, lounging and living the good life without the spotlight.


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I'll be scanning the various boards in a few days. I expect some will attract my attention. I did read over the newsletter last night but it was just a glance. When I left the work-a-day world I thought I'd have nothing to keep me busy. Ha!

Welcome to the GA madness, Michael!

Perhaps you'll find time to write a short story for either the Spring Anthology or Summer Anthology competitions. Look forward to seeing what you select for an avatar. Kevin can assist giving you a Gay Authors Author plaque to go under the avatar.


Look forward to reading your stories.


Jack B)

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Welcome to the GA madness, Michael!

Perhaps you'll find time to write a short story for either the Spring Anthology or Summer Anthology competitions. Look forward to seeing what you select for an avatar. Kevin can assist giving you a Gay Authors Author plaque to go under the avatar.


Look forward to reading your stories.


Jack B)


A short story? Oh dear! Jack I can't write a shortie for nothin'! That's why I write novels. I do write essays and reviews but short fiction has always made me crazy. I do have a chapter from my first novel that never made the cut. It's written in first person. Perhaps that would suit. When I dig it up I'll send it to whomever is putting the anthology together. If it fits in all well and fine. If not that's okay too.



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