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My apologies to you guys for being away for the last two weeks. I've had some hard problems at home with my amily and all, and we've been doing our best to work through them. I definitely enjoy my writing, but it can sometimes take a heavily emotional toll on me. And when 'life' is pulling me in another direction, it's almost impossible for me to do what I do online. (If that makes sense) I don't want to just turn out half ass work, I really want every word to matter. It's just hard to pull off when life is....for lack of a better word...'shit'.


But I'm struggling hard this week to bring everything back up to speed and beyond. So you'll be hearing more from me soon. Cool? The LAST thing I want to do is 'disappear' on you guys! I'm here, and you'll hear from me as soon as I get myself straight again.


Hehehe, I said 'straight'. ::Shivers::


take care, and I'll seezya soon!

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My apologies to you guys for being away for the last two weeks. I've had some hard problems at home with my amily and all, and we've been doing our best to work through them. I definitely enjoy my writing, but it can sometimes take a heavily emotional toll on me. And when 'life' is pulling me in another direction, it's almost impossible for me to do what I do online. (If that makes sense) I don't want to just turn out half ass work, I really want every word to matter. It's just hard to pull off when life is....for lack of a better word...'shit'.


But I'm struggling hard this week to bring everything back up to speed and beyond. So you'll be hearing more from me soon. Cool? The LAST thing I want to do is 'disappear' on you guys! I'm here, and you'll hear from me as soon as I get myself straight again.


Hehehe, I said 'straight'. ::Shivers::


take care, and I'll seezya soon!



:( ..........I read what happened, hope all works out well for you and your family. Take care Comsie.

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My apologies to you guys for being away for the last two weeks. I've had some hard problems at home with my amily and all, and we've been doing our best to work through them. I definitely enjoy my writing, but it can sometimes take a heavily emotional toll on me. And when 'life' is pulling me in another direction, it's almost impossible for me to do what I do online. (If that makes sense) I don't want to just turn out half ass work, I really want every word to matter. It's just hard to pull off when life is....for lack of a better word...'shit'.


But I'm struggling hard this week to bring everything back up to speed and beyond. So you'll be hearing more from me soon. Cool? The LAST thing I want to do is 'disappear' on you guys! I'm here, and you'll hear from me as soon as I get myself straight again.


Hehehe, I said 'straight'. ::Shivers::


take care, and I'll seezya soon!


Yes, definitely cool comsie ! I suppose we all know how "real life" can interfere with our plans.. as long as you don't disappear all is fine in my book ;)


Lol, i always say "i am not heterophobe".. so get as straight as you feel like ;)

I hope you can solve all the real life issues soon so you have your mind free for (the less important) online stuff !


Take care !


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