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Just Got Out of the Hospital


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Just thought I'd give everybody an update. Well I haven't been around the past 2 weeks because Friday the 5th I started to get a horrible stomach virus with a pain in my side. I suffered the whole weekend until on Monday my Mom said I should go to the university clinic. That was the biggest waste of my time and the doctor there basically refused to help me. I have pre existing conditions and I asked him to call my doctor and discuss them he basically refused because he said he did not have time. He then gave me a brief 5 minute examination told me there was nothing he could do for me and that it was probably just a virus and I should just go home and take pepto bismol.


Well the next day my Dad came to take me to the ER at the hospital since it'd been 5 days and I hadn't gotten any better. That night was a waste the ER at the hospital was horrible and the doctor only came in one, and they just hooked me to an IV that made me feel sick. But that next day I finally got to my doctor and then the hospital to recieve antibiotics and othe stuff via IV and they thought I had an appendicitis so did surgery on me that day it turns out it wasn't appendicitis it was an inflamation of my small intestine. They were going to go ahead and take out my appendix but decided against it since they found some not so good looking varicose veins in my abdomen (cause by one of my pre existing conditions portal hypertension, the portal vein to my liver is blocked my body has formed other veins to get blood to my liver but the blood still backs up and has caused all those varicose veins) The varicose veins are not really a good thing because there a bleeding risk but there not getting any bigger so I just pray everything will be okay (I can't change that so I'm just going to live with it and keep enjoying life).


I was in the hospital recovering from this until last Tuesday when I got to go home which is where I've been ever since. I found out Friday that they thing I have Crohn's disease (inflamatory disesease that affects the small intestine) which is probably what caused all of this. My doctor told me I should be able to go back to college this Wednesday after I get the staples taken out of my incesion where I had surgery. This whole thing has also kind of postponed my whole coming out to my parents thing to, I don't know when I will now I was planning on coming out to them the weekend after next but with everything thats been going on I don't want to stress my parents out anymore then I already have over the past few weeks.


Well everyone just thought I'd give you and update and tell you where I'm at.

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I had been wondering about your current situation when I came across this post about your recent illness. It is good that you are on the mend and I hope you can get back up to speed quickly with your studies. It is a shame you have to go through so much before you finally get the appropriate medical care. There is no excuse for the appendicitis episode. But what is really unforgivable is the attitude of the campus doc. Have you considered filing a complaint with the university? I can understand that you might not want to get involved in such a thing, but a major university should provide better service than that.


It's unfortunate that you feel the need to delay coming out to your parents. Perhaps it will prove to be a good thing...an even better opportunity may present itself.


Hang in there. I'm pulling for you.



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I had been wondering about your current situation when I came across this post about your recent illness. It is good that you are on the mend and I hope you can get back up to speed quickly with your studies. It is a shame you have to go through so much before you finally get the appropriate medical care. There is no excuse for the appendicitis episode. But what is really unforgivable is the attitude of the campus doc. Have you considered filing a complaint with the university? I can understand that you might not want to get involved in such a thing, but a major university should provide better service than that.


It's unfortunate that you feel the need to delay coming out to your parents. Perhaps it will prove to be a good thing...an even better opportunity may present itself.


Hang in there. I'm pulling for you.




Thanks Mike, I have filed a complaint with the university and they did refund my money for the doctor's visit, also the assistant dean of student affairs said he would personally have a talk with the head of the medical department. I'm back at college right now I just finished having dinner and getting everything I brought back from home organized. I also got a handicap permit from the parking people that says I can basically park anywhere I like so that way I can drive to my classes instead of having to walk because right now with my incision and everything (I got the staples out today and now it hurts even worse) I can't walk more than 3 minutes without it starting to hurt and having to stop. I think I'm going to have to drop the expository writing class I was taking I've just missed to much reading, and wasn't able to write any of the essays or anything when I was all drugged up in the hospital so I'm really behind, but the advisor I talked to said given the extenuating circumstances she would refund the part of my tuition that covers that class. Thanks for the well wishes everyone hopefully my next 2 weeks will be better than the last 2 weeks.

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You have my sympathy. I had the misfortune of getting gal stones when I was about your age. It took a few doctors and lots of pain to figure it out. I'm glad you are getting better. At least your school is being good about the refunds.

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Awwww thank God you're all right. Don't worry about coming out to your parents yet. Focus on your health! *hugs*. I'll pray for you too :D


Thanks Jovian, your sympathy means a lot since I know that you understand about having medical conditions and problems like this. I also found out a few days ago that now my doctor doesn't think what I had was Crohn's disease and she doesn't really know what it was so it looks like I have some more doctors visits to go to in the next few months.

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Thanks Jovian, your sympathy means a lot since I know that you understand about having medical conditions and problems like this. I also found out a few days ago that now my doctor doesn't think what I had was Crohn's disease and she doesn't really know what it was so it looks like I have some more doctors visits to go to in the next few months.



I think not being Crohn's disease is something to celebrate. Not knowing sucks.


Prayers and best wishes continue for all things.



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  • 1 month later...
I also found out a few days ago that now my doctor doesn't think what I had was Crohn's disease and she doesn't really know what it was so it looks like I have some more doctors visits to go to in the next few months.


R-perhaps you had a celery seed or strawberry seed get stuck in the small intestine, that would be diverticulitis-related to crohn's in symptoms yet vastly different in cause. Crohn's patients can't tolerate wheat gluten--it can kill them. Diverticulitis, however, occurs when a small seed (look at celery seed in the spice/herb section of your grocery, or at a strawberry to see the seed's size) gets lodged in one of the intestinal pockets of the small intestine, causing a serious infection. Our private banker had just such an attack about 5 weeks ago. Hope this helps and that you feel better soon.


If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't for you! :D

Edited by kjames
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