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Are you out at work?


Are you out at work?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you out as a GLBT person at you current job?

    • Yes, completely
    • Yes, mostly
    • Somewhat
    • No, not at all
    • Not applicable
  2. 2. If you don't currently have a job but expect to have one in the future do you think you'll be out as a GLBT person?

    • Yes, completely
    • Yes, mostly
    • Somewhat
    • No, not at all
    • Not Applicable
  3. 3. If you are retired or otherwise not working and not planning to work again, were you out as a GLBT person when you did work?

    • Yes, completely
    • Yes, mostly
    • Somewhat
    • No, not at all
    • Not Applicable
  4. 4. Are you out/will you be out/were you are as a supporter of GLBT equality at work?

    • Yes, completely
    • Yes, mostly
    • Somewhat
    • No, not at all
    • Not Applicable
  5. 5. Do you work with any other GLBT/GLBT friendly people?

    • Yes
    • Yes, but only indirectly
    • Not to the best of my knowledge
    • Not Applicable

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Hi all,


I was just wondering what people's general status was in terms of being out at work. For many people the decision of whether or not to be out in a professional setting can be a major issue. Indeed for GLBT people whether or not one is "out at work" is often used as a major criterion in the coming out process.


My answers:


I answered the first question - Are you out as a GLBT person at you current job? - as "Yes, completely." I work for a small company but I am completely out to all of my coworkers. Shortly after I began working there as soon as a gay issue arose naturally in conversation I took the opportunity to say "well, as a gay person I think..." It was fairly easy and non-threatening actually, since I could tell from the tone of the conversation that my coworkers weren't homophobic.


I answered questions two and three as "not applicable" since I do currently have a job. In terms of the past, I've been out at my last three jobs, but was closeted prior to that.


I answered question four - Are you out/will you be out/were you are as a supporter of GLBT equality at work? - as "Yes, completely." When the opportunities arise naturally I always speak up in favour of GLBT equality. I'm also fortunate enough to be able to field questions about GLBT issues and culture from my coworkers.


I answered the final question - Do you work with any other GLBT/GLBT friendly people? - as "Yes." I'm very fortunate in that my coworkers are GLBT friendly and supportive.


So what are your answers? Any experiences are thoughts to share with us?


I'm looking forward to hearing more about this from everyone!



Edited by AFriendlyFace
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In Mississippi if you are out at work you will soon be out of work.


It's like saying fire me. If they don't kick you on the spot, they'll come up with something abstract like it's not working out or you've got an attitude problem.


During the 2003 elections I took a public stand against the anti-gay marriage amendment on the ballot. I went for Network Administrator for a whole state agency to an untenable position in 2 months.


It may not matter in some places but you had better watch your ass in the south.

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I'm totally out at work and I don't think it's an issue. If it is an issue for some, they're closeted about it.


I've been at this job for just over 5 years and I started out being out right away. That wasn't always the case at previous jobs where I'd be a little slower in coming out to co-workers (worried how people I liked would take it).


If I ever switch jobs again, I'll make it clear from the get go that I'm gay (no gender neutral pronouns). Actually, I'll make it be known before the job in the interview process. I'd rather people axe me ahead of time if my being gay is an issue for them. If they don't want gays working there, why on earth would I want to work there?


It's been my experience that gays are well represented in the IT field, so I don't think it would be an issue finding gay friendly workplaces. :2thumbs:

Edited by NaperVic
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If I ever switch jobs again, I'll make it clear from the get go that I'm gay (no gender neutral pronouns). Actually, I'll make it be known before the job in the interview process. I'd rather people axe me ahead of time if my being gay is an issue for them. If they don't want gays working there, why on earth would I want to work there?

I think that's a wonderful strategy! :great:

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I answered "No, not at all" for question one because I'm still in the closet.


I answered "Not applicable" for questions two and three because I'm working.


I answered "No, not at all" for question four. That's partially because I'm still in the closet, but also partially because it's never been relevant. It's never really cropped up at work. My second job, where I worked for 11 years, had one gay guy for a period of time (it was never explicitly stated he was gay, it was just assumed), and two of the managers there turned out to be lesbians. Again, it was just something I learnt after a while, because it was never something that was relevant at work.


My current employer has documented diversity and equality rules of conduct, and it's a sackable offense to discriminate on sexual orientation grounds, so again, I have no need to stand up for equality. I've never seen any signs of discrimination, so I don't see the need to stand up about something that isn't relevant to my workplace. Gay right issues are not something I've heard discussed at work, either, so there's been no need to say anything.


And my last answer was Yes, because I have worked with some in the past and I'm sure I'm working with some now, even if I don't know who they are :P

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I'm not out at work because it's totally irrelevant to what I do. I'm sure I could be out if I wanted to, but honestly I don't think it's anyone's business who I want to snuggle up to at night.


I have worked and probably do work with some gay people. One of the old managers was gay, and he was painfully obvious. This is where I think I could be out since no one had a problem with it at all. In fact many of the other managers talked to him about his boyfriend just as if they're talking about their own husband/wife. He left a couple years ago. There is another guy working there in his 60s who I think is gay since it was a rumor at one point, and someone I used to work with said they saw him on a date with another man, but there's no confirmation. Since it's irrelevant, no one lolly gags on the topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorta out I guess. I don't go around telling people, but I never deny it if anyone ask. Two have asked, and I told them both the truth. Since I live in Sweden, most accept it though, so I'm not really worried. One of those who asked if I were gay just said "Ok, cool" when I told him yes. And the other(a girl, lol) got all excited and started asking all kinds of questions about if I had a boyfriend and so on. :lol: But to be honest, I'd rather not be out completely. The majority of my co-workers are older ladies(most of them kinda bitter) who're just looking for something to complain and gossip about. I could care less if they knew about me, but I won't "announce" it to people who don't ask.

Edited by Pai-kun
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  • 2 weeks later...

At my old work place I was came out to three out of 6 I made there.


I think it came up on break when, talking about dating/attracted or who we think is good looking..

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