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New Hampshire and Maine *UPDATE* New York and DC

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This is beyond retarded. The NY governor wants the gay marriage bill put to vote in the Senate and called a special session to get that done. But no... they refuse to listen as usual.




In case if you haven't heard what's happening in the NY Senate, read this.




Seriously... politicians are really BABIES.

Edited by Jack Frost
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This is beyond retarded. The NY governor wants the gay marriage bill put to vote in the Senate and called a special session to get that done. But no... they refuse to listen as usual.




In case if you haven't heard what's happening in the NY Senate, read this.




Seriously... politicians are really BABIES.


We really are living in interesting times.

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New York's situation is beyond insane. So Gov. Patterson became governor after Spitzer admitted shopping for hookers, this left no Lt. Governor. Then two democrats (only one opposed to marriage equality but both are opportunities and well, crooks. One guy is about to face trial for slashing his girlfriend and the other has a problem keeping track of his campaign cash) flipped to the Republicans. But one guy lost his nerve and went back and now the senate is evenly divided 31-31. But since there is no lt. governor to break the tie, no one is in control in Albany, sadly, that's an apt metaphor for my home state's most dysfunctional legislature. On the plus side Gov. Patterson and every significant state official (even the former Republican head of the state senate) support marriage equality. So really it's not a matter of if, but when.

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  • 4 months later...

New York Senate will be considering the gay marriage bill and possibly vote on it during a special session tomorrow.




Don't f**k it up.


On a side note of this topic, DC council will vote on the marriage bill December 1st and it will pass. Pending congressional review for a month that will not happen with Pelosi around, it will go into effect early January.



Edited by Jack Frost
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I hope it turns out well. We've lost Maine (a bill granting marriage rights was passed, then a Prop-8 style referendum ended it), and New Jersey is about as good as done for, Chris Christie was voted to be the next governor of NJ and one of his prominent campaign promises was to veto any marriage-equality bills that hit his desk.

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I hope it turns out well. We've lost Maine (a bill granting marriage rights was passed, then a Prop-8 style referendum ended it), and New Jersey is about as good as done for, Chris Christie was voted to be the next governor of NJ and one of his prominent campaign promises was to veto any marriage-equality bills that hit his desk.

We know from recent experience that politicians do not always fulfill their campaign promises.

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I hope it turns out well. We've lost Maine (a bill granting marriage rights was passed, then a Prop-8 style referendum ended it), and New Jersey is about as good as done for, Chris Christie was voted to be the next governor of NJ and one of his prominent campaign promises was to veto any marriage-equality bills that hit his desk.

Unless the lame duck legislature passes one for Corzine to sign while he's still around.


But I doubt it... After all... It's Jersey...


EDIT: Maybe there is a good chance in Jersey too.




I'm just being a typical biased Pennsylvanian.

Edited by Jack Frost
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Unless the lame duck legislature passes one for Corzine to sign while he's still around.


But I doubt it... After all... It's Jersey...


EDIT: Maybe there is a good chance in Jersey too.




I'm just being a typical biased Pennsylvanian.



But, then again, New Jersey IS higher class people, they watched the corruption of New York, and Chicago, and perfected upon it to the point that the corruption in 'Jersey makes anywhere else look like a day in Church.

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There is a chance, though a slim one. If the nefarious commercials that flooded CA and ME find their way to MY television set, heads will roll. More importantly, Comcast will have a very irate gay customer paying them a visit.


I still find it hilarious that opponents of same-sex marriage seem to believe that public policy must be decided by what the people want. That couldn't be further from the truth in the case of civil rights, where what "the people want" has absolutely ZERO gravity.

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There is a chance, though a slim one. If the nefarious commercials that flooded CA and ME find their way to MY television set, heads will roll. More importantly, Comcast will have a very irate gay customer paying them a visit.


I still find it hilarious that opponents of same-sex marriage seem to believe that public policy must be decided by what the people want. That couldn't be further from the truth in the case of civil rights, where what "the people want" has absolutely ZERO gravity.


Very good point :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think we all heard about the defeat. I still don't understand what the organized religions think they're going to gain by denying rights to people who aren't going to join their religions anyway!

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I think we all heard about the defeat. I still don't understand what the organized religions think they're going to gain by denying rights to people who aren't going to join their religions anyway!


Eh, that article had some info in it that I missed. It passed their assembly and only failed in the senate, which means the bill is in legal limbo rather than 'dead'.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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