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Changing Lanes Chapter 36


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Ready for The scar to show up and have a fight with Eric ;) Not quite sure if Helen's plan will work out, might things worse, example if the scar gets to them easier. Anyone else think Brian is interested in Keith?


Edited by Drewbie
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Ready for The scar to show up and have a fight with Eric ;) Not quite sure if Helen's plan will work out, might things worse, example if the scar gets to them easier. Anyone else think Brian is interested in Keith?




B) ...........Brian and Keith have really hit it off!!

Convergence, Felicia & General, Eric & Jansen, Scar & Instinct, maybe there is room for Brian & Keith!! :worship: One thing to worry about Helen's plan, will Scars men see the tracks of the truck leading out to the storage facility in the ash? What a story of the year for the reporters; nukes, eruptions, invasion and Instinct!




They would also send a tsunami warning

for the entire Atlantic Basin, including

the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, which was the area

judged most at risk: the massive tsunami that a

lateral collapse could trigger, the largest such

wave in human history, would hit the East Coast

of the United States, and once it began, nothing

on earth could stop it. Could a few well placed exploding nukes stop it?

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Ready for The scar to show up and have a fight with Eric ;) Not quite sure if Helen's plan will work out, might things worse, example if the scar gets to them easier. Anyone else think Brian is interested in Keith?


I can't answer any question without giving a spoiler, but I can mention that the title of the next chapter is "The best laid plans..." ;)


B) ...........Brian and Keith have really hit it off!!

Convergence, Felicia & General, Eric & Jansen, Scar & Instinct, maybe there is room for Brian & Keith!! :worship: One thing to worry about Helen's plan, will Scars men see the tracks of the truck leading out to the storage facility in the ash? What a story of the year for the reporters; nukes, eruptions, invasion and Instinct!




They would also send a tsunami warning

for the entire Atlantic Basin, including

the U.S. Eastern Seaboard, which was the area

judged most at risk: the massive tsunami that a

lateral collapse could trigger, the largest such

wave in human history, would hit the East Coast

of the United States, and once it began, nothing

on earth could stop it. Could a few well placed exploding nukes stop it?


No worries on the ash; the resort and storage units are on the west side of the island; there's no ash there. It's only on the eas side (airport, mercenaries, etc), due to the prevailing winds. So, nothing to worry about, becuase there's no ash at the storage site or the resort. :) Being on the west side of the island has its advantages for Instinct (no ash) though it does have a few minor possible annoyances: Umm, I think I mentioned this early in the narration; the western side of the island is the one in danger of heading for the bottom of the sea in history's largest landslide...


The Tsunami... Once that wave starts, nothing, not even nukes, can stop it. Hrmmm, well, maybe. I suppose it's theoretically possible that, once that wave was underway, sucessive absolutly perfec5tly-timed sequential underwater blasts, synchronized so that the amplitude peaks would cancel those of the tsunami, might possibly work. However... It would take really big (say, 4-megaton or larger) range weapons, well over a hundred of them (probably closer to a thousand) and detonated deep underwater. There are only a couple of problems with doing so: the radiation from that many really big bombs would likely be worse than the tsunami, plus nobody has that6 many multi-megaton bombs that would be deliverable in time (via missile would likely be the only way for most) and none of those are capable of deep underwater detonations. :)


Anyway, just a nice, calm chapter, with everyone now coming together at the resort. Okay, I've got a bit of a secret to share. I utterly suck at guesstimating the length of a story (number of chapters). My original guess for Changing Lanes was either 12, or 15. Boy, was I off! Anyway, back when I thought we'd be at this part of the story by Christmas, 2008, I'd planned to have everyone getting together at the resort be posted around Christmas. :wub: I was going to call it; Jerryclaus is coming to town". :wub:

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CLIFFHANGER. There, I have that out of the way before a certain goat even suggests otherwise.


So, we have a lot of action in this chapter, including developing relationships. I, too, think Keith and Brian are going to become an item.


I have two questions: If the volcano collapses into the Atlantic, where do the bombs end up? Will Instinct be ruined financially when their "collateral" disappears?

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CLIFFHANGER. There, I have that out of the way before a certain goat even suggests otherwise.


So, we have a lot of action in this chapter, including developing relationships. I, too, think Keith and Brian are going to become an item.


I have two questions: If the volcano collapses into the Atlantic, where do the bombs end up? Will Instinct be ruined financially when their "collateral" disappears?


ACK! But, Your Amphibiousness, there is no cliffhanger! I was hoping for an Amphibious Declaration of Cliffhanger-Free! Please?


I'll even answer your questions! :)


First, the volcano.... The resort, plus the village of Las Indias, are on the side threatening to head for the bottom of the sea. The bombs are in a storage unit in the vilage, so they, too, would head for the bottom of the ocean. That would not cause them to detonate, so no worries there.


Financially.. Well, Helen would be utterly ruined. She took most of the risk on herself. Ther band members have a higher net worth than she does, and have a smaller share of the risk, so they'd be hurt, but nowhere near as badly. Perhaps a fifth of their net worth would be gone. Their potential earning power could be another matter; if they are at the resort and thus accompany the bombs to the bottom of the sea, it might impact Instinct's future prospects (for one thing, drums and guitars don't work under water). However, as a frog, you like water, so I would think that you'd be largely unconcerned about any trips to the bottom of the sea for Instinct, and thus would never imply that any water-related thing could ever be in any way a cliffhanger.


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However, as a frog, you like water, so I would think that you'd be largely unconcerned about any trips to the bottom of the sea for Instinct, and thus would never imply that any water-related thing could ever be in any way a cliffhanger.


I knew the frog was at the bottom of this!!!!!!!!!! Humm, goats can't swim can they??

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However, as a frog, you like water, so I would think that you'd be largely unconcerned about any trips to the bottom of the sea for Instinct, and thus would never imply that any water-related thing could ever be in any way a cliffhanger.


I knew the frog was at the bottom of this!!!!!!!!!! Humm, goats can't swim can they??


Blame the Frog.... Hmmm, I like it! In fact, I love it!!! :2thumbs: I think we may have seen the birth of a new forum motto here today!


As for goats swimming....


We do, quite well, though not as well as frogs, of course.

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However, as a frog, you like water, so I would think that you'd be largely unconcerned about any trips to the bottom of the sea for Instinct, and thus would never imply that any water-related thing could ever be in any way a cliffhanger. :)

I don't do salt water...dries the skin.

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I have access to a submarine, so I'll rescue Instinct...Hrm...wonder if the U.S. Navy would send in troops (Go Navy!) to secure the bombs, save Instinct, and pay our boys...I do hope we see the end of Jerry Clump, unfortunately m'thinks Brandon won't be so involved with taking the man down this time, I think the man's gonna kidnap my boy Jansen and Eric's gonna go rescue him, especially since Eric hates the guy so much..heheh, mutual hate...Hrm..crap...wonder if Jerry will kill Jansen out of his own sense of revenge to get back at Eric...



Questions questions and more questions...


I feel a headache coming on in the next few chapters




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I have access to a submarine, so I'll rescue Instinct...Hrm...wonder if the U.S. Navy would send in troops (Go Navy!) to secure the bombs, save Instinct, and pay our boys...I do hope we see the end of Jerry Clump, unfortunately m'thinks Brandon won't be so involved with taking the man down this time, I think the man's gonna kidnap my boy Jansen and Eric's gonna go rescue him, especially since Eric hates the guy so much..heheh, mutual hate...Hrm..crap...wonder if Jerry will kill Jansen out of his own sense of revenge to get back at Eric...



Questions questions and more questions...


I feel a headache coming on in the next few chapters





A submarine?? That sounds like an interesting development!!


The U.S. would be limited by logistics, combined with happenstance. They could air-drop out of C-135 (jet transports) in the resort area, launching from the Us and getting there in about eight hours, but not get out. The Navy would indeed be a better option, *IF* there is a carrier in the area. That's a big *if*. At a max speed of advance or around 40mph, it would take days to get one into position from the Med (6th fleet) or the US.


Actually, a nuclear sub (either an SSN or SSBN) would be a good option. There are SSBN patrol zones in the vicinity, and a sub on underwater patrol can be reached by ELF. However, any subs in the immediate area are likely heading away at flank speed; they'd be ordered to do so as soon as the danger was understood. The problem is the tsunami. It would, in the immediate vicinity of the island, be up to two thousand feet in height. As it traveled in deep water it would subside to less than a couple of feet (typical for a tsunami in deep water... they only build up when the reach shallow water), but that would take hundreds of miles. For any sub in the area, the massive wave (traveling as a giant combing swell) would be lethal. Say the sub was at a hundred feet depth, and the tsunami passed over it. The effect effect of a two thousand foot wave above would be the same as if the sub dove to two thousand feet in calm water; it would be well beyond crush depth, a very fatal condition (Thresher and Scorpion, two US SSN's, were destroyed in separate incidents due to going below crush depth. There were no survivors.). So, any sub would be exiting the area of the canary islands at flank speed once the alert went up, at least that's my best guess. I'd say the same for any surface ship.


I'm not saying any of the above will be in the story (so, Graeme, no spoiler spines! :P ) but that's the situation as I see it; it would depend greatly on happenstance. There's also the issue that they wouldn't have a need to secure the nukes if they were sure they'd be destroyed (or end up on the bottom of the sea). Of course, there might be a ship in the area, so who knows. :)

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Helicopters? I'm not sure of range, but could they send some from Europe? I know the USA has bases in Europe -- do any of them have helicopters, and do they have the range (maybe refueling in Gibraltar) to get to the Canary Islands?

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When is the next pool party? :angry:


Does that mean Eric can have tequila?


Any way - Its good think Eric doesn't have knowledge of where the nukes are.


Ambush by scar is looming and will they have paid the mercenaries and have the press conference and the USA to act?


It does sound like Eric would be the first to be captured by Jerry and be torchered for the info.

It would be better if the had a fight like near the volcano with nukes in hand?


Nice boom away party for Jerry.

Eric would be satisfied his Nemesis is gone.

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Helicopters? I'm not sure of range, but could they send some from Europe? I know the USA has bases in Europe -- do any of them have helicopters, and do they have the range (maybe refueling in Gibraltar) to get to the Canary Islands?


Hrmmm, Sorta kinda maybe. :)


La Palma to Spain; about 900 miles. That's amost spot on for the range for a UH-60 with internal tanks and NO payload. However, the UH-60 can aerial refuel, so my guess is, they'd stage it with KC-10's (Tankers) out of Rota, Spain (nearest US facility). One thing to beaware of though; helicpters are even more suceptable to fine s(ash, sand, etc) than fixed-wing. So, they'd have to land west of the volcano (no ash there yet) and steer clear of any ash. But, yep, Helicopters are possible, assuming they are available, in place, and have the tankers available. The logistics on that kind of a mission can be complex, so it would take a day or two to set up, once they got a go order.


When is the next pool party? :angry:


I'd tell you, but then the Echidna would get me... :unsure:


Does that mean Eric can have tequila?


Any way - Its good think Eric doesn't have knowledge of where the nukes are.


Ambush by scar is looming and will they have paid the mercenaries and have the press conference and the USA to act?


It does sound like Eric would be the first to be captured by Jerry and be torchered for the info.

It would be better if the had a fight like near the volcano with nukes in hand?


Nice boom away party for Jerry.

Eric would be satisfied his Nemesis is gone.


Eric, on tequila? Hrmmm.. at least that would make the other little problems (volcano, nukes, etc) look minor by comparison. :)


Very good point; Eric was told where they are (storage unit) but unlike the others, he couldn't find it due to not having been there, or for that matter, even if he cound the units, he wouldn't know which one.

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Hrmmmm... From the look of the thread, chapter 36, "Convergence" went over like a lead balloon. Sorry if it was below par. I'll try to do better.


Speaking of which... The story is approaching the end. I would give a guesstimate on how many chapters remain, but I'm notoriously awful at that. For example, my original estimates for Changing Lanes, in its entirety, was 12-15 chapters. It seems I might possibly have been in error on that. :*)


The reason I mention this is that the end of the story, the final chapters, interrelate quite a bit, and I've already found myself going back and having to make a change or three to a prior chapter (Before posting it) while working on a latter one. Mainly, this involves foreshadowing, clues, etc, but also plot points. If anyone wants to know which ones, please ask me after the end, and I'll be happy to explain. I should have had enough of a chapter buffer to do this, but due to my trip, and then the flu, I was running very far behind.


There are no plans for any sequel, so I need to get the ending just right, so there is a sense of finality and closure.


So, in order to give me a few days to complete the critical future parts, I'm probably going to need to hold chapter 37, "best laid plans", for a little bit, until I finish some critical passages in 41. I hope to get it wrapped up within a couple of days, and I'll try, but this is just a head's up that 37 might be late. Sorry.



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It's better to be late than to be unfished or have that 'incomplete' feeling within a story, that's why i'm taking my sweet time with SA, cause I need a better idea and more chapters so i don't have to make any more revisions than absolutely necessary, and as for your no plans for a sequel, will, never say never.


I, for instance, would like to see more of Brian and Keith. Defintely think something is going on there, and I'm definitely hoping that in your final chapters we get a well given sense of how things end with Jansen and Eric :) , so don't leave us hanging like that.


As for your concerns that the chapter was "below par". Well. I don't think so, at all. The only difference between this story and the other Let the Music play is that we're not seeing so much of the band touring. But then again, this isn't about the band touring, it's mostly about Eric and my boy Jansen, resolving things that were left undone in the prequal. It also helps that things are culminating quick and easy. Most of us are just ready and waiting to see what happens next, to the point that we're sitting on the edge of our seats, I'm sure.


I personally can't wait for the next (hopefully) several chapters.


Best regards, and take as much time as you need.




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Lead balloon :o ???


So myself and some others take off a week of multiple posts harassing you about cliffs and other things totally not related to the story :P and you think it is below par :blink: ?


I have to apologize, I have usually commented on the chapter by now, but living in a hotel for the past two weeks and having sparodic internet connection combined with a new job has my posting way down. :angry:


Now, for the chapter :lol: ......


Thanks for sharing first off :worship: . I'm liking the idea of Brian and Keith warming up to each others. Too bad Helen is being such a control freak (all just because she has to deal with 3 nuclear bombs, geesh), that she forced Brian to bed by himself.


Yeah I know that it was to get Brian, his dad, and Fel out of the way so Jim and her could hide the bombs, but what a party pooper.


I know you were looking for a certification of being cliffhanger free, but......


Isn't The Scar suffering with a ankle sprain and just north of the resort watching and waiting to see what happens? Isn't Jim and Helen about to take two of the bombs to a storage facility just north of the resort to hide them? I guess if The Scar can't come to the bombs, why not have Helen just take them to him :P .


Hence, maybe a bit more subtle, but most definitely a cliffhanger once again :D

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Lead balloon :o ???


So myself and some others take off a week of multiple posts harassing you about cliffs and other things totally not related to the story :P and you think it is below par :blink: ?


I have to apologize, I have usually commented on the chapter by now, but living in a hotel for the past two weeks and having sparodic internet connection combined with a new job has my posting way down. :angry:


Now, for the chapter :lol: ......


Thanks for sharing first off :worship: . I'm liking the idea of Brian and Keith warming up to each others. Too bad Helen is being such a control freak (all just because she has to deal with 3 nuclear bombs, geesh), that she forced Brian to bed by himself.


Yeah I know that it was to get Brian, his dad, and Fel out of the way so Jim and her could hide the bombs, but what a party pooper.


I know you were looking for a certification of being cliffhanger free, but......


Isn't The Scar suffering with a ankle sprain and just north of the resort watching and waiting to see what happens? Isn't Jim and Helen about to take two of the bombs to a storage facility just north of the resort to hide them? I guess if The Scar can't come to the bombs, why not have Helen just take them to him :P .


Hence, maybe a bit more subtle, but most definitely a cliffhanger once again :D



B) .............I personally would like to see Helen and Scar fight it out, the fur would really fly!! :lol:

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First, let me explain about my "below par" comment. To be honest, I was at that point dealing with a very difficult (for me, anyway) writing situation; structuring the final chapters.


I have to get everything right, tie everything in, and also make the timeline sync. Further, I have to flesh out the ending, make sure it "feels' right, etc. Personally, I find writing the finale to be the most difficult thing in writing.


In the case of Changing Lanes, the plot is a little complicated, so there are, as it were, a great many threads to weave. I also have to do it right, and I was wrestling with some hard choices and wondering if I was getting it right.


I'm still somewhat of a begginer at writing; this is my third novel, but in reality it's only my second try at wraping a stroy completely up, because I knew LTMP would have an immediate sequel. From what I remember, I had similar issues with For The Love's conclusion, but I don't recall it being this hard, lol.


Seeing that not as many people as usual had weighed in (I'm not complaining, I'm explaining), and at that time pulling my hair out and wondering if I'd ever get the ending to click, I got a bit worried that my chapters had gone downhill. I'm prone to that under normal circumstances, for two reasons. One is that, for reasons I don't fully understand but perhaps having something to do with my dyslexia, when I read something I've recently written it always looks, to me, to be awkward, stilted, and pretty much utter crap. However, if I read the same thing months later, it looks okay. Weird, huh?


So, I can never tell if something I've written is okay. I trust my team to tell me if I have indeed belched forth crapola, so normally this is not an issue. However, combined with what I was dealing with regarding the finale to Changing Lanes, I guess my writer's insecurity (which I do indeed have a healthy case of, even at the best of times) kicked into overdrive, and I got worried that I was blowing the story.


OKay, now for some news: I think I have at least got a handle on the ending. I've written out the key parts and I'm happy with them, and this resolved a lot of the issues I was having. One other thing it means; I no longer foresee needing to make any changes in 37, so thanks to an outstanding special effort from our team, 37, "Best Laid Plans..." will be posted on schedule.


BTW, I'd like to add special thanks to Graeme, for his advice and council during the difficulties. Thanks, Graeme!!


It's better to be late than to be unfished or have that 'incomplete' feeling within a story, that's why i'm taking my sweet time with SA, cause I need a better idea and more chapters so i don't have to make any more revisions than absolutely necessary, and as for your no plans for a sequel, will, never say never.


I, for instance, would like to see more of Brian and Keith. Definitely think something is going on there, and I'm definitely hoping that in your final chapters we get a well given sense of how things end with Jansen and Eric :) , so don't leave us hanging like that.


As for your concerns that the chapter was "below par". Well. I don't think so, at all. The only difference between this story and the other Let the Music play is that we're not seeing so much of the band touring. But then again, this isn't about the band touring, it's mostly about Eric and my boy Jansen, resolving things that were left undone in the prequal. It also helps that things are culminating quick and easy. Most of us are just ready and waiting to see what happens next, to the point that we're sitting on the edge of our seats, I'm sure.


I personally can't wait for the next (hopefully) several chapters.


Best regards, and take as much time as you need.




Thanks Jon!!!


I put about 18 hours in on the story this weekend, and I'm now much happier with it.


I hope no one considers this a spoiler.. <lloks around nervously for the Echidna> no worries about not knowing how things go by the time the story is over. As there won't be a sequel, I felt I needed to give a sense of closure, and that, I feel there will be. :)


Lead balloon :o ???


So myself and some others take off a week of multiple posts harassing you about cliffs and other things totally not related to the story :P and you think it is below par :blink: ?


I have to apologize, I have usually commented on the chapter by now, but living in a hotel for the past two weeks and having sparodic internet connection combined with a new job has my posting way down. :angry:


Now, for the chapter :lol: ......


Thanks for sharing first off :worship: . I'm liking the idea of Brian and Keith warming up to each others. Too bad Helen is being such a control freak (all just because she has to deal with 3 nuclear bombs, geesh), that she forced Brian to bed by himself.


Yeah I know that it was to get Brian, his dad, and Fel out of the way so Jim and her could hide the bombs, but what a party pooper.


I know you were looking for a certification of being cliffhanger free, but......


Isn't The Scar suffering with a ankle sprain and just north of the resort watching and waiting to see what happens? Isn't Jim and Helen about to take two of the bombs to a storage facility just north of the resort to hide them? I guess if The Scar can't come to the bombs, why not have Helen just take them to him :P .


Hence, maybe a bit more subtle, but most definitely a cliffhanger once again :D


Thanks!! :)


Poor Helen... Getting saddled with three nuclear warheads was perhaps not how she'd envisioned her vacation going. :)

Of course, at least the volcano provides for a pleasant distraction, to keep her mind off the nukes...


I don't see the Scar's ankle sprain as a cliffhanger; it's a minor injury, and we have no indication that he won't be fine, so I really don't see how his minor injury is a cliffie. He's safe, really. :)


B) .............I personally would like to see Helen and Scar fight it out, the fur would really fly!! :lol:


ROFL! I think Jerry would get the worst of that one. LoL!

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Okay.. I've got a few questions about the chapter, just for fun. :P


First, what about Francois? What do you think of him? Is he the atypical cold-blooded mercenary? One with an interest in tying things up?


Edited by C James
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Okay.. I've got a few questions about the chapter, just for fun. :P


First, what about Francois? What do you think of him? Is he the atypical cold-blooded mercenary? One with an interest in tying things up?


Actually I was wondering about that. Could Francois actually be in leagues with The Scar and was back up for Mike the cook?


Second question... what do you think of the General's timing, regarding when to hit Helen up for a job for himself and Felecia? :lol:


Remember, someone once told us that he is the expert in lateral thinking :P


Third question: what about our friendly neighborhood volcano?




MikeL seems to worry a lot about the volcano. I don't know why; but what do you think? Is there anything to worry about?


Well if Helen throws Eric and a bottle of tequila into the volcano, I'm sure the fire gods will be happy with the sacrifice. I know I would if I was given Eric and a bottle of tequila :P


Fourth question: is Helen still miffed with Eric, for bringing her those pesky thirty-million-dollar Iranian cylinders (they might make interesting desk paperweights, though...)? However, Helen did care enough to assign Eric a nice a warm place to sleep.


See previous answer :D . Paperweights?? I was thinking they make funky looking speakers for the bar that the guys are opening.




"This line removed from the quote, due the goat's frantic begging".


Will Eric and Jansen's second date go more smoothly than the first? :wub:


Will the goat ever stop with all these pesky questions?



"This line removed too so the goat doesn't feel the tingling spines of the enchidna. :D "


Well that depends if Jansen joins Eric in his plunge into the volcano :lol:


And probably not, he is what he is :devil:

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Actually I was wondering about that. Could Francois actually be in leagues with The Scar and was back up for Mike the cook?


I can't answer that... But.. let's add up what we know about Francois... He's French, a hardened mercenary, prefers the Cayman Islands for his banking, hrmm, seems to prefer having things all tied up... hrmmm... 0:)



Well if Helen throws Eric and a bottle of tequila into the volcano, I'm sure the fire gods will be happy with the sacrifice. I know I would if I was given Eric and a bottle of tequila :P


Let us hope Helen doesn't think of that... :lol:


See previous answer :D . Paperweights?? I was thinking they make funky looking speakers for the bar that the guys are opening.


They would, at least, be very, very loud. Might violate the local noise ordnances though... 0:)



What truck, going to have to go back and read that. I just thought Jerry had a sprained ankle.


Ah, oh... ah.. ar.. um, uhoh... just consider it to be a purely metaphorical truck! Or an artifact of my bad memory! Er, um, ah, ack... I, um, deny any knowledge of any truck, in any way whatsoever!! And if the Echidna should happen to be browsing in the area, please move along, nothing to see here... :unsure:


And fear not... The Scar's ankle, per the text, was merely bruised. :jerry:


And probably not, he is what he is :devil:


Poor, innocent me? 0:)

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I can't answer that... But.. let's add up what we know about Francois... He's French, a hardened mercenary, prefers the Cayman Islands for his banking, hrmm, seems to prefer having things all tied up... hrmmm... 0:)


Ah ha!!! I've got it now. I'm slow but I'm steady. :wacko: Sounds like a TEAM player to me. :D


Hey Goat! Save all that lead baloon stuff for your memoirs....Confessions of a Misunderstood Goat :lol:


Now, get on with the pool party, uh...I mean story. B)

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Ah ha!!! I've got it now. I'm slow but I'm steady. :wacko: Sounds like a TEAM player to me. :D


Hey Goat! Save all that lead baloon stuff for your memoirs....Confessions of a Misunderstood Goat :lol:


Now, get on with the pool party, uh...I mean story. B)



He will, just as soon as you and all his other fans vote in that spectacular poll we got going on :)


For a link to said poll, you can click here






Who, (shameless plug-in) like Devin, isn't afraid to use blackmail as a means to an end :)

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