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Miss California Dethroned


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B) ............I'm really kinda of 'Who the f**k Cares' here, if she missed her contractual agreement then she 'F' it up by herself.



That's pretty much what I thought.


Maybe in her "country" they don't have to really work for a living?

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Maybe, she breached her contract; maybe she didn't. I personally think a lot of people - especially Perez Hilton - are going overboard with this "gay issue" here. Yes, I vehemently disagree with her views on gay marriage, but that does not mean that she shouldn't be entitled to her own opinions. Instead of attacking her, I believe the organization should open her eyes to the LGBT world. If people have the rights to their own opinions, I don't see why she can't. Of course, we can disagree. :)


And besides, this is a beauty pageant, not a debate on gay rights. I guess people should be level-headed when dealing with issues like this. I think it's pretty unfair if she is found to be fired on grounds of her personal opinion on gay marriage. If she did breach her contract, however, then it's unfortunate for her.


P.S: I personally think that the news is focusing a lot on "sexist" issues like beauty and whatnot. :( It's objectifying woman and setting a very high standard of beauty for many women.

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And besides, this is a beauty pageant, not a debate on gay rights. I guess people should be level-headed when dealing with issues like this. I think it's pretty unfair if she is found to be fired on grounds of her personal opinion on gay marriage. If she did breach her contract, however, then it's unfortunate for her.

From what I can tell... she was given a second chance originally for breaking her contract (not doing the events she was supposed to do). This time, one month later, she's still doing her own thing and thumbing her nose at the pageant officials and even Donald Trump said buh-bye.


P.S: I personally think that the news is focusing a lot on "sexist" issues like beauty and whatnot. :( It's objectifying woman and setting a very high standard of beauty for many women.

I agree with you, but I can't help but bring up the point that they do the same to men as well. Try walking by an Abercrombie and Fitch store with their adds and tell me how you feel afterward. Seriously, every time I see that or something similar, I always feel like crud because I'm not as hot as them or something like that.



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Alright, I'm not trying to be rude (it's just an automatic kind of thing with me) but this stuff about beautiful people setting unreasonable standards is just a bunch of crap. Yeah, she's beautiful. But she's DUMB! And yeah, the Abercrombie and Fitch guys are hot. So what? Some people are lucky: they're gorgeous. Other people are smart. Some are even geniuses. I think the real trick is finding your talent, the thing(s) that you do that are truly unique and/or superb. So unless you're dumb and ugly, get over it.

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Alright, I'm not trying to be rude (it's just an automatic kind of thing with me) but this stuff about beautiful people setting unreasonable standards is just a bunch of crap. Yeah, she's beautiful. But she's DUMB! And yeah, the Abercrombie and Fitch guys are hot. So what? Some people are lucky: they're gorgeous. Other people are smart. Some are even geniuses. I think the real trick is finding your talent, the thing(s) that you do that are truly unique and/or superb. So unless you're dumb and ugly, get over it.


I know I know... same thing Matt tells me all the time... but its ahrd ya know... I've alwasy had low self-esteme throughout most of my life so I always find myself comparing my looks to that of a hot guy and feelin like crud. Couldn't they use just regular people?

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I know I know... same thing Matt tells me all the time... but its ahrd ya know... I've alwasy had low self-esteme throughout most of my life so I always find myself comparing my looks to that of a hot guy and feelin like crud. Couldn't they use just regular people?


LOL. Just tell yourself that those hot, gorgeous guys are probably hung like a small pencil.

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I'm lucky that there is no A&F stores near me ha ha there's an American Eagle a few hours away and i only went in it once and was like AH! TOO PREPPY! (Was 17 then and Gothic, that trend lasted about 3 months was trying to impress this goth guy ha ha, though my black pants were wickedly awesome how i miss them!)


Self Esteem and Self Worth or whatever the other word im looking for is. Did this thing in my therapy where it was like i thought i was super ugly and that but yet in other ways i totally loved myself. I go through these phases where i don't care at all about my appearance then to the opposite "Omg how is my hair? Do these clothes look ok?" Spent years being told that i was ugly and no good for nothing. Then came boys who said i was pretty :) and wanted in my pants lmao. Now i'm finally starting to let people compliment me and not think they are creeps and such. "Grade A Meat" my favorite compliment so far.


Beauty Pagents make me cringe all them pretty women with there plastered on smiles. World Peace World Peace! blah....


Though yah break your contract.. Bye Bye :) "Maybe in her "country" they don't have to really work for a living? " Totally agree with ya there Mark

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I think that I have figured out what Carrie Prejean is really up to.


She appeared on Sean Hannity's radio show and his TV show on Fox today. She is scheduled to make the rounds of right-wing talk shows. She is doing the rounds of the Right-Wingers crying about how mean those dirty old faggots are.


I think she is making a move to become the Right Wing's pin-up girl.


Expect to see her standing by tele-Evangelists and right-wing candidates and crying about how she was done in by the evil gay agenda (and not by running her mouth out of school).


Organizations like Miss America and Miss California have long discussions about what their contestants can say on camera. They usually want to avoid controversy like the plague.


Perez Hilton, a judge and part of the Miss California organization has made a big pucker of an asshole of himself. Rather than running his mouth, he should have let Prajean hang herself. By speaking against her, he has given her grounds to say that the organization was out to get me.


Miss Prejean has known what she was doing from the start. I fear that we have played a part in creating a media monster that will turn around and bite us in the years to come.

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Well, it doesn't look like the new girl is any better than the last. She's opposed to gay marriage.




When pressed to comment further, she said: "You know, I think it's hilarious right now that the world is turning to beauty queens for the answers for this.


Yeah, but she's right about that.

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B) ............When pressed to comment further, she said: "You know, I think it's hilarious right now that the world is turning to beauty queens for the answers for this.


I do find it funny the world looks to beauty queens for any answers at all. They are all squeaky clean virgins with conservative views while in competition, or until their halos fall off on youtube!!

Edited by Benji
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Heh - I won a few pageants back in the day.. lol. I hate that these so called role-models all have a higher agenda than what they first set forth. Topless photos, drug addictions, rehab, wanting to be an actress... etc none of which are supposed to be part of the over all picture a "beauty queen" is supposed to have.


So I really like that this person lost her crown. A lot more deserved it over the years.. but..

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Heh - I won a few pageants back in the day.. lol. I hate that these so called role-models all have a higher agenda than what they first set forth. Topless photos, drug addictions, rehab, wanting to be an actress... etc none of which are supposed to be part of the over all picture a "beauty queen" is supposed to have.


So I really like that this person lost her crown. A lot more deserved it over the years.. but..


So since you won some pageants does that mean that there are

Topless photos, drug addictions, rehab, wanting to be an actress
in your past? If so, I think this is the perfect place to come clean and post them (the topless photos anyway). :P
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So since you won some pageants does that mean that there are in your past? If so, I think this is the perfect place to come clean and post them (the topless photos anyway). :P



Lol. Nope, not in my past. For the most part I'm a good role-model actually. 0:)

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