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A 2,010 Calorie Shake?


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I think I dislocated my jaw when I read this article I saw on Yahoo's main page just now. The more I read the worst my jaw hurt! I could not believe what I was reading! Are we all so oblivious of what we're putting in our bodies? Restaurants should have a chart where they dissect the contents of their menu. Take a look at the Sugar and Carbs in those drinks! Especially the Strawberry one!! UGH!



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Reading stuff like that makes me glad I gave up carbonated drinks and dairy drinks like smoothies and shakes long ago.


In case you're wondering those drinks with aspartame or sucralose in them (diet drinks) aren't much better. Some of the chemicals in them are really not good for the body at all.


If only I could go completely unsweetened tea instead of the 50/50 sweet/unsweet mix, I'd be completely satisfied with my drinking habits. :)

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That's the bad thing, it all looks so Yummiliciously tempting!! Along with those drinks, almost at the bottom of that page is this link...



I think I'm going on a hunger strike! I don't eat much (most times I forget or the thought of food really makes me nauseous) and after looking at the sodium, fat, sugar, calorie content on those foods I wanna eat even less!!

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Reading stuff like that makes me glad I gave up carbonated drinks and dairy drinks like smoothies and shakes long ago.


In case you're wondering those drinks with aspartame or sucralose in them (diet drinks) aren't much better. Some of the chemicals in them are really not good for the body at all.


If only I could go completely unsweetened tea instead of the 50/50 sweet/unsweet mix, I'd be completely satisfied with my drinking habits. :)


I gave up soda over a year ago also. I was suffering from joint pain especially on my knees to the point that I was falling on my face where ever I went by having my knees buckle with terrible pain, even falling down the stairs in my house. A few months after quitting sodas the pain went away and so did the swelling, no more falling and they don't "creek" as bad as they did before. I try to warn people about the dangers of drinking the stuff. I also used to sweeten my coffee with Splenda until I read the dangers of it. Now, anything that needs sweetening, white or brown sugar. I wish Stevia (sweet leaf plant) was easily available and not as expensive as it is...

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Before my dad died last year - he knew his time was short - I'd take him a large, double malt french vanilla chocolate malt from Marble Slab. The things weighed like 2 pounds. He LOVED em. They were the highlight of his week. I have no idea what the calorie count in those were. And yeah, I'd have one once in a while. Then I'd race him for the insulin (I'd let him win).


I'm not sure he's a good example for "clean living", though, being dead and all.

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Horrible stuff! It's hard to believe anyone could think up such unhealthy recipes. It almost defies logic that you could get that much bad stuff in one cup.


Water is the best thing you can drink, assuming you can get clean water.


I used to drink iced tea all the time. Tea without sugar or any other sweetener is the most refreshing. It needs to be fresh and made with filtered water to really be enjoyable. I suppose it is an acquired taste, but once you have acquired the taste you won't want sugar in it ever again. Alas, I can no longer drink tea due to the tannin content.



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Horrible stuff! It's hard to believe anyone could think up such unhealthy recipes. It almost defies logic that you could get that much bad stuff in one cup.


Water is the best thing you can drink, assuming you can get clean water.




That is one thing I do drink plenty of, at least a gallon a day. On those extremely RARE occasions when we do have company (that's when I have to tell the child daughter and child husband to act civilized) and they drink water they always ask where I get my water from. I always tell them, 'from the tap, but of course!' They claim it has a sweet, different flavor from their water. Of course, living in a small farm and it being well water does make a difference.

But.... perhaps the horse shit has something to do with it! HAHAHA!! :P

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My lord... I've not heard of any of those drinks thankfully... they'd just be too tempting not to lay off them.. :P but shew.. I'm glad I don't do the Pop thing.. the only stuff I drink is water, teas, and orange juice. :)

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i'm glad the only thing I drink when outdoors is coke or sometimes a fruit smoothie (fresh with no added sugar or anything).

At home I usually drink sirup (since regular water makes me hurl) or tea, and when i feel like it I drink coke or Golden power (the only Redbull-like drink I can stand).


although some did look very delicious, most of them were milkshake or coffee based.... I hate both of those :P

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There are certain diets that require you to have vast amount of calories. Also when bodybuilders are "cutting" they will bulk up literally on fats/calories/zomgs then cut from that, hence cutting.


Water is literally the best thing since Jesus in regards to healthy drinkage. It will sate your appetite usually. If you're craving a burger and can't eat it, chug some water you'll be settled in no time. In general, water is fantastic. Screw these shakes.

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I love water, nothing can beat it, not even coffee, wine, and beer (even though I'm addicted to coffee). :D


I don't like soft drinks much, though I buy orange juice every now and then and drink one glass and then forget that I have it in my fridge...

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I love water, nothing can beat it, not even coffee, wine, and beer (even though I'm addicted to coffee). :D


I don't like soft drinks much, though I buy orange juice every now and then and drink one glass and then forget that I have it in my fridge...



Yeah I do that with my orange juice. Pour it out to find mould floating on the top. :(.


I drink soft drinks as mixers, but thats the only time.


I dont think sweetners are necessarily any worse for you than sugar. They are both 'sweet' tasting chemicals, sweetners just had the misfortune to be discovered last and so are demonised for being 'unnatural' or 'artificial'.

Blame food marketers for the ever-expanding serving vessels, chock-full of cheap sugar substitutes, a variety of hard-to-pronounce chemicals, and tons of fats.

It really bugs me when ignorant people slam something for having chemicals in it.


I am drinking coffee with 1 spoon of sugar in it at the moment!

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Yeah I do that with my orange juice. Pour it out to find mould floating on the top. sad.gif.


I drink soft drinks as mixers, but thats the only time.


I dont think sweetners are necessarily any worse for you than sugar. They are both 'sweet' tasting chemicals, sweetners just had the misfortune to be discovered last and so are demonised for being 'unnatural' or 'artificial'.


It really bugs me when ignorant people slam something for having chemicals in it.


I am drinking coffee with 1 spoon of sugar in it at the moment!



I like my coffee strong black and plentiful. It's pretty much the only non alcoholic drink I drink. I can't stand carbonated drinks they just make me feel bloated and sick. I think that society is a little too hysterical about what we eat. At the end of the day my mantra is... eat as big a variety of food as I can whenever I want it. I do keep a nether eye on fat sugar and carb intake and try to make my diet as healthy and varied as I can and it seems to be working. I never read the ingredients... no point it means nothing. But generally a little packacged chemical intake as long as it is balanced by plenty of fresh fruit and veg, is not likely to be doing me any harm.


On the other hand the reports that dead bodies are failing to decompose and that men are becoming less and less fertile are slightly worrying.

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On the other hand the reports that dead bodies are failing to decompose and that men are becoming less and less fertile are slightly worrying.


One would think the reduced fertility would be desireable in an era when the world's population is reaching the point where 'crowding' is becoming a global condition :D

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Horrible stuff! It's hard to believe anyone could think up suchunhealthy recipes. It almost defies logic that you could get that muchbad stuff in one cup.


It might be horrible for someone who doesn't need it.


When I was in rehab, I was dangerously underweight and they would give me recipes like this to get me to gain.


But seriously, if you don't need it, don't drink it. :P

Edited by ArpeGGio
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It might be horrible for someone who doesn't need it.


When I was in rehab, I was dangerously underweight and they would give me recipes like this to get me to gain.


But seriously, if you don't need it, don't drink it. :P


B)............Agreed, I probably could use one of those shakes once a week! :P

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B)............Agreed, I probably could use one of those shakes once a week! :P


Or drinking it, daily by sevenths, in a week is still 300 calories a day! Over a third of the U.S. population are in the obese category AND health-wise at risk.

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It might be horrible for someone who doesn't need it.


When I was in rehab, I was dangerously underweight and they would give me recipes like this to get me to gain.


But seriously, if you don't need it, don't drink it. :P

I agree. If you need a special diet while in the hospital or under a doctor's care, that's one thing. It's quite another for this stuff to be sold in restaurants and coffee shops...probably at premium prices too.

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Thankfully This Beast got discontinued. How much does that thing weigh to have more than some people's daily calorie intake in a cup? It's probably more like a bucket of shake.


That article and the top 30 health food one scared the hell out of me.

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