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Favorite Accent  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Accent do you find the most attractive?

    • English
    • French
    • Scottish/Irish
    • Australian
    • Spanish/South/Central American
    • Caribbean
    • US - West Coast (think surfer)
    • US - Southern
    • US - Midwest (think farm boys)
    • US - Northeast (except New York)
    • US - New York
    • Eastern European/Russian
    • Asian
    • Italian
    • Arabic

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The problem is - you havent divided your poll finely enough (though I realise there is a board imposed limit on the number of possible responses).


As a typical speaker of Amerglish, you assume there is one 'english' accent for the sole reason of.. you cant tell the difference :P. Im not being insulting, just truthful :P.

I would guess the same holds true with any of the undivided nationalities in your poll. It certainly does with Irish and Scottish.



I quite like the Walsall accent, its near Birmingham but doesnt have any of the ratty whine Brummys sometimes have. Its soft and cute. The east of england can be quite funny to listen to (sorry John :D), but it can again be cute. The North I just find silly. The western english accent often borders on ridiculous wherever you go around there, though there are many forms of ridiculous.


There is generally just one accent or only a very small variation for the south/south east until you move into different bits of London, and because I come from the south-east from it sounds normal. :)

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German isn't on the list! I love German accents, but accents in generally are hot, because it's something unique and different. French always sounds so sexy in its slow drawling nature. English always makes someone sound pretty intelligent.


I was never a fan of Southern accents, but it can have that sweet Southern charm feel.


I like some NYC accents. Staten Island is pretty cool. So is Brooklyn. Has a bit of a rough sound to it.

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Every time a poll is posted on here, there are people who complain about how it isn't representative. This time, you guys beat Kevin and Graeme to the punch. :D I put Australian in just as a pre-emptive strike on Graeme.


You're right though. I completely forgot about German, and the dialects in different parts of England are pronounced. I also neglected South Africa, which is really hot, not to mention India.


But hey, I'm a flawed person and it's a flawed poll. It would be important if it wasn't just for fun.

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I wrote a blog on voices, mostly on pitch, and Nephy raised the issue of accents. I love them.



HEY!!!! Where's Welsh??? *huffs*


I appreciate that polls are not wholly representative but seeing as you have English Scottish and Irish I feel picked on and left out. *laughs* not really :) Just wanted to point out to you guys that Wales is a separate country... well kind of... it's still under occupation but we won't get into politics here. :)

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I really love the australian accent. It's the best from those listed. Unlike a lot of people I really dislike the french accent. It just doesn't sit well with me. I'd love to know if I have an accent, but since I'm unable to point one out I guess my accent would be the spanish. Of all those listed it's the language that mostly resembles my own.

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I think this poll needs to be divided. For instance, how about one devoted to English-speaking accents and then the rest. Also, what about Spanish accents and German accents? There are over 200 nations in the world with probably 1,000 accents to choose from. Come to think of it, why not have it further divided by region?

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Who would have thought that such a simple question would be so controversial. You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time. Personally I wonder whether it's possible to please any of the people any of the time... moral of the story.. please yourself all the time.

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Every time a poll is posted on here, there are people who complain about how it isn't representative. This time, you guys beat Kevin and Graeme to the punch. :D I put Australian in just as a pre-emptive strike on Graeme.


You're right though. I completely forgot about German, and the dialects in different parts of England are pronounced. I also neglected South Africa, which is really hot, not to mention India.


But hey, I'm a flawed person and it's a flawed poll. It would be important if it wasn't just for fun.

Hahaha, don't mind me. I have my own obsession and love of Germans and all things Germans.


Australian kind of grates me, some kind of whiny thing from the back of the throat. Although maybe it was just the actress who put a bad spin on the accent in my mind because when I heard an Australian guy speak briefly on the news, he sounded pretty hot.


You find Indian accents hot? I never did. Maybe from various areas, but if it's strong, very "jingly" for lack of a better word and I get so distracted by it, I can't understand it.


Asian accents are a bit much. I hear Korean and Chinese ones a lot, not fun. Japanese, marginally better.

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Aussie is hot. I am an Anglo-phile and like the British accent.


The French accent is pretty cool but some people over do it and I can't help thinking about this guy:





All that aside, it is the Scandinavian accents that have the power to make my knees wobble.

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My accent is quite eclectic. I lived in NJ for a few years so sometimes I have a NJ/Prican accent but most times It's southern/rican (In FL I was known as a Puertorrican RedNeck). When ever I talk to someone for the first time they always ask where I'm originally from and they say they love the way I sound.

I really like the French and also the English accent. I think they are both super sexy!!

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Met a few people from South Carolina recently.. and shew their accents were just too much.. haha. Georgia and Mississippi have pretty interesting accents as well.


I don't really like the French, Russian, British, or Australian accents as much as I used to... maybe I need to watch more foreign shows so I can appreciate them again.

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Met a few people from South Carolina recently.. and shew their accents were just too much.. haha. Georgia and Mississippi have pretty interesting accents as well.


I don't really like the French, Russian, British, or Australian accents as much as I used to... maybe I need to watch more foreign shows so I can appreciate them again.



IMHO on television the Welsh accent just comes across as being really thick (as in stupid) and I have to admit that in a lot of areas (which I very non charitably refer to as Chav areas) it is. However, I think that, at its best it is very musical and beautiful... although I have have to admit that I MUCH prefer the Irish accent. I think it is so incredibly sexy it blinds me completely to what is contained in the rest of the package. Some Scottish accents do the same thing.

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Hahaha, don't mind me. I have my own obsession and love of Germans and all things Germans.


Australian kind of grates me, some kind of whiny thing from the back of the throat. Although maybe it was just the actress who put a bad spin on the accent in my mind because when I heard an Australian guy speak briefly on the news, he sounded pretty hot.


You find Indian accents hot? I never did. Maybe from various areas, but if it's strong, very "jingly" for lack of a better word and I get so distracted by it, I can't understand it.


Asian accents are a bit much. I hear Korean and Chinese ones a lot, not fun. Japanese, marginally better.



Whoa generalisation much?

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Whoa generalisation much?

In terms of perceiving accents and deciding whether we like the sound of it, how else does it work besides generalizing? It's not like we'd know any better because it's an entirely different concept of sounds.


Irish accents win at life. I could listen to someone speak in an Irish accent about something as interesting as moss all day.

Irish accents are nice. If it's really heavy, hard to understand, but that's probably the same for anyone who listens to a person with an accent/from a different state, country, etc.

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heh this had me devided,

i love the Irish, it just does things to me but Scottish accents are all most a detracting factor

i think top 5 in order itd have to be



French Canadian

English (London)


US Southern (though i often cant decide whether i love or hate this one)

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Well, I am not much for accents, they don't really entice me or anything, just the way someone speaks, I'm way to busy checking out their eyes or their hair to pay attention to how they talk(the 2 things i look for in a guy, sexy hair style and sexy eyes)..


BUT, if I had to choose which accent I find the sexiest, it would definitely be Italian! I love everything Italian(Hence why I am attempting to learn the language) :P


Kinda surprised only one other person thinks that :(

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Well, I am not much for accents, they don't really entice me or anything, just the way someone speaks, I'm way to busy checking out their eyes or their hair to pay attention to how they talk(the 2 things i look for in a guy, sexy hair style and sexy eyes)..


BUT, if I had to choose which accent I find the sexiest, it would definitely be Italian! I love everything Italian(Hence why I am attempting to learn the language) :P


Kinda surprised only one other person thinks that :(

Nah, there at least two. :D


Actually, I like Italian accents and Italians in general. There are some real hotties there with the dark hair and eyes along with their dark skin. They are truly beautiful people (well, some of them anyway). I voted for Irish/Scottish though as I mentioned before. They drive me crazy.

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