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Ok. So I wanna know what your favorite cereals. And how do you like to eat them. Cold cereals do you just use milk, or do you use yogurt or ice cream. Do you add fruit to it? Hot cereals...do you use water or milk to cook it? Do you rather the instant packs or do you like to cook it stovetop from the canister? Whats you favorite flavor? Do you add cheese or sugar or jelly to it? Do you like to eat it with some type of toasted bread or pastry?


Ill start...


Cold cereal, I like...


Capn Crunch (no Crunchberries) I like to eat it with milk or cereal. I dont add fruit.


Special K I eat it with ice cream and add freshly cut strawberries.


Corn Flake Milk and bananas


Golden Grahams, Frosted Flakes, Trix, Honeycomb etc. Milk and sugar


Hot cereal...


Oatmeal...I cook it stovetop with milk and I like maple brown sugar and I add sugar


Grits, Cheese and butter and I cook it instant


Cream of Wheat, I cook stovetop with water and I add sugar butter and brown sugar and I like to eat it with toast






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hmmm not sure if you guys will know what i'm talking abou but


i like shredded wheat or malted shreddies and hve to have warm milk and sugar


i also like cornflakes and rice krispies with cold milk and sugar


pretty boring and basic but i have to be in the mood to eat cereal

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cocopops (popped rice with choloate) in cold milk


(sweetened) cornflakes in yoghurt



cocopops in hot milk (though not that often, I used to like them better hot but lately cold is more my appetite)


oatpap (not crushed but pulverized oat flakes) with hot milk and sugar ^^ sooo nice ^^

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I like most cold cereals. Frosted Miniwheats or the huge non-frosted ones are my favourite, but I'll eat just about anything.


I like oatmeal well enough, but cold cereal is easier so I usually stick with that. I also eat grits with syrup or honey, but usually only in addition to a Sunday brunch.



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hmm...my very fav is cracklin oat bran..tastes like cookies...


Wanted to ask though, what the hell is the point of eating special K with ice cream? doesn't that defeat the purpose?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cold- Coles toasted muesli with milk or yoghurt and honey/brown sugar and cinnamon.

Crunchy nut with milk

Apple/cinnamon Crunchola with milk

Hot- Porridge with milk (microwaved) and I add cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar/honey and bananas and any berries I have around.

Microwaved Sultana Bran with milk.


I really wanna try grits but I don't think you can get it in Australia- I dunno.

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Most anything with fruit and honey in it.




Oatmeal with cinnamon, raisins, butter and brown sugar, or raisins and peanut butter, or;


Instant Grits with butter and sugar, white or brown, or;


Cream of Wheat with butter and sugar, sometimes with cocoa powder, too--the butter and sugar helps with this, and makes what is normally a breakfast cereal a late night dessert.

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I am from Calif so I need someone to explain it to me...


Is there a difference between Instant Grits and Grits?



I'm from CA too, but the difference is how long it takes to cook them. Instant Grits cook up just like Cream of Wheat instant...regular takes about 20 minutes or so.

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Lucky Charms

Special K with Strawberries or Blueberries

Frosted Mini Wheats with strawberries and bananas



Cream of Wheat with strawberries and banana, or blueberries and bananas

Oatmeal made with vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, and maple syrup.

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Can't drink milk. It's like an explosion waiting to happen.


Being allergic to milk and eggs sux.


B)...........Not allergic to milk but I don't drink it (Milk is for calves), that said no cereal except oatmeal! :D

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Cheerios w/milk



Oatmeal w/Raisins & a little milk.


Call me weird, but I also like grits w/salt, pepper, butter and 2 fried eggs over easy, all mixed together.

Must be my Southern US upbringing. :)

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