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One year of the rest of my life

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Next time you want me to start a thread about how much I (we) all love you, such extreme measures are not necessary, okay? :P Just ask... GEEZ!


We've talked a lot outside of GA, about all kinds of things during your recovery, and I just want to tell you that I'm so proud to know you and to have been able to see the way you've stood up (no pun intended) and fought every day to make your life yours again. It's funny how some things change and others stay the same, and I know you know that I'll always be here cheering you on... maybe not so much when you try to move a gigantic TV down five flights of stairs by yourself, but that's another story entirely.


I love you lots!


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What you endured is something many of us fear; and out of the blue catastrophic crash.


But then, you had to make the decision of your life. And you did.


The decision to lose a part of yourself... that took courage.


You then had to fight your way back, regaining your life one bit at a time. You have been through so much, and you persevered.


Well done, Steve, you're an inspiration, and someone I am very proud to know.



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Hearing about your accident was the third biggest shock that I have recieved since being here and none of them have been nice ones. However, hearing about your recovery has been an ongoing and growing pleasure. I have not had much opportunity to get to know you but the brief chats that we have both been involved in have always been a pleasure as you have alway made me laugh in one way or another. I think your humour is the one thing above all else apart from your courage that has shone through from the start and it comes through in this touching post too.


As someone who also refuses to stay down I know how hard it can be sometimes and how important it is to have good friends around. I'm sure that someone like you.. brave, funny, strong, sweet must have many friends here and out there but I would like to think that in some small way I can share a tiny corner of that title and be proud.


Happy anniversary.

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That was hard to read. Up to the actual breaks and the difference in our recoveries it was so similar to what I remember. That scream of metal being cut, the suffocating blanket as they break out windows and a stranger keeps you calm before they drag you out of a twisted metal lump. I was blessed that my leg shattered and didn't break the surface so I still can walk with 2 legs, albiet a bit gimpy and with one leg shorter than the other. :P I am so glad you had a support system. The kindness of strangers and casual acquaintances can never hit home more than when a disaster strikes you personally. Your strenth is phenomonal. Advice, if I can be so bold as to give it, don't be alone that first year anni of it. That was the most emotional one for me. :hug:

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I was so shocked reading about your crash when it happened, it always happens to the sweetest people. It also terrified me when you posted the picture of your wrecked car, I don't think I slept well that night, and knowing you had been in the car when it happened. It's just something you never want to see or hear, especially with a friend.


I'm glad you're still around, I love having people to bug and poke at. ^_^



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