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Classic Couples


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In books, movies and literature we often come across striking couples that really make a lasting impression.


What makes a couple memorable?


Is the couple the sum of the individuals or by some mystical synergy, do they exceed that sum of their parts?


Do memorable couples differ in literature from those on the big screen or are the elements of charcter still there?


Here are some memorable couples. Please add more and discuss!




Admiral Adama and President Roslin, Battlestar Galactica




Hans Solo and Princess Leia in Star Wars




Edward Lewis & Vivian Ward in Pretty Woman


In literature:


Brian and Pete in Brian and Pete by Dewey


Dave & Timmy in the Quarry by Driver


Prez and Keith in A New Life by the Eggman


Owen & Aiden in the Log Way by DomLuka

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I would have to say that all the memorable couples I can think of have three attributes:


1. The two individuals are distinct -- they aren't copies of each other. More importantly, one doesn't run roughshod over the other.


2. The two individuals are both strong characters. Not necessarily strong as in dominant, but they aren't caricatures -- they are complex, three-dimensional people.


3. There is a strong, largely positive, relationship between the two individuals.

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my favourite couple in literature has got to be - Andrew Ryan and Temperance Brennan in the Temperance Brennan series by Kathy Reiches


in films/tv shows, - Will and Grace and Jack and Karen from the Will and Grace show (not really couples but wtf, they go together!!)



i prefere reading to watching tv/films so the couples from books always stand out to me alot more then if they were from a show

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Katherine Hepburn and any one of her leading men.


Henry Fonda, Spencer Tracy, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart.


That's all that I can remember. :)

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What makes a couple memorable...hmmm--I think it depends.


For me, in books and movies, it's the underlying sexual tension that is added to with plot conflicts, thereby making me root and wish and hope they'll finally get it together. This journey of suspense makes a particular couple memorable. For me the "ah, finally" moments are hard to forget.


In real life, I like what another post said about the individuals being strong characters (themselves) and good dynamics for working together with another.



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Not a real couple in the couples sense, but they rule!



Prepare for trouble! and make it double!

To protect the world from devastation! To unite all people within our nation!

To denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend out reach to the stars above!



Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light! Surrender now or prepare to fight!!!

(Meowth doesn't count)




ow that I think about it, there had been implied love interest between those two towards the end.

Edited by Yang Bang
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At the risk of sounding sentimental I think that what makes a couple great is that they complete each other. By that I don't mean that they finish each other's sentences or anything like that but that their different attributes feed into one another and as a couple they balance each other. And part of that balance is conflict. Overcoming conflict is a great part of the balance of a strong relationship becuase no relationship ever is completely without it. The conflict makes each person push themselves. Without it the relationship would become stangnant. And I don't mean constant arguing or never agreeing... I mean healthy conflict.


Think of some of the pairs that have been suggested here


Han and Leia.... conflict especially before the Leia/luke thing is resolved, and some of the most intense moments were before that

Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman (that's the only one I know) - obvious conflict of worlds, morals and expectations.

Will and Grace / Jack and Karen - all sorts of conflicts between the four.

Darcy and Elizabeth - two worlds collide.

Jesse and James - now that is just silly because everyone knows James is Gay :)


My favourite media couples are


Buffy and Spike

Homer and Marge

Jonny Depp and Vanessa Paradise (Sp bad)


Literary couples

Romeo and Juliet (NOT)

Carrot and Angua (Terry Pratchett's Discworld)

Oh Gods I just can't list them all



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Buffy and Spike


How dare you ship Spuffy! :P You liked the handcuffs, didn't you?


I personally like Buffy and Angel better even though they never got their happily ever after. Buffy and Spike were fine up until mid-Season 6. It just got too dysfunctional after that. Their scenes in Season 7 were good though. I liked the "I know I'm a monster, but you treat me like a man" line from Season 5. No, I'm not obsessed with that show at all... :lol:


And to add to the list:


Luke and Lorelai from Gilmore Girls (who should have gotten married!)




Archie and Betty




Meredith and Derek from Grey's Anatomy "Pick me, choose me, love me."



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If there's one couple I love its Monica and Chandler from Friends; they were never meant to end up together when they started writing the show but the two characters complemented each other so well (monica's crazy obsession with everything being organized and perfect / Chandler's goofiness and humor) that when the writers decided to match them it was like they were really meant for each other. They are by far my favorite couple; I remember the episode after they get married and chandler lost the cameras and Monica can't control herself and opens the presents while he's gone lol. Meanwhile Chandler tries to recreate the photos from the wedding from another couples wedding (he takes a photo of him kissing the bride) and then shows her the photos without knowing that she'd found the cameras.


Chandler: You opened all the presents without me? I thought we were supposed to do that together!

Monica: You kissed another woman?

Chandler: Call it even?

Monica: Okay!

Lol they were great together

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I have one menage a trois! :D I think, despite all problems, these three guys just hit it off right from the beginning! :D






Lol, totally! That was a great serial, too...


Marina Anissina and Gwendal Peizerat are one of the greatest couples I've seen on ice:


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I have one menage a trois! :D I think, despite all problems, these three guys just hit it off right from the beginning! :D





Paya thats absolutely typical of you! :D


But if we are going on sitcom couples from the united kingdom...




Then it has to be Tom and Barbara / Margo and Jerry (though me thinks there was a little bit of partner swapping involved in 1970's surbiton!)

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Lol, totally! That was a great serial, too...


Marina Anissina and Gwendal Peizerat are one of the greatest couples I've seen on ice:


Procyon. Hi,

I have watched a lot of skating and have never seen this! Thanks so much!

This performance was more like a story to me than the others I have watched. It was so exciting and so energetic!

Short story--Thanks!

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The most classic couple I can think of is Lois and Clark (aka Superman). What other fictional characters have been together for seventy years in continuous new adventures and are still in love?




And yes, I agree with the sentiment that the formula for a classic couple involves a balance of conflict as well as completing each other.

Edited by Forty-Two
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What other fictional characters have been together for seventy years in continuous new adventures and are still in love?


Batman and Robin! Oh wait, do they count? :P


Ironic, I type in Batman and Robin into Yahoo images and the first picture that pops up is the two of them kissing... lol

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But if we are going on sitcom couples from the united kingdom...


Then it has to be Tom and Barbara / Margo and Jerry (though me thinks there was a little bit of partner swapping involved in 1970's surbiton!)


Definitely. And that brings to mind Audrey fforbes-Hamilton and Richard deVere, a favorite couple of mine. Lionel and Jean had a great love story, and a bit more obscurely in the States, Laura and Mike, played by Dench and her real-life husband.


In a different vain, but at least as entertaining, were Hyacinth and Richard Bucket and Basil and Sybil Fawlty.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Rhett and Scarlett or Rick and Ilsa.

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I definately agree with you about Admiral Adama and President Roslin from Battlestar Galactica


I also think Chuck and Sarah from Chuck are a classic couple. They're just so good together. They're from different worlds yet they compliment each other really well and the whole underlying sexual tension that the producers built throughout the first couple of seasons was really effective even though really subtle and while it was building It allowed the audience to see how much they actually cared for each other. They're also just really cute together.


Also, Kirk/Spock :P never actually a couple, i know, but still it's a funny thought.


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Batman and Robin! Oh wait, do they count? :P


Ironic, I type in Batman and Robin into Yahoo images and the first picture that pops up is the two of them kissing... lol


Sure, I will give you Batman and Robin in a joking nature, although I could go into great detail why I'm opposed to the idea.


Okay... maybe a little detail: 1) The first Robin, Dick Grayson, has had so many falling outs with Batman that they have been at odds ever since he left for the Teen Titans in the 80s and then became Nightwing. 2) The second Robin, Jason Todd, was dead for decades (so unless Batman's into necrophilia...) and is now a villain/anti-hero depending on how you want to see it. 3) Tim Drake, the third Robin, has so many attachments to Batman as a father figure that he's now Tim Wayne, so ew, and he's technically moved on to being Red Robin anyway. Finally, 4) the fourth Robin, Damian Wayne, is Batman's biological son so again, EW.


So really no Batman & Robin team has existed for seventy years. Just sayin' ;)

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I agree with Nef on criteria, they need to complete each other cause its all about ballance, how do they resolve conflict, and ofcourse, there's the ah, moment at the end of the story. Its also about the way they speak to each other, tone of voice, caring, being able to anticipate each other's needs. Onto my couples, jack and zowee, from, Mary Brown's, Playing the Jack, dono how many of you've read that, Jeff and Tracy whitney, from If tomorrow comes, Sam and brian, from, It started with brian, because at the end, they were as one inspite of everything that happend before.

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Hey, how about Modesty blaze and willie GArvin, talking about the Pieterr O'donnald books. Jane and Mr. rochister, jane and father Nick darrow, from the book, The miracle worker, suzan howatch.

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