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Are there genres you don't read in online fiction?


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I just realized that there are genres I avoid reading in online and ebook format M/M stories, even if I do read them in actual books.


For example, I don't read sci-fi, mystery/suspense, horror, and fantasy in the electronic format. Not because I don't like them (A lot of my favorite books come from those genres, and indeed they are my prime reading fare for actual books from my teens onwards - e.g. Death's Master by Tanith Lee, Swan Song by Robert McCammon, Contact by Carl Sagan). I find that when it comes to online stories, I prefer modern romance almost exclusively. Even the stories with magic in them that I do end up reading tend to be ones set in modern times (for example, I loved Want Me by Rowan McBride). I also know other people also stick to reading certain genres (like shapeshifters, or vampires, or cop thrillers, etc.)


I don't know why. I've tried sometimes, but I just couldn't get into them. :[ Maybe it's because my primary reasons for reading online are for romance? Hehe


So do you have a genre preference as well or do you just read anything that sounds good? If you do, what is it?


Note that this isn't a reflection on any of our works here, their quality or their content. I sadly have barely much free time nowadays, and I haven't read the recent stories at all >.< Horrible me, I know. :[

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I stick to Modern Romance for online reading... Anything else I still shop around in printed/published works. I think its because Modern Romance especially in the Male/Male genre is pretty difficult to find where I live... I'd probably have to shop online exclusively for that. The sci-fi and other stuff can easily be found, and I'd rather them not be Male/male.

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I don't have any issue reading any genre. Okay maybe I like horror a little more than college romance but I will read and enjoy anything as long as it is a good story.

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Genres/Themes I usually look for: Fantasy (Magic), High School, College, Sci-Fi

Primary Couple: Teens, Young Adult


Genres/Themes I usually avoid: Werewolves, Vampires, Work/Adult Responsibilities, Horror, Military, "Sad Stuff", Porn, Political

Primary Couple: Too Young, Too Old


That isn't to say that I haven't read stories from the "things I avoid" list. "From the Heart" by Codey is a very sad story but one of my favorites. They just have to have elements in them that I like or appeal to me.


Generally, I read as a form of escapism. I want to see or experience things I currently do not experience in real life. I don't want to read about some sap who complains about work and his coworkers. I get enough of that from friends. :P


I actually think romance is pretty much part of every novel length story I've read here so it's not exactly something I've come to look for but rather something that I more or less expect to show up in the story.

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I generally browse electronically for anything I read... it's just so much easier to deal with than print. My collection of e-books is growing, rapidly, since I don't buy hardcopy anymore.

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I rarely read anything online. The one story I started reading this year thus far was a fanfic written by Steven Brust using the characters of the Joss Wheedon sci-fi western tv show, Firefly. And I didn't finish.


I'm an avid book collector for many years now, I prefer to read any genre in print. I spend a lot of time on the net with my online store, marketing and advertising with my writing projects or actually writing, so I really welcome the chance to get totally away from it, relax back and open a book with my hands.

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Generally, I read as a form of escapism. I want to see or experience things I currently do not experience in real life. I don't want to read about some sap who complains about work and his coworkers. I get enough of that from friends. :P


I actually think romance is pretty much part of every novel length story I've read here so it's not exactly something I've come to look for but rather something that I more or less expect to show up in the story.


same for me, i dont really like reading about stuff i can find in either books or what im experiencing on real life, which is probably why i read the m/m stories online and not the f/f since i read those as books


My collection of e-books is growing, rapidly, since I don't buy hardcopy anymore.


shock horror!!!!! :o how could you not buy hard copies!!!!!! i couldnt live without atleast 2 complete bookcases in my room!!!!



when im feeling suicidal i tend to want to read something pretty sad, since i dont really like it when the characters are gloating in my face that they are happy and im not

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I don't read anything online that I can get in hardback or paperback . Since I cannot get most of what is posted on GA, Nifty, CRVBoy, Awesomedude, etc., from the local book store or amazon.com I read that online.

I don't like to read it online because of the errors, size of the print, the errors, the backgrounds, the errors, the screen switching, the errors, but that's where it is so I read it there.

Anytime you authors want to learn how to spell, use grammer and construct a complete sentence, I'll be waiting and reading. Oh yeah, it would be nice if you used the same character names throughout the piece.

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Heh, I forgot about fan-fics, but yeah, it's probably the one genre I'll never read. I guess I'm a purist when it comes to story universes that I've come to love. I do make exceptions for other authors finishing the work of a deceased author, but then again those aren't exactly fan-fics.


same for me, i dont really like reading about stuff i can find in either books or what im experiencing on real life, which is probably why i read the m/m stories online and not the f/f since i read those as books


Interestingly enough, before I discovered m/m fiction, I used to read loads and loads of those paperback m/f romance novels. Sneaked them off my sisters' bookshelves, LOL. I've never read f/f though. Should try to one of these days.

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Actually, there is VERY little that I will read online. I will download and print some Fantasy/magic type stories - IF - the story seems intriguing within the first page.


Vampires, Sci-fi, and fanfic, all that sort of stuff, I don't even check it. Not interested at all.

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Generally, I read as a form of escapism. I want to see or experience things I currently do not experience in real life. I don't want to read about some sap who complains about work and his coworkers. I get enough of that from friends. :P






I find I tend to look for/expect the romance online (and I am addicted to fanfiction, especially slashings of straight characters), but my fav online stories are the ones that have so much more and blow my expectations out of the water. Usually I won't read a paper book that is completely set in reality, it needs to have some sort of odd slant, even if it is just weird humour, but I'm more open to reality based teen/college coming of age stuff online because the gay relationships draw me in much more than the standard straight ones in most popular bookstore fiction.

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