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count to ten or grind your teeth


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you love them, you really do, you'd do anything for them, but oh, doesn't it make you grind your teeth or count to ten when they...simple thing they do that pee you off like, leaving the cap off toothpaste, leaving half eaten stuff lying around, using dirty hands to use stuff in the kitchen, after sex, turning over and falling off to sleep, michrowave sex, eating in bed and leaving crumbs in the sheets, smelly toes, get the drift. What are those little things that people who live with you do that makes your brain dial 911. Any takers?

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I work at a radio station and had to do a midnight shift, when I got home, I came into my room and saw a whole lot of people, wired, but that might have been okay, except for the fact that my sheets were drenched in pee and no one would clean it out.

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OMG, that's awful Heart!!


For me any sort of repetitive sound or tapping noise gets me in seconds. I lose my cool. Obviously my kids will never ever have drums.


On the hubbies side... leaving dishes lying around for me to pick up. How hard is it to put it in the dishwasher? And NO, there are no points for putting it in the sink 2 feet away from the dishwasher. If it's not that big of a deal for me to have to put them in there why can't he do it himself? Grrr.... just thinking about it irritates me :P

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Continuing to talk to me in a low, hardly-audible voice as I'm doing loud chores such as vacuuming or dishes or if I'm in a different room, then getting angry at me later for not "remembering" what they were talking about earlier.

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dirty dishes lying there for a week and aquiring a distinctive stink, grinding teeth when i'm trying to sleep, taking up most of the bed and blankets, leaving a door half open, either leave it closed or open it, saying I'm on my way, be there in ten minutes, and getting back in five hours

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Oh I can mention quite a few things like....


Me cleaning the bathroom at 2AM to wake up to a toilet and floor all peed up Or leaving the bowl all YUK after taking a crap!!!! AAARRRGGGHHHH~~~ that simply enfuriates me! Do I look like a damn maid?!?!?!

Leaving cabinet/closet doors and drawers opened

Leaving glasses, beer bottles EVERYFRIKINGWHERE inside and outside the house!!

Tracking dirt, snow, rain, mud, etc. right after I've moped the floor!!!

Using every single friking pot, pan, utensil in the kitchen while cooking!! ( I clean as I go, why can't HE?!?!?!)

Not being kissed, touched, hugged, etc., in YEARS! ( and I'm one of the most sensual beings when it comes to kissing! )

Leaving hair all over the bathroom counter, sink and floor after brushing his hair!

I've caught myself falling off the bed because there WAS not room for me and It's a Queen size!


And a very big issue would be, being unhygienically! UGH! ( I shower just before I get in bed for the night. If I go to a party (HA!) I shower once I get home, no matter what time it is )


So, now, the toilet is always clean WOOHOO!!! The bed is all mine!! The Kitchen is always clean. No foot tracks on the floors. The doors & drawers are all kept closed AND when I get the need... Well, I can always rely on B.O.B! LOL

I'd rather be alone!

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The constant cheerful CHATTER first thing in the morning! How can anyone wake up that chatty? Just shut up and let me sit, be still, and read a couple of chapters of whatever I'm reading (some people have coffee I have books) and then I will talk to you. Carrying on a conversation with me when I am already on the phone. And, when my parents are about to come down for a visit arguing with me about how to clean the house. I give fair warning honestly i do. I say, I know you have a different way of doing things, I don't mind, but today just do as I say like I say and we will get through this with a minimum of bloodshed. But nope, he has to find something to say do differently about and then it's a fight. Though I will admit, after 14 yrs it's getting a little better.


Still, just don't talk to me in the mornings. Let me get my reading fix.

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Slurping and chewing loudly. It drives me absolutely bonkers that every single time the people I live with have any hot liquid, you can hear them slurp from the next room. Some of them are also so noisy when they chew. I can understand it if the food was crispy or something but it usually isn't the case.

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Most of the things that drive me nuts happen at work:


- E-mailing the entire floor/department to ask a single person a question

--- Continuing to CC the entire floor as you have a 15 e-mail conversation about a topic that doesn't apply to anyone else


- "Please advice." It's "please advise."


- One particular coworker sends follow up e-mails (CCd to the entire department) asking "Any update on the below?" every 15 minutes after sending an inquiry. Thus far I have managed not to reply with "Sorry, but I do not possess the technology to freeze time while I research your inquiry or go to lunch, so it may sometimes take me more than 15 minutes to research your inquiry."


- People who make the same mistake, day after day, never bothering to learn how to do a task properly, because they know it's someone else's job to check their work.

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eating greecy and messy food while infront the computer and not wiping ones hands after that so that the keybord is stained food substances and oil, throwing your half eaten food into a pot of fresh food, filling shampoo bottle with water to make shampoo look more

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Trying to have a serious conversation with me before I've woke up all the way.


Making any sort of loud noises when I have a headache.


People saying they don't like something they've never tried, whether it be food, books, movies, anything. That really ruffles my feathers. Yes, I have feathers >_>


Banging on doors even then a person's said they're coming. Seriously, they said they're answering, do you really have to keep it up? That's just rude.


Repeatedly inviting someone to do something you know they don't like, such as asking someone to go camping when he can't stand being trapped in a four person tent with five other people.

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Mine is the inevitable room mates. We're just three completely different people which is totally obvious when you look at our rooms. I'm ANALLY neat, the girl is admittedly junky and the other guy is just college life... kind of a mix. But it would be okay if it were kept in their rooms. Not in the kitchen. There's always something sitting out on the counter or on the stove. Anything from mail, spices, add-ons, pots, plates, cups... ANYTHING! It's just ALWAYS there and no matter how many times I clean it up, there's always something to walk back into.


Then there's the dish washer. YOU DON'T NEED TO USE THAT MUCH ELECTRICITY JUST TO WASH FIVE DISHES! Like seriously, wtf dude!? That and the air which is always on! Admittedly, they are bigger than me even if only slightly... but we don't get paid enough to pay a $100 dollar electricity bill every month. Especially not when the first bill was only $25.


Other than that:


- Gliding teeth over silverware (the thought makes my own teeth hurt!)

- Being told to stop talking about something. Especially in a debate or argument. And don't agree with me just to get it over either.

- Telling me to do something. My boyfriend has a knack for wanting to be busy and active ALL the f**king time. When I'm off and just waking up, I want to rest. And if I'm just waking up, I want to sit in my own little area for another hour. Don't nag me to get up every five seconds.

- Listening to my room mate 'whine' stupidly and getting upset of things with her boyfriend. It'd be okay if she weren't so childish.

- Hearing her also talk about how sensitive and hurt she is when people say things but turning around and doing the exact same thing. Mind you, jokes on both sides.


I am annoyed very easily, jsyk. :P



OH OH OH! And put the freakin disk back into the case! Stop leaving it on the entertainment system!

Edited by JeyO
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ye, I can identify with most of these especially leaving discs out of the casing, and discs are one of my prized possesions. What about people using the bath and when you go in, they didn't mop up after them, bodily hair in the bath,using almost the entire role of toilet paper but leaving a tiny bit in the role, not enough to serve its function, you spoke about the kitchen, ye, petpeev, rotting food with smells getting into every room, trying to get me to eat meat when people know I'm a vejetarian. I feel your pain!

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ye, I can identify with most of these especially leaving discs out of the casing, and discs are one of my prized possesions. What about people using the bath and when you go in, they didn't mop up after them, bodily hair in the bath,using almost the entire role of toilet paper but leaving a tiny bit in the role, not enough to serve its function, you spoke about the kitchen, ye, petpeev, rotting food with smells getting into every room, trying to get me to eat meat when people know I'm a vejetarian. I feel your pain!


Luckily, I have the master bedroom so I have my own shower! Ahaha, but I still make sure to shower the entire thing clean before stepping out. I don't have a prob with toilet paper ever since I hardly ever have to use it, but that does apply to the kitchen as well. The whole leaving an empty carton of pop-tarts or something a like in the cabinet knowing you got the last one. How hard exactly is it just to throw it away? It's barely going out of your way. Oh God, and the Vegi thing. I use to be and my family still bugs me. Even bigger peeve is when they would call me a vegan.

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About eating foods I've never eaten before, its a definately a no no. I think I'm adventurous accept when it comes to my pallet. I've eg, never tasted fruit and wild horses wouldn't get me to try it.

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not turning out desktop computer off - if you know your not going to be on it anymore turn it off!!!!!!


my sister not cleaning her hair out of the bath room....... i sometimes like having a soak in the bath after work, and i dont like sharing it with pink hair!!


my mum/dad giving me red meat, even though ive told both of them thousands of times I DONT LIKE RED MEAT!!!!


anyone touching my books.... no one is allowed to clean my bookshelf, touch my books, read my books and dont tell me that i have a bad taste in reading material since you probably read twilight


the big one at work is, if your handling a horse and they do a poo outside their paddock/box, clean it up ASAP!!! i dont like leading my horses through your horses shit!!


having a dentist appt on a saturday, which means i miss the winter finals :thumbdown:

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Adults acting like babies over the simple things.. for example, my mother gets angry when I forget to get the mail out of the box.. lol. She doesn't bother getting it out at all though.


Guys not lifting the seat to urinate. I don't want to clean your pee... it is rather disgusting.


Trying to talk to me when I'm on the phone with someone else. If the house isn't of fire and no one is dead, I think it can wait.


My younger brother and sister not starting their homework until like 10pm, then asking me around 12 or 1 to help them finish knowing they have to be in school in a few hours. They wonder why I'm so bitchy in the morning when their butts don't want to move either.. lol.


At work, I hate when the janitors are late cleaning the rooms between patients. We have five physical therapists seeing patients at one time. Then they're supposed to come in and take the paper covering off and put on clean sheets, sanitize all the other things in the room. I hate keeping my patients waiting.. and it is against the rules for me to clean it myself... but I am a lot better at it.


Not doing Filing until Friday then asking me to help when I'm finished and ready to leave. I'm too nice so I help.. but really when we see as many people as we do, it is better to keep your stuff together as you go.


To sum it up, I hate procrastinators - even though I am one for the most part all the important things I have to do in my week are done early or on time.. no one else seems to do it that way though.


Complaining about a certain shirt or outfit not being washed - when they don't do the laundry at all. Same with the dishes.. there are hundreds of cups or plates.. it is silly to have just one favorite cup or plate or fork..


People clipping their nails around me.. I hate the clipping sound.. and I hate the flying fingernail clippings.. lol. Do that in the bathroom, definitely not in church or public. ;)





And Heart, who the hell do you live with? I'd have to murder them.. :)

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hey there cresta, I feel your pain but what about people clipping their nails inside your home, dishes, I can identify with, my friend would hint, the sink is looking a bit full there. I don't live with them any more but it wasn't him who was responsibble, it was our house guests. I forgot, talking to people who smell of food they've just eaten, bad breath, the smell of fish.

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