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"Firefly" movie


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I know we have a lot of sci-fi fans around here, so I was wondering if anyone else was looking forward to this movie "Serenity." I had never even seen the series before until this year, but one of my boyfriend's friends is completely obsessed with it and made us watch the DVDs. I thought it was an absolutely hilarious show, and hopefully the movie's going to be good. (It opens on the 30th, at least around here.)


For those who don't know, the movie is based on the short-lived series "Firefly," created by Joss Whedon. I found a sort of primer about the plot and characters here:





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is it me or horror films losing their edge. i dont know is it age or is it something else? lol i know that was so off topic but.....


I know that after Silence of the Lambs, very few have artistic murders anymore. Saw came close, but there were no characters.

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Fine, switching back....


Anyway, you're right about the lack of good sci-fi, and Firefly was during FOX's nasty phase in which it cancelled a bunch of shows without closure. For example, John Doe, which I loved, and Boston Public, which I loved more, both disappeared off the face of the earth. With their new fall lineup I expect that another few will go MIA.


Oh no, I did it again. :off:

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Since everyone is threadjacking, here...


Back on topic! I'm not a big sci-fi fan, but that movie does look really good. However, I absolutely love Horror flicks! Being scared shitless is a great way to waste two and a half hours. Just figured I'd let you know


-psychic psychopath

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is it me or horror films losing their edge. i dont know is it age or is it something else? lol i know that was so off topic but.....


so yea... why is that, any one else got that problem. and did they change the actress that plays kaylee for the movie? if they did.... T_T i like her. she was cute

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I saw the movie last Spring in a sneak preview. Several co-workers are obssessed with the show (they have pressed the DVDs on me to watch....it was actually a very good series). I believe the movie is going to be a BIG DEAL. The number of folks who make a mediocre TV audience constitute a large movie fan base. In the case of Firefly, the fans are just that...fanatics. The previews (of an unfinished cut of the movie) were shown around the country and sold out in minutes of going on sale over the internet.


The movie, Serenity, did a very nice job of explicating the story line so that one did not have to be familiar with the series to enjoy it. (BTW, the SciFi channel is re-running the series...I am not sure on which night). That said, one of the joys of the series is the character development over the course of several episodes. Several relationships are fairly multi-layered and I will be very interested in whether those not familiar with the series fully understand some of the subtle interplay between them in the movie.


And, yes, the same actress plays Kayley in the movie. She is prettier in the movie...apparently, for the series, she was asked to gain weight to appear somewhat frumpy. By the time the movie was filmed, she was back to her 'fighting weight' and they just went w/it.


I recommend the movie. Like all truly good sci-fi, it's more about the people and the story than the technology.

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Saw it last night with Robert. Thoroughly enjoyable, and seeing Simon with no shirt on was fantastic.


Really, Serenity/Firefly is up there on a par with BSG...it was just a few years ahead of its time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Site Administrator

LOL. I've finally caught the BSG bug. I plan on seeing Serinity this weekend when I go up to school for hockey.

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It looks like it could be a really good movie, the character profiles were really interesting. Personally I love science fiction and actually tend to try to AVOID it because I get addicted so easily. But yeah I'll go check this movie out. Speaking of great sci-fi. Has anyone ever seen a British Science Fiction series from the late 70s early 80s called, Blake's 7. It was AWESOME! I have practically every episode, I thought of it when I read about the woman in the movie with psycic powers (OK I probably woulda thought about it anyway :P ), because in Blake's 7 one of the main characters, Cally, has similar gifts (in her case telepathy, the odd telechanesis, and just being all around highly intuitive). Anyway if you want a realistic, pragmatic, and often bleak series with EXCELLENT characterization I highly recommend it!

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Okay so I totally saw the movie a month ago and I have to say that it was amazing, it wasn't disappointing to me at all. And to make it better I saw a marathon of the whole season of Firefly the day before on Sci-Fi. It's amazing ,Wash dies, but there's room for a sequel. I didn't like some of the reviews it got though...movie critics are stupid. :angry:


But really it's worth going to see.

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  • 1 year later...

I finally got to see this movie and i have to say it was absolutely awesome! I totally regret now having never gotten to see the Firefly series I know i would have loved it. If it ever comes back I definately will put it on my short list of TV shows I watch. :great:

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I finally got to see this movie and i have to say it was absolutely awesome! I totally regret now having never gotten to see the Firefly series I know i would have loved it. If it ever comes back I definately will put it on my short list of TV shows I watch. :great:


Let me tell you, the series was as great as the movie. I still can't believe it was ever cancelled.

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Wow, I forgot I started this. I have to agree the series is better than the movie, but I think that's mostly because they had to cram in all this exposition for people who'd never seen the series. The movie depressed the hell out of me. It also a threw me off a little at the beginning, how Mal was suddenly much more of a jerk, but as I understand it that's how Joss wanted him to be in the first place. I did love his "Somebody has to speak for these people" speech. It was sort of dramatic and moving, but still a little clumsy and...Mal.




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The Firefly series is available on DVD (yes we own it). Enjoyed the movie as well.



Beware of BSG though...Friday's episode was another example of how great Battlestar Galactica is today. It's probably one of the best sci-fi shows of all times.

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