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Would you date someone who had 'Truck Nuts'?


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Well, by illegal, I mean that the cops will give you a ticket if they see them on your vehicle. Along the same lines as obscene bumper stickers, right?


HMMMM, I wonder if it's considered a "moving violation"? LOL!

Edited by bigbear427
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I would. They are hilarious. However I am biased, because I got truck nutz for Christmas.

I don't own a truck, I own a yellow mini cooper.



I still put them on and they are epic.

I get lots of people staring, taking pics with their phone and laughing. Yet to see mothers shielding the eyes of their children =P


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I like to think having them its sort of a parody of all the guys who have them on their big turbo diesel f-350's. I mean cmon, look at that picture and tell me you didn't smile =P

Edited by TomRedsim
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I like to think having them its sort of a parody of all the guys who have them on their big turbo diesel f-350's. I mean cmon, look at that picture and tell me you didn't smile =P


:lmao: Welcome to GA. I like you already.

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  • 6 months later...

Might be illegal in CA ... but does that make it a hanging offence?


Maybe all these guys have cheated on Mrs Bobbit?


And anyway, isn't actually appropriate ... I mean the song sez so ... Swing low, sweet chariot.


Perhaps it's just a way of saying you're a humper 'neath the bumper.


It's not that bally offensive


I don't understand all the ballyhoo ... no-one asked you out on a date, did they?


Do all these drivers get behind the wheel stoned?


Maybe they're all driving cars specially adapted for a driving test icle


Do these ones pull up when you see a pant wetting Testarossa in front of you?


Surely they should be on the front with the bull bars?


My man has a carriage with nuts

But he drives like a freakin wee klutz

He likes driving bangers

Adorned with low hangers

But they get scraped if the wheels are in ruts


They're all very neat and smooth. Is that cos they're out in pubic?


So, if they fall off when you're driving along and hit a pothole, does that mean the driver has busted a nut?


Crivvens, Jings, that boy swings

When he drives by, my heart swings

I'd give my arm and all my blings

To get my hand on his dangly things


Hokum pokum, what's that scrotum

Said the cop, as up he wrote em

We're no keen on your bumper totem

And I canna think your girl will dote em

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While I am certainly not a prude, I do think Truck Nuts are taking things too damn far. While I don't think the human body should be a source of shame, I hate the idea of making a mockery and a joke and using the miracle that it is for crass amusement. I certainly wouldn't want to explain to a little child what those things are. I probably would not even be friends with such a person since I think their mentality and mine would likely not be compatible. I'm with you 110%. :thumbdown:

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And red necks wonder why they have a bad rep. :lol:


Decency does sometimes go too far. A school district in Oshawa, Ontario recently banned students from wearing those pink rubber-style bracelets that say "I love boobies". Apparently, these bracelets are sold to raise money for breast cancer research. The school district deemed them inappropriate.

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lol...Truck nuts made me lol... I am a girl and I kind of found it hilarious! It's like poking fun with nuts..no biggie!! I'd like to hang them on my polo and see reactions...the looks will crack me up.


I don't know why most of you got worked up over that, don't be prudes! Maybe it's a guy thing. It all depends on the way we look at it. I see it as something funny..like when someone wants to annoy others around. xD


Truck nuts rawk!! hahahaha :lmao:

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Holy Crap, I actually saw a truck with 'truck nuts' yesterday. It had this big silver/chrome scrotum with two nuts - one lower than the other - hanging from the trailer hitch. I was trying to get my iPhone out to take a picture to pass around ' asking WTF is this??' but they drove off before I could snap the shot.


The - insert derogatory name for person driving the truck with truck nuts - had a hell of a time backing out of the park space and all I could do was scratchy my head and wonder WTF made them think that was cool?


Oh well, best laugh I had yesterday.

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Holy Crap, I actually saw a truck with 'truck nuts' yesterday. It had this big silver/chrome scrotum with two nuts - one lower than the other - hanging from the trailer hitch. I was trying to get my iPhone out to take a picture to pass around ' asking WTF is this??' but they drove off before I could snap the shot.


The - insert derogatory name for person driving the truck with truck nuts - had a hell of a time backing out of the park space and all I could do was scratchy my head and wonder WTF made them think that was cool?


Oh well, best laugh I had yesterday.


Dude ... the whole point is for a laugh, methinks :) If you find them funny, shoorly you shouldn't be inserting derogatory names ... you should be taking some advice from Percivial :D:P

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Hmm... all too common occurrence here, usually people age out of the truck nuts after high school though... kind of weird an adult male around your age still has them on his truck though. :P


Maybe it was a maturity factor? You saw him as an adult male that you're compatible with until you saw the obvious sign that maybe he could be a bit immature?



Thats actually more of an occurance that one would think. I know of 5 different individuals where I live, all over forty, who have a set on their vehicle. One of these guys I know personally and he is actually very mature and very inteligent but he see's it as a masculinity thing. Big truck=big man(his words not mine)=Truck Nuts. Personally I think he might be compensating for something but I can't speak from personal experiance.



I guess the sort of thing just appeals to some people. Personally i think they are a bit stupid looking myself.


What is really creepy though is that two of those five people are women and their set is BRIGHT HOT PINK.

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OMG.!!!!!!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image, He would definitely loose cool points.... And I don't think I would ever get in his truck, I'd be too embarrassed someone I respect might see me...hahahahahha Not to mention I couldn't look at him with out bursting out in laughter...hehehePosted ImagePosted Image

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Um... can't say that I've seen any yet and if I did, I wouldn't know whether to laugh or to raise an eyebrow or two. Either way, I don't think I could date someone with Truck Nuts on their truck. At least... not all that long heh.

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