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Prince Duchess


31 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want kids?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Why would someone do that to themselves
  2. 2. How many kids do you want?

  3. 3. Would you adopt or have your own?

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James and TetRefine: what about the sleeper boxes that they had on the transport ship in the Fifth Element? XD I'm hoping someone makes these real, very soon!


I'll have kids, maybe two, but not until I'm older. I'm still doing training, and I'd like us to have a more stable routine and household before babbies appear (currently in a flatshare, and want to get married beforehand). It's very odd, because I was a later baby, (my parents were 39 and 36 respectively), whereas my partner's parents had him when they were fairly young, around 25 or 26. We're hoping we strike a balance between these two.

I worry about my temperarment because I feel like I'm not always very patient, although I'm told by others that I am. I've got no patience for people who misbehave and upset others, whether they are 4 or 40. The last two babies born in my family have been very quiet, happy and like to sleep a lot - I hope that this gene kicks in for me!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not really sure. I doubt I'd be a good mother, seeing as I'm a loner xD


Having kids isn't really the problem for me. I wouldn't mind having children; in fact, I want children. But just the idea of giving birth freaks me out!


Of course I could adopt a child or become a foster parent, but I don't want that. If I'm going to raise a child, I want it to be my own flesh and blood. Although, thinking about it, I think I could live with it if I end up with a female partner and she would be the biological mother of our child. But adoption and foster care... no.


However, there's also the chance that I'll end up with a male partner. But I don't see myself being pregnant and giving birth, I really don't. So... surrogacy then, I guess?


Luckily, I'm only 19, and still single. There's no need to think about all this yet xD

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Children = do not want.


I have pedophobia - so me and kids is just bad news. The sound of a baby crying usually makes me have to leave the room in tears, children throwing tantrums can put me in flat out hysterics. I don't even like being around well-behaved kids because to me, they're as terrifying as a dog you know is rabid and could burn and bite if you make one wrong move.


That said, I don't want any at this point, and it's probably for the best. However, if I somehow get over my phobia someday, I would consider adoption because of how few kids ever escape the system. I have a friend who's a social worker and the statistics are just sad. Only three percent of kids in the adoption system will ever find a forever family, so in a way I almost feel obligated to get over myself and make some kid end up in that precious one in thirty-three chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to father my own children at some point in my life. I'm open to adoption, but it's not my first option, so I said "no" in the poll. Realistically this is more like a maybe.


Ideally I'd just have one, a boy, but I'll give it a second shot should we have a girl the first time :P after 2, I'm finished, time for the V-cut hah.

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For a long time i was in the 'no, never, definitely not' catagory... I babysit, and the best thing about babysitting is that you get to give the kids back to their parents at the end of the night and there's usually lots of junk food and movies involved. Not bad.

Now... i think i would adopt. I don't know what the current figure is, but a few years back there used to be something like 100,000 baby girls abandoned in China every year, and more than 60,000 orphans in Romania (?).

I'm all for adoption. Also, fostering would be cool.

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I'd like to have kids, at least 2, either by adoption or biologically; most likley both though over the course of my life time.


I actually have some parenting experiance I having helpled to raise my three second cousins (current ages are 7, 11, and 13) over the last four years and have dealt with every issue those ages can present including broken bones, minor surgery, ADHD, doctors visits, school problems, and bullying.

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Ok, to be honest, to start off, I didn’t want kids. I didn’t think that was an option for me.


I also didn’t think I’d ever get married or live to see 30…look at me now.0:)




My personal opinion is there are too many people in this world, too much suffering. This world can be a cruel place and I never wanted to bring an innocent life into this.




An amazing twist of fate brought a child that needed me. I didn’t know how much I needed her too! I wouldn’t adopt again. There would be too much of an age difference and honestly, I’m too old to do 2am feedings and diapers all over again!;)


I agree that there is too much suffering. But the joy of my son has no comparison. It is difficult, and I do wish I had more me time, but at the same time it is totally worth it. I want to change the world and make it less cruel and less suffering. To bring a child into the world, and instill in him values that might one day compell him to do good in the world, is fantastic. Each to their own though.

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I definitely want kids someday, though I'd think I'd want them to be biologically. And I can't explain why, but I want to have identical twin boys and watch them grow up and be each other's friend. Of course it probably wouldn't happen, but it may :).

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There is nothing worse then being on a 4 1/2 hour flight from Newark to the Virgin Islands and having a little kid kicking the back of your seat the entire way. Whats even worse is when you turn around and ask the mother to do something about it, she just shrugs and says she can't really stop him. Posted Image They should ban kids under 7 from flying, or stick their annoying little asses in the cargo bay. :D


really delayed response to this post - while I have two boys (24 & 28) and I love them dearly, I was in a similar situation to what Tet describes except I was on a flight Melbourne to Athens (via Singapore) 20 hours. The brat behind me starts firts kicking my chair then bouncing on the fold-out table. 30 minutes into the flight I ask the mother to deal with it and received the same shrug Tet received. so I turned to the ~4 year old and said it what was probably ( 0:) ) a menacing voice "I eat children like you" . the child stopped instantly, the mother's face looked horrified and I had a peaceful flight!! I am just glad I wasn't up for the 10 years of child counselling the brat probably needed!!




As far as my boys I had them when I was 21 & 25 and I really enjoyed it. so I suppose it just takes all types......

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Well it's too late for me to say if I want or don't want kids, as my daughter is due in two weeks. But to commento on what Matt and Canuk have said - I don't blame the kid and i don't think you should ban kids from flying. Parents who don't control their kids should be banned however. In addition to flights, what about restaurants where the kids are running around? My feeling is if we go out and the baby/child/children don't behave, get fussy, start to cry, we - Mike or I will have to take them outside so others can enjoy their dinner. If it's on a flight, you can be damn sure that if my kid did that to either of you, it wouldn't take you turning around to ask me to stop them. I'd be apologizing after the first time and making sure they didn't do it again. Manners and respect are not out fashion out of fashion or whatever. It is the parents job to teach that to the kids.


Just my take on it.


My poor daughter has no idea what she's in for does she? :P



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I totally agree that it’s the parent’s responsibility to control their kids in public. My kid is 12 and she never acted like that. We started travelling with her at a very young age and let me say that Benadryl is a godsend when flying. As far as proper etiquette, children need to be taught what is acceptable behavior in public.


My child is always warned to be on her best behavior whenever she steps out of the house. That her actions are a reflection on us as parents. She’s usually good as gold..until this year.

Arggghhh à Pre-teen years. Let hope it’s just a phase. :P


Even with the tough times, I still wouldn’t trade her for the world. She’s such a great kid. :D



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Meh, this topic on the kids behaving in public bothers me a little bit. Sure the parents have a responsibility to talk to the child, etc, BUT I also sincerely feel that the public needs to suck a little up too. Children and their antics--to an extent--are part of life. Grow a bit of PATIENCE people.


I will teach my child to be respectful of others, and to be understanding. I'd love it if it worked both ways.


Noise happens.

Edited by AnytaSunday
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Meh, this topic on the kids behaving in public bothers me a little bit. Sure the parents have a responsibility to talk to the child, etc, BUT I also sincerely feel that the public needs to suck a little up too. Children and their antics--to an extent--are part of life. Grow a bit of PATIENCE people.


I will teach my child to be respectful of others, and to be understanding. I'd love it if it worked both ways.


Noise happens.



Wow I get to disagree with you in a public forum.


Children making noise is a part of life - on the play ground, in their own house, in the park etc. On an airplane where people are forced by luck of the draw to sit near a loud - not crying but out of control child - in a restaurant where people go to enjoy dinner out, in a movie theatre to watch a movie - other than a kiddie movie - etc - no those places are not 'grow a little patience.' A loud child who runs around a restaurant or who kicks the back of the seat on a plane, or is brought to a movie and cant keep quiet, that should not be acceptible. The child and his family are NOT the ONLY ones in that space. They are guest, just as the other people are. There are rules of decorum that polite society abides by and teaches and expects their children to abide by.


Children should be free to be kids and run and laugh and scream and play - but not anywhere they or their parents choose. Just as we set boundries for them - don't play with fire or knives, don't hit others, etc, we need to set boundaries on where certain behaviors are acceptable or not. If the kid can't behave, then we - me and the kid are leaving. [well on a plane that might be hard but I'll figure that out.]

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I agree with the restaurant and movie theatre. Not the plane. Takes around 30hours to get to NZ for us. No other option to get there other than the plane. You get stuck with who you get stuck with. I do NOT make issue when a person next to me snores like crazy. When my kid acts up, I talk to him, we feed him, we entertain him as best we can. The fact is, no matter how much jiggling the kid might not be quiet. Yeah, sure you can try walking down the aisles, until the air hostess needs you to move. Nah, sorry Andy, but here I think it's LUCK. And with that comes acceptance. So, yeah, I do believe other people need to be more understanding in this situation.


I say this as a mum who was lucky to have an awesome kid traveller, BUT was close to other parents with this problem.

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I want a family one day, but not yet. I think two is enough though, we are 4 siblings and although I love my brother and sisters, I wouldn't want that many myself.

I don't mind if they are my own or adopted, or if the woman I fall in love with already has them. I just hope they are healthy!


My big sister is pregnant so I'll be an uncle soon. I'm gonna be the best uncle!

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Ambivalent here.


Kids should be tolerated in public when hey're being noisy. Noisy kids are happy kids. But so are kids with boundaries. The parents are at fault, usually. BTW, anybody who objects to the child on a plane or in a restaurant thingy, is quite likely not a parent who has been at the end of their tether. I provide some discipline to my niece and nephew sometimes because they know how to play their mother, and she has brought up two good kids. But as she says, sometimes she has to let it go, otherwise she'd do nothing but say no, stop, don't, can't etc. No parent wants to be a constant drone, and to be perfectly honest, the child who is that controlled is a child being improperly parented. They'll never learn the boundaries until they exceed them.


One last point for those of you wanting more than two kids ... the world is ridiculously overpopulated as it is. Have one extra on top of your reproductive two, and it will be half as overpopulated again. Is that what you want to make the world into as a gift for these precious little bundles of joy that you are all gushing over as little beings you want to love, by virtue of having them? It would serve them much better to stick to two at most. One would be better for the world at the moment, but not as good for the child, so two is optimum.


Tet's idea of a cargo hold would be fine, except not with BA. I mean, how do you feed your kid when you're in the Virgin Islands and the kid is in Reyjavik? :lmao:

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Ever since I was around 11, I always said I didn't want kids. Now that I'm a little older, I'm not sure what I want. Maybe if I find the right guy and get married I'll decide to have them.


Ever since I was young up until now I decided to never have a child from a mistake and will have a planned pregnancy. If I ever meet the right guy and decide to have kids, the maximum will be two and no more.

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