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"conservative" "liberal" are the wrong terms to think in. Traditional and progressive are better labels. Parents send their kids to H-W knowing they are going to get a no nonsense, tough, traditional education. There is no touchy feely good-hearted-ness because you really tried. The kids are expected to hit high standards. A lot of the parents are ones who send their kids there to give them their best shot at the best colleges in the country. I am sure there are parents who send their kids there because of the high achieving sports programs, but even then I think it is one more avenue to get them to top schools like Stanford, etc. And ditto for the artsy types who want to go to NYU or USC for film, Carnegie Mellon and Juilliard for a BFA acting and Northwestern and BU for drama.

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Yeah. I kind of figure Raine picked HW for it's art/acting program or something. It sounds like they have a top-notch one there. Like I said before, I had friends who went to a strict charter school with hippy-dippy parents- maybe I'm just used to the idea that kids get to pick where they go to school based on interests because charters and magnets(as well as private school) rule the educational scene where I'm from, but unless a parent was REALLY set on one place, I can't see them forcing a kid to go to a school if the kid was set on somewhere else that had a good education.


Speaking of the toughness of the school, I do kind of wonder if JJ will ultimately wind up dropping out of HW and getting homeschooled...HW seems like a way intense school for someone who will have to miss at least 4-5 weeks of school each year. Although I could see the acting program being a tight pull for him, if he let himself get into anything besides figure skating.


What I really like about HW, and what impressed me about it, is the fact that they force their kids to do volunteer work and the kids have to clean up the cafeteria and the like. Could you have ever imagined high school Ace, Brad, and Claire ever willingly doing that kind of stuff? Nice way to distinguish this generation from the last one- instead of having spoiled kids who rule the school and get to do whatever they want(including taking trips to Amsterdam in the middle of the school year), these kids have a tighter rein on them that'll teach them social responsibility and humility, which I like a lot.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Almost every school I can think of these days in CA requires community service.


As to JJ, since skaters have so much down time, all they do is study since they aren't really allowed to do much else. I am sure H-W would work out a tutor for JJ on times he was away.

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Right. Community service was required for National Honor Society, but when I was in a non-traditional public high school in the early/mid-2000's, it was more of an elective thing. Community service was something that you'd do for college apps, but not something you had to do. I think more schools are mandating it these days.


It could be an interesting storyline if JJ winds up dropping out of regular school, though it doesn't seem like he hates HW like he hated Malibu. He'd definitely be going against the family academic grain, although if he eventually goes to college I don't think home schooling will be a mark against him.

Edited by methodwriter85
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As to JJ, I think peers have as much influence on you as anyone. Being around people who are serious about school, who think school is cool, have motivation, goals etc, you mimic that behavior as much as emo's mimic the behavior of their group. With friends like Alistair who are very goal oriented you tend to be too.

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I was kind of thinking that Alisdair would have a big influence on him, but it'll be interesting to see if JJ decides he wants to balance a tough school like HW with the demands of figure skating, or if he decides to give up school for figure skating.


Which will make it all the more angsty when he DOESN'T win the gold in '06 or '10.

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In reference to the last chapter, I was wondering who it will be that finally has the epiphany..."we are really screwing this kid up!!" This being probably the most volatile age...fourteen through at least sixteen...with no one to pay attention to his needs, and we are talking quite a few here. Believe it or not I was fourteen (through sixteen) a few hundred years ago, but I remember them very well. Talk about completely out of control emotions...Posted Image lets see, paranoia, anger, horny, anger, horny, did I mention anger....and thats just to name a few! Oh, maybe a little belligerent too...My point is, no one seems to give a damn and they don't think he's mature enough to notice. It ain't going away until some of this gets resolved, including their changing things. JJ is a potential star, but he's not at that stage just yet. Will is, and he won't be happy until something happens... Part of Will's problem is he's so goddam smart! It's a detriment for him at this stage, because his fathers don't appear to realize how smart he really is. They aren't dumb either, just clueless. Ryan ain't helping either!

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JJ is a potential star, but he's not at that stage just yet. Will is, and he won't be happy until something happens...


Can you clarify what you mean there? Potential star as in JJ's career is about to take off, or what?

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Can you clarify what you mean there? Potential star as in JJ's career is about to take off, or what?


Well, he's not horrible at figure skating, in fact I get the impression he's pretty good. He's in the juniors, and if he stays with it he could conceivably win, which will eventually vault him into the seniors. It all depends on his skill, interpretation, and dedication. It's a matter of getting the right coach, getting known by the judges, a lot of things go into it. Yes, he could conceivably be a star.

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Right. I wasn't sure what you meant. Will COULD have been a surf star, apparently, but the idea didn't appeal to him. I kind of like that- it's less a sport and more of an art form for him.


As for JJ, I think he imagines himself as a major star. People just haven't recognized Jeremy James yet.

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Still find it very hard to believe that Brad or Robbie has it in them to use tools like a miter saw. Everyone in this house seems a bit off and not capable of changing a light bulb let along small time home repairs or projects.


Steinway Piano? Really? Who in this house can play it or do rich snobs just buy this stuff to stick in a corner of the room?

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I'm going to fanwank that in 3rd grade, JJ whined about how much he wanted to play piano, and Jeanine used her Mommy Allowance to pay for it. He took lessons for a week, got bored with it, and the piano has been sitting in the corner since 1995. It's an established character trait that JJ will take up things and often get bored with it- figure skating's the only thing he's actually stuck with. I could totally see him having an array of past childhood interests around the house.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Scorched earth, I reckon! The fact that Brad and Robbie would walk off and leave Will in that situation to begin with just shows how far up their a**es they both have their heads planted. They should have stuck around long enough to see that the situation was reasonably settled before taking off into the wild blue. If they ever have an ongoing relationship with Will after this, I don't see it happening anywhere in the near term. I think that Will is in need of far more intensive therapy than he's received up to this point. IF and until the Paris situation is resolved he won't be able to move past it, or any of the rest of the upheaval being heaped on him. That so-called child psychologist should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for child abuse as well as criminal sexual abuse of a child, as well as any and all civil remedies available. If I really cared, I'd suggest that Brad and Robbie find a remote corner of the world to hide in for a while, as I expect that the rest of the family will be after their hides when they find out what's happened. At this point I wouldn't piss on 'em if they burst into flames right before my eyes.


Ah, isn't fiction induced insomnia just grand!

Edited by GLH
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there's revenge and there is the Romans-at-Cathage, and this corresponds way closer to the latter. the trouble is Will is going to be a very sad little boy in the morning. hints of it were given at the end. he is such a mess and how his fathers are going to somehow rebuild their relationship with him, I can't even begin to imagine. One thing, on coming home and seeing the devastation they will (hopefully) finally realise how far they have driven this grade A smart-alec, over-sexed kid.

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A magnificently vivid chapter. I, for one would just love to know the fathers' reaction. And to leave the chapter on such a note is torturous! Can't we get the 32nd a little sooner? Please?

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Scorched earth, I reckon! The fact that Brad and Robbie would walk off and leave Will in that situation to begin with just shows how far up their a**es they both have their heads planted. They should have stuck around long enough to see that the situation was reasonably settled before taking off into the wild blue. If they ever have an ongoing relationship with Will after this, I don't see it happening anywhere in the near term. I think that Will is in need of far more intensive therapy than he's received up to this point. IF and until the Paris situation is resolved he won't be able to move past it, or any of the rest of the upheaval being heaped on him. That so-called child psychologist should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for child abuse as well as criminal sexual abuse of a child, as well as any and all civil remedies available. If I really cared, I'd suggest that Brad and Robbie find a remote corner of the world to hide in for a while, as I expect that the rest of the family will be after their hides when they find out what's happened. At this point I wouldn't piss on 'em if they burst into flames right before my eyes.


Ah, isn't fiction induced insomnia just grand!


Assuming that they're not ex-communicated from the family after this...


I laid down for bed at around 1:30 last night. I see the posting time was 1:57. Go figure! :P


Will mentioned that it seemed like they didn't have the support of the family on what they were doing...but really, no way did any of them have any idea that they were doing this.


Brad and Robbie...or whoever the hell they are now, will be enraged, yes, but they'll also be damned lucky if they're not on the hook next to Martin for child abuse. Hell, I think Stef should at least take away from Brad the one thing that seems to mean the most to him now, thus eliminating the need for a daily wardrobe anyway: His. Job. :evil:


Oh, yes...therapy has been suggested, in previous chapters as well. After this, I'd say he definitely needs it now...but I can't help but think that maybe a fresh set of eyes and ears would be warranted - in otherwords, somebody other than David.




So, Mark...you said I should give Will more credit than choosing to run away and never go back.


Really now? ;)


I have to say, I find that very funny. :lol:

Edited by MJ85
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A note on chapter 31....


This was originally a lot more intense, but with some excellent advice from my team, I toned it down a bit. I'd portrayed Will as psychotic, rather than enraged, and needed to be just a bit calmer. One part that I trimmed was Will cutting the shoes in half, but Sharon liked that part, so I put it back in. She usually gets what she wants. Posted Image

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Still find it very hard to believe that Brad or Robbie has it in them to use tools like a miter saw. Everyone in this house seems a bit off and not capable of changing a light bulb let along small time home repairs or projects.


Steinway Piano? Really? Who in this house can play it or do rich snobs just buy this stuff to stick in a corner of the room?


I'm going to fanwank that in 3rd grade, JJ whined about how much he wanted to play piano, and Jeanine used her Mommy Allowance to pay for it. He took lessons for a week, got bored with it, and the piano has been sitting in the corner since 1995. It's an established character trait that JJ will take up things and often get bored with it- figure skating's the only thing he's actually stuck with. I could totally see him having an array of past childhood interests around the house.


Actually, the piano has been around since at least 1995. It featured in chapter 3 of "If it Fits".

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OMG, this was the greatest chapter... I loved everything about it. I cannot believe how irresponsible Brad and Robbie were to start Will on something like this and then leave. After JP, Stef, and Claire get a hold of the picture that Will sent this idiot that did that will be lucky to still be alive. I know that Wade will be mad but the one that I would really be afraid of is Claire. She is going to be so pissed at Brad and Robbie, they might want to take a plane somewhere far far away, like Antartica. I loved how Will got the idiot locked in Brad and Robbie, special sex room. That was priceless.


I don't think Will ever really dealt with what he went through in Paris, and I think this is just going to bring all of that back up. I think the next few days will be very critical to Will's future recovery. Hmmm... seems that I remember that there is someone in Hawaii that sure does like to surf too... I wonder if we will all get a blast from the past...

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A note on chapter 31....


This was originally a lot more intense, but with some excellent advice from my team, I toned it down a bit. I'd portrayed Will as psychotic, rather than enraged, and needed to be just a bit calmer. One part that I trimmed was Will cutting the shoes in half, but Sharon liked that part, so I put it back in. She usually gets what she wants. Posted Image


If that is the toned down version I'd hate to see the non-toned version.


I think I'd have just burned the houses down with Martin strapped in the sex room. The police and arson investigators would have led us to the trial of the century and the tabloids would have gone ape-doo doo.

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I think Mark should post the non-toned down story for us to see the totally psyco Will let loose in the house.


BTW: I love Will's last words to his Dads. Kind of prophetic.

Edited by mmike1969
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Jeez, angry young man!! This all could have been avoided with just showing a little more love and affection. Now we have a wild kid on our hands...'scuse me, angry irrational wild kid!


I was afraid this would happen, but I admit I too was shocked at the violence! I think his running away is a big mistake...he should have gone to Stephan. Will is not seeing things realistic right now, and resulting in thoughts and actions that are not very rational. The first time he gets ripped off in Hawaii he's going to wish he were back home, even if only to face the wrath of his angry fathers... He doesn't appreciate the fact he's only fifteen and a target for a lot of nasty predators. Street smarts come after some heavy lessons...my experiences have told me that much...


I think the marine got some of what he deserved back, although there may be consequences for Will about that later. I'm talking about the roofies...I don't think you can use an illegal drug even in one's own defense.


Will is going to have problems about this whole episode, because of his Paris incident, because of this marine jerk-off, plus his dad's indifference. He needs help and right soon, and I wish his dad or Robbie would get a clue.


Stephan will be apoplectic when he sees the pictures...that marine will be lucky to be alive or even in one piece when he gets done with him!


Well done, Mark...another great chapter from a great writer!Posted Image

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