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I'm just re-reading PMS, chapter 13


Just thought its interesting to note that Brad promised Will that when he asked him to do something, he would always tell him the reason.


Seems to me that he's broken that promise a number of times.... no wonder he's losing his son

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In the process of moving (don't recommend it... stay where you are! Much easier!) so have been reading in between boxes.


Will DESPERATELY needs therapy to deal with what happened in Europe. Brad and Robbie and Will (and probably JJ too) DESPERATELY need therapy to get the levels of communication and trust figured out.


And while Stef said all the right things and had the right answers, remember this was "Grandma" giving Will money and ENABLING him a very short while ago in CAP time. So I put a little 'crocodile' in those tears from our dear Stef. He's right, of course, and what he said needs to happen, and yeah he's had 'uncomfortable conversations' with Brad off the canvas... but his actions- the ones we see in the story- don't come off as "helpful" until now. Indulging Will in the recent past was certainly not helping matters any, and may have even helped contribute to all of ... this.

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I really don't understand how supporting Will when he was right could be enabling him. Some say it makes a child disregard the parents, but the alternative is capable of smashing said kid's spine. If Will IS right, supporting him is also right.....and Stef did not do it to create a rift between Will and Brad. To do so, Stef would have to be really devoid of concern for either, which I believe is not the case.

Will's behaviour to the parents has not been ideal for some time, but it was never illogical. Yes, disobedience is something parents never stand well, but at the same time Brad cannot help being labelled as hypocrite. He might thank his stars that JP was not a parent like him.

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I'm just re-reading PMS, chapter 13


Just thought its interesting to note that Brad promised Will that when he asked him to do something, he would always tell him the reason.


Seems to me that he's broken that promise a number of times.... no wonder he's losing his son


And were you remembering that Will was a 13 year old 8th grader? How many parents negotiate with an 8th grader? Are you forgetting all the things that Will did AFTER this conversation? The pole dance in a gay club, dating a 16 year old (how many 13 year olds get to date, let alone a 16 year old), the college party, taking the rap for Ryan AND the fact that he was participating, forget whose flask it was, and more?


Here is the gist of that conversation:


“It is,” he said. “But my job is to make sure that you have the freedom to make mistakes, but that those mistakes won’t be too costly. See, that’s what I worry about. I worry that you’re trying so hard to be an adult, that you’ll make an adult mistake, and that I’ll lose you.”


“You won’t lose me,” I told him.


“I feel like I am,” he said, and I was horrified to note how choked up he was when he said that.


How has Will done in showing his father that he is capable adult decisions? Again, the only decision that Will seems to have been left out on was the decision to sideline Pat and we still have no insight from Mark (hint, hint) as to how and why Brad and Robbie reacted as they did in that situation.


The part of the story that I have had a hard time swallowing is that Will, who three weeks ago CAP time, said his room was a constant reminder of how much Brad and Robbie loved him and this passage from three months ago CAP time where Will gets insight into how deep and strong Brad's love was suddenly turns into crazy boy because they didn't tell him Pat was suspended, or however you choose to phrase it.


As I said earlier, the "woe is me, they don't love, they hate me" scenario is more likely to lead to an internalized implosion like a suicide attempt, cutting or destroying his own room than an externalized, "I'm going to ruin their car and shoes" reaction. But I do make allowances for Mark's choice of implosions because he sees the continuity of where the story is heading and has his reasons that I trust for the devices he uses to get there.

Edited by PrivateTim
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How has Will done in showing his father that he is capable adult decisions? Again, the only decision that Will seems to have been left out on was the decision to sideline Pat and we still have no insight from Mark (hint, hint) as to how and why Brad and Robbie reacted as they did in that situation..


He's pulling down a 4.0 GPA average? I'm assuming that his grades are part of why HW didn't just expel his ass. I'm sure they would have if the pot had been found- not only is Will rich, but he's apparently becoming an academic powerhouse.


Actually, about that- does HW do a weighted GPA? Because a lot of kids do get weighted GPA if they're taking A.P., but I don't have Will taking A.P. yet. Just honors biology and geometry honors.


Will DESPERATELY needs therapy to deal with what happened in Europe. Brad and Robbie and Will (and probably JJ too) DESPERATELY need therapy to get the levels of communication and trust figured out.

I think somewhere, deep down, JJ's glad that he was never Robbie or Brad's favorite, just looking at how effed up Will got. Not that Jeanine was especially a prize as a parent, but she encouraged him to find out what made him tick until he finally found it at the age of 12, and he's involved in a sport that kinda keeps him in check. I think when it comes to how JJ views Brad and Robbie, he'll take any kind of praise they give him, but if they ever try to act all parental with him, he'll walk off in a huff and ice them out. He needs his mom and Tiffany way more than he needs Brad and Robbie, whereas with Will, Will needs Brad and Robbie so much that the strained relationship is killing him. I think the contrast is pretty interesting- for JJ, his "paternal figure" is actually a woman.

Edited by methodwriter85
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He's pulling down a 4.0 GPA average? I'm assuming that his grades are part of why HW didn't just expel his ass. I'm sure they would have if the pot had been found- not only is Will rich, but he's apparently becoming an academic powerhouse.


Actually, about that- does HW do a weighted GPA? Because a lot of kids do get weighted GPA if they're taking A.P., but I don't have Will taking A.P. yet. Just honors biology and geometry honors.


He is doing the right thing in school.


He has been less than successful in just about every other decision and has popped off in such a disrespectful manner time and again that I would have grounded him and pulled privileges. Being right doesn't matter a whit. I make a crappy call in a water polo game and the coach curses at me, he is still getting a red card because he knows better.


H-W weights for all honors classes, not just AP as do most schools I know of in CA.

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My high school only weighted for AP classes.


Not that there were a lot of honors classes available to me, but they were lumped with my college prep classes.


As I said earlier, the "woe is me, they don't love, they hate me" scenario is more likely to lead to an internalized implosion like a suicide attempt, cutting or destroying his own room than an externalized, "I'm going to ruin their car and shoes" reaction. But I do make allowances for Mark's choice of implosions because he sees the continuity of where the story is heading and has his reasons that I trust for the devices he uses to get there.


Mmm, I think it can depend. Mostly, I think you're correct, but in this instance, Will does not blame himself for the rift. If he thought they did not love him because he himself was unlovable, which is not an uncommon reaction to rape trauma, then yeah, I think we'd expect suicidal thoughts, cutting, bulemia, etc.. But here, he's decided that he's not the problem, the problem is that his parents are jerks who only make time for him if they have nothing better to do.


Which I find a bit ironic. One of the "triggers" to all this was the conversation about JJ's skating competition. I found it very interesting that WIll was willing to rip into his parents for something that I doubt he found very important himself. I don't recall reading anywhere that WIll was a big supporter of JJ. He had his back of course, but it seemed like they lived their lives and occasionally did stuff together when they had nothing better to do. I.e., exactly the relationship he sees Brad and Robbie as having with him. But all of a sudden, he's JJ's biggest fan, and lays into their parents for being a bit slower off the mark? I found that pretty interesting.


I also found it interesting that the entire float trip, he spent like an hour with JJ.

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My high school only weighted for AP classes.


Not that there were a lot of honors classes available to me, but they were lumped with my college prep classes.




Mmm, I think it can depend. Mostly, I think you're correct, but in this instance, Will does not blame himself for the rift. If he thought they did not love him because he himself was unlovable, which is not an uncommon reaction to rape trauma, then yeah, I think we'd expect suicidal thoughts, cutting, bulemia, etc.. But here, he's decided that he's not the problem, the problem is that his parents are jerks who only make time for him if they have nothing better to do.


Which I find a bit ironic. One of the "triggers" to all this was the conversation about JJ's skating competition. I found it very interesting that WIll was willing to rip into his parents for something that I doubt he found very important himself. I don't recall reading anywhere that WIll was a big supporter of JJ. He had his back of course, but it seemed like they lived their lives and occasionally did stuff together when they had nothing better to do. I.e., exactly the relationship he sees Brad and Robbie as having with him. But all of a sudden, he's JJ's biggest fan, and lays into their parents for being a bit slower off the mark? I found that pretty interesting.


I also found it interesting that the entire float trip, he spent like an hour with JJ.


I think you aptly described why Will would externalize his rage. I think that it's really hard to generalize this sort of thing; this is truly an individual type of reaction.


Will's intervention with JJ's situation is much easier to divine. Even though they're not "spend all our free time together" close, Will loves his brother, even if that love often expresses itself by him being protective of JJ. This would be such a case, where Will is going to intervene because JJ needs him to. Then there's the other issue, the more subtle one, that by defending JJ for being neglected, he's basically making his own case as well.


Chapter 32 in a nutshell:


Robbie: "My Car!"

Brad: "My Shoes!"

Steph: "My God, you both are idiots!"


Brad re: Martin -->

"We found out about him on the Internet so it must be true..."


The Following is not stated in the story -->

Jeff: "Why am I still hanging around these people?"

Rosa on Monday morning: "You bitches don't pay me enough!"


I loved this, especially Rosa's line. Posted Image


Oh Mark, Mark, Mark. As a teenager, I love your writing. It keeps me interested (not hard to do), and you always leave cliffhangers (which I hate, hate, hate). I also love the perspectives that you write from. It's like you talk to teens to get how they would feel. How Will is right now is exactly how I would feel if Brad and Robbie were like that. As the guy above said, three chapters a day would not be enough. I could read a book of yours in about a day. In fact, I have done that. Twice. The first book in the CAP series, and the 10th. I cannot wait for the next few chapters. I wish I wouldn't have checked to read this one because I feel they are too short (speaking from reading 10-12k word chapters from Beloved). I had the biggest smile on my face this whole chapter. Thanks for making my day every time you post!


Thanks for that feedback! It great to hear from someone who's living that hormonal freak. Posted Image

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Which I find a bit ironic. One of the "triggers" to all this was the conversation about JJ's skating competition. I found it very interesting that WIll was willing to rip into his parents for something that I doubt he found very important himself. I don't recall reading anywhere that WIll was a big supporter of JJ. He had his back of course, but it seemed like they lived their lives and occasionally did stuff together when they had nothing better to do. I.e., exactly the relationship he sees Brad and Robbie as having with him. But all of a sudden, he's JJ's biggest fan, and lays into their parents for being a bit slower off the mark? I found that pretty interesting.


I also found it interesting that the entire float trip, he spent like an hour with JJ.


My take is that Will felt guilty when JJ had his little breakdown. Rather than entertain the thought that maybe he might have left behind his brother in the dust when the puberty fairy gave him the body of a hot 17-year old and lots of ensuing male attention while JJ stayed the pre-pubescent boy no one's interested in, Will decided to project those feelings onto Brad and Robbie and identify himself with JJ's sense of abandonment. Instead of Brad and Robbie having been neglectful of JJ, Will decided in his mind that they had been neglectful of JJ AND himself. Thus, allowing for Will to believe in himself as someone sympathetic, and not someone who was too busy chasing after tail and making new friends to realize that JJ was breaking down.


I remember that Mark wrote that both Will and Darius were pretty protective of JJ at the time of Bloodlines, but I think things changed in the ensuing two years as JJ got into figure skating, Darius graduated from Malibu, and Will got into partying and sex. Will, remembering that he once used to see it his duty to protect JJ, has gone overboard for compensation because of his internal guilt about not seeing how bad off JJ was.


Although the fact that Will didn't spend all that much time with JJ at the float trip does suggest a bit of hypocrisy on Will's part. To be fair to Will, he knew that he and his friends were going to drink and get high, and he knew that JJ can't do any of that stuff, so that's why he didn't ask. I did think that Will and JJ bonding was going to happen on this float trip, so I was kind of disappointed that it didn't. We get Wade *saying* how close Will and JJ have become, but other than Will going off to JJ's skating practices and meets, it doesn't really seem like that way. And it can't really be that way, because JJ's free time is pretty much always going to be consumed with figure skating and the like. That doesn't really leave room for him to have this tight "let's spend all of time together" bond, like what Ace and Brad had when they were teenager. JJ really is sacrificing his entire childhood on this dream.

Edited by methodwriter85
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My take is that Will felt guilty when JJ had his little breakdown. Rather than entertain the thought that maybe he might have left behind his brother in the dust when the puberty fairy gave him the body of a hot 17-year old and lots of ensuing male attention while JJ stayed the pre-pubescent boy no one's interested in, Will decided to project those feelings onto Brad and Robbie and identify himself with JJ's sense of abandonment. Instead of Brad and Robbie having been neglectful of JJ, Will decided in his mind that they had been neglectful of JJ AND himself. Thus, allowing for Will to believe in himself as someone sympathetic, and not someone who was too busy chasing after tail and making new friends to realize that JJ was breaking down.


I remember that Mark wrote that both Will and Darius were pretty protective of JJ at the time of Bloodlines, but I think things changed in the ensuing two years as JJ got into figure skating, Darius graduated from Malibu, and Will got into partying and sex. Will, remembering that he once used to see it his duty to protect JJ, has gone overboard for compensation because of his internal guilt about not seeing how bad off JJ was.


Although the fact that Will didn't spend all that much time with JJ at the float trip does suggest a bit of hypocrisy on Will's part. To be fair to Will, he knew that he and his friends were going to drink and get high, and he knew that JJ can't do any of that stuff, so that's why he didn't ask. I did think that Will and JJ bonding was going to happen on this float trip, so I was kind of disappointed that it didn't. We get Wade *saying* how close Will and JJ have become, but other than Will going off to JJ's skating practices and meets, it doesn't really seem like that way. And it can't really be that way, because JJ's free time is pretty much always going to be consumed with figure skating and the like. That doesn't really leave room for him to have this tight "let's spend all of time together" bond, like what Ace and Brad had when they were teenager. JJ really is sacrificing his entire childhood on this dream.


DIdn't I just say most of that? Sharon? Where are you when I need you?


The last part is actually a little off. It has less to do with JJ's partying habits (I doubt anyone but JJ would worry about that anyway) and more to do with the fact that they have entirely different groups of friends. Will's group is more mature, and JJ is significantly dorkier. They're running with different groups. Brad and Ace didn't have that problem, because they ran with the same crowd.

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I think some people just need to grow up and get over it... Nothing Will has done except the pole dance is that out of bounds for someone that is 13 or 14 years old. Maybe growing up here in Texas is different but honestly by the time I was 14, I had done a lot more drinking and partying that Will has at this point; I had a lot more sex, with much greater age differences and both male and female; and frankly if there had been a gay strip club near me in the country, I probably would have done the pole dance... Now, I did come of age in the late 70's and early 80's but I don't think we were that much wilder than, just didn't have to worry about as much stuff. I have several nieces and nephews and children of friends that come to me quite often for advice or counsel or just a shoulder to cry on; and from their experiences, no nothing really has changed.


I got away with most of what I did because I had a 4.0, was in the honor society, various clubs, youth represenative on my church board, and was polite and well mannered with my elders. Did my parental units and family know everything I did, probably not; but in a small town they knew most of it... When I was 14 and a freshmen in high school, I went out of town to San Antonio, Austin, and San Angelo to party all the time with a group that was a couple of years older. Most of these trips were overnight trips and a lot of times, I was the designated driver, was never a huge drinker but could tie one on if the mood hit me. I went to a lot of college parties starting when I was 14 or so and never really had any problems. I don't think any of Will's behaviour is that out of bounds and I think anyone that thinks it is probably is being a little unrealistic in their view...


I think some people are forgetting how blown out of proportions everything is when you are that age; every incident gets magnified beyond recognition. I don't think Will ever dealt with what happened in Paris; and honestly Brad and by default Robbie, sort of acted like it was no big deal... I do think that Brad has broken his word to Will several times and that coupled with his neglect really triggered most of the outburts that we have been seeing. You don't havre to hit someone to be abusive, in some ways neglect is as damaging or more so. Another thing that keeps being brought up is how rich and privileged Will is and how that in some ways makes him immune from abuse, that just isn't so. Often children of privilege suffer as much abuse or more than those of lower socio-economic levels but because of the wealth and position of the families; it just gets covered up more effectively.


Having all the money and things in the world doesn't make up for the love and support you can get from a family that really cares about you, believes in you, and is there for you...... Right now and for most of this story, neither Will nor JJ has had that type of family.

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Okay, I no more get through my latest diatribe and look up; and what do I see but the latest chapter of Paternity is out... This is an interesting chapter, it seems to be a bridge from the past leading toward...what??? I don't know the answer to that yet, but I bet Mark has it all laid out in his head, masterfully. I really like how Wade is handling himself and others during this story; and this chapter just adds to my admiration.


I am not sure how Matt would feel about Wade sleeping with Jeff, unless it was a threesome but sort of thing Jeff is owed something for his work in finding Will. I really thought how Jeff stood up to Brad was really well written and played out. I am not sure I agree with it one hundred percent but did like how it really added to the reality of this storyline.


I am not suprised at all that Wade is the one that Will has reached out to, even if it was just an email; nor am I suprised that Wade is keeping his promise to Will about not using that contact as a way to track him down. Honor and promises mean something, even when the consequences lead to a price to pay.


Mark, this is really one of the best stories in this series since 1968... I hope you have enjoyed creating it and seeing it to fruition as much as I have enjoyed reading it.

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This maybe the last time I comment on Mark's stories. Honestly it gets me to upset. While no one is perfect, not even Mark. Even though most of us think he comes damn close. I don't understand why some people think Will can do nothing right. Some have said Will is a mouthy teenager, who doesn't listen to either parent, and is very disreceptful. I always thought that was what teenagers were. In same ways Will reminds me of one of his relatives, Tonto. She was a person who always stood up for herself and others. I am sure that some people thought of her as a pain in the a**. Over all she was a damn good mother and aunt, and great leader in the community. I hope her parents were better than Brad and Robbie have been.



it is hard to understand the relationships between the three brothers: Darius, Will and JJ. Darius is four years older and some what out of the picture at this point. I think he has the easy going charm and he picked Robbie who in most cases is easy going too. Many times being the oldest is more difficult but in Darius case I think he is suited for it. That of course leaves Will and JJ. Even though Will is younger, he acts more like the older brother to JJ. I don't think brothers have to spend every minute together to be close. JJ's diva act gets to Will sometimes but I think they really love each other. When they need each other they will be there for each other.


Since this maybe my last commentary, I will try to may this my best case of Will and his parents. Through out the saga up to the first part of Poor Man's Son Will and Brad have been close. Will and Jeanine have had their issues but the blame must come down of Brad. Jeanine tells Will sometime and Brad tells Will something else. Example: Will can stay home until Brad get home then he needs to go to school. Brad tells him to go surfing. Therefore Will feels he doesn't have to listen to Jeanine. It wasn't until the John, Will and Zach situation that Will and Brad had any problems. Part of that is again Brad's fault, he always must know everything that is going on. Brad and Will have the heart to heart and agree to talk things over before any actions is taken. Their relationship seems to have been restored. Then the kidnapping and rape. Will finds Roberto in Rome. They have a good time. Brad takes Robbie home and leaves Will with JP and Stef. I personally would not have let Will go to Gay strip club at 13 yo. And if Stef would have not let him go, the pole dance would not have happen. Whose at fault Stef. At this point Brad is spending less and less time with Will. Who does Will have to talk do? To guide him? He turns to Pat and then Pat is gone. With out a word or comment from Brad. Why? Brad would be afraid of what Will would say. Brad leaves Will alone without anyone to guide him. Wade is 400 miles away. JJ is into his skating. Brad and Robbie are too busy to care. Remember Will and Brad were once so close. Will was thought of Brad's clone. Will thought that his Dad would always be there for him. Now his was gone. Not only that but his Dad had broken his promises. The person who Will thought would always have his back was gone. What can he do? He sees himself drowning. First he tries to speak up. Call Brad and Robbie on their broken promises. What do they do reject him over and over again. Then they declare war on him. What parent declares war on their own child? What parent? So he hits back. For rejecting him. Then he leaves. Runs away. It is the only thing he can see to do, after he has been beaten by that child molester which his father picked to take care of him. I ask you that kind of parent would do that? Yes Will has make some foolish mistakes, but are they worth being beaten for? I think not. Who here has not make mistakes that they would have wanted not to have done? It is worth losing your son just to be obeyed? Who here would risk braking your child's spirit just to be obeyed? Will is not a bad kid. He needs guidance. That is what parents should do. Not have their children beaten.

Edited by rjo
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This story has a lot of drama, generational in nature and is provoking some strong and heartfelt opinions. In my judgment, that means the author is doing something right in that he is challenging his readers, making them think and causing them to voice their opinions.


The latest chapter is interesting and well written. It provides some more background on the current plot point of Will's running away and yet leaves us hanging and wanting more.


Unfortunately, in reply to a posted review, Mark indicates they (J.P., Stef, Brad, Robbie, and Wade) do not find Will.


Of course, he doesn't say whether Will finds them....

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Okay, I no more get through my latest diatribe and look up; and what do I see but the latest chapter of Paternity is out... This is an interesting chapter, it seems to be a bridge from the past leading toward...what??? I don't know the answer to that yet, but I bet Mark has it all laid out in his head, masterfully. I really like how Wade is handling himself and others during this story; and this chapter just adds to my admiration.


I am not sure how Matt would feel about Wade sleeping with Jeff, unless it was a threesome but sort of thing Jeff is owed something for his work in finding Will. I really thought how Jeff stood up to Brad was really well written and played out. I am not sure I agree with it one hundred percent but did like how it really added to the reality of this storyline.


I am not suprised at all that Wade is the one that Will has reached out to, even if it was just an email; nor am I suprised that Wade is keeping his promise to Will about not using that contact as a way to track him down. Honor and promises mean something, even when the consequences lead to a price to pay.


Mark, this is really one of the best stories in this series since 1968... I hope you have enjoyed creating it and seeing it to fruition as much as I have enjoyed reading it.


I don't think Matt has grounds to complain about Wade sleeping with Jeff one way or another.


Best since 1968? Well, thanks, but since I got a whole bunch of crap about that one, I'm not sure that's a compliment. Posted Image


This story has a lot of drama, generational in nature and is provoking some strong and heartfelt opinions. In my judgment, that means the author is doing something right in that he is challenging his readers, making them think and causing them to voice their opinions.


The latest chapter is interesting and well written. It provides some more background on the current plot point of Will's running away and yet leaves us hanging and wanting more.


Unfortunately, in reply to a posted review, Mark indicates they (J.P., Stef, Brad, Robbie, and Wade) do not find Will.


Of course, he doesn't say whether Will finds them....


I said they didn't find Will in Oahu. I didn't say they didn't find Will. Posted Image

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This maybe the last time I comment on Mark's stories. Honestly it gets me to upset. While no one is perfect, not even Mark. Even though most of us think he comes damn close. I don't understand why some people think Will can do nothing right. Some have said Will is a mouthy teenager, who doesn't listen to either parent, and is very disreceptful. I always thought that was what teenagers were. In same ways Will reminds me of one of his relatives, Tonto. She was a person who always stood up for herself and others. I am sure that some people thought of her as a pain in the a**. Over all she was a damn good mother and aunt, and great leader in the community. I hope her parents were better than Brad and Robbie have been.



it is hard to understand the relationships between the three brothers: Darius, Will and JJ. Darius is four years older and some what out of the picture at this point. I think he has the easy going charm and he picked Robbie who in most cases is easy going too. Many times being the oldest is more difficult but in Darius case I think he is suited for it. That of course leaves Will and JJ. Even though Will is younger, he acts more like the older brother to JJ. I don't think brothers have to spend every minute together to be close. JJ's diva act gets to Will sometimes but I think they really love each other. When they need each other they will be there for each other.


Since this maybe my last commentary, I will try to may this my best case of Will and his parents. Through out the saga up to the first part of Poor Man's Son Will and Brad have been close. Will and Jeanine have had their issues but the blame must come down of Brad. Jeanine tells Will sometime and Brad tells Will something else. Example: Will can stay home until Brad get home then he needs to go to school. Brad tells him to go surfing. Therefore Will feels he doesn't have to listen to Jeanine. It wasn't until the John, Will and Zach situation that Will and Brad had any problems. Part of that is again Brad's fault, he always must know everything that is going on. Brad and Will have the heart to heart and agree to talk things over before any actions is taken. Their relationship seems to have been restored. Then the kidnapping and rape. Will finds Roberto in Rome. They have a good time. Brad takes Robbie home and leaves Will with JP and Stef. I personally would not have let Will go to Gay strip club at 13 yo. And if Stef would have not let him go, the pole dance would not have happen. Whose at fault Stef. At this point Brad is spending less and less time with Will. Who does Will have to talk do? To guide him? He turns to Pat and then Pat is gone. With out a word or comment from Brad. Why? Brad would be afraid of what Will would say. Brad leaves Will alone without anyone to guide him. Wade is 400 miles away. JJ is into his skating. Brad and Robbie are too busy to care. Remember Will and Brad were once so close. Will was thought of Brad's clone. Will thought that his Dad would always be there for him. Now his was gone. Not only that but his Dad had broken his promises. The person who Will thought would always have his back was gone. What can he do? He sees himself drowning. First he tries to speak up. Call Brad and Robbie on their broken promises. What do they do reject him over and over again. Then they declare war on him. What parent declares war on their own child? What parent? So he hits back. For rejecting him. Then he leaves. Runs away. It is the only thing he can see to do, after he has been beaten by that child molester which his father picked to take care of him. I ask you that kind of parent would do that? Yes Will has make some foolish mistakes, but are they worth being beaten for? I think not. Who here has not make mistakes that they would have wanted not to have done? It is worth losing your son just to be obeyed? Who here would risk braking your child's spirit just to be obeyed? Will is not a bad kid. He needs guidance. That is what parents should do. Not have their children beaten.


You're about 7 chapters ahead of the story with some of your comments. I hope you won't stop making them.


It's not unusual in a story like this to find people migrating toward one side in a conflict. I think that makes it fun. On the other hand, I think that sometimes people get their own idea about what a character is like, and then get upset when that character acts differently than they think he should have. I think it's important to remember that even people who have well-defined values can act differently in unique situations.

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Seems we are going to have relatively calmer waters ahead. Perhaps the posts here would be less fun in here. But it would be rather unsettling until this issue is resolved, and I hope we get 3 chapters a week until then.

Edited by naaz
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The last part is actually a little off. It has less to do with JJ's partying habits (I doubt anyone but JJ would worry about that anyway) and more to do with the fact that they have entirely different groups of friends. Will's group is more mature, and JJ is significantly dorkier. They're running with different groups. Brad and Ace didn't have that problem, because they ran with the same crowd.


Well, I think Will kinda realizes that JJ isn't ready for that kind of stuff yet, and as such he didn't think he should try and force JJ to get into it.


I do think it has been pretty realistic the way you've portrayed this- when people get hit by puberty has suuuuuccchhhh an influence on how 7th though 10th grade play out. By 11th grade people tend to even out, but in the few years before that, people have such varying rates of growth. When I was in 9th grade, I knew kids who were going off to raves and were having sex and the like. I also knew kids who wanted to sit around and giggle while they read a sex scene aloud in some book at the library. Things really did vary.


I do appreciate that you've allowed JJ to stay innocent for a few more years before turning him into a Schluter sexpot. Thanks for that, Mark. You have the precocious wunderkid with Will, and you have the late bloomer with JJ. Nice use of contrast, and a nice way to create some inherent angst and drama. JJ and Will really are just developing at different rates and into different directions, which makes having them be close more of a challenge.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Well, it's true. Think about it- aside from Brad's uptight straight brother Nick, has there ever been a Schluter who wasn't described as a hot slut?


Oh no, I agree with you - I just like that you coined the phrase, "Schluter sexpot". :D


And then again...we've only seen so much of Nick's life. For all we know, he could be one too - only, on the straight side. ;)

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