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The day is sheer hell. I was so hoping for a chapter....................


Patience is a virtue I am sorely lacking. But hopefully this evening another dollop in the saga will be provided for us.Posted Image

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Patience is a virtue I am sorely lacking. But hopefully this evening another dollop in the saga will be provided for us.Posted Image


well you don't have an exam tomorrow. I will have to wait.
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Even though he was sitting at the back of the plane, I do hope that Jeff heard at least the part of the conversation about deliberately breaking up relationships to go after the guy you're interested in. -_-

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As I said in the chapter review: I think Jeff is Robbie's nephew. It would explain why Jeff liked Wade and not his cousin Matt. Also he had some of characteristics and those violet Hayes eyes. Maybe he was named after his great uncle Jeff. Just like in If it Fits and Bloodlines, Mark leaves us a few clues along the way. Another son with father troubles? Up to this point Jeff has been a minor character, maybe he is more than hired help. Would that shake up the family? Poor Robbie!

Edited by rjo
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The newest chapter of Paternity is up and lots of action, an not just the sex.... I really like how Will handled both the sex with John and the revelations and emotions afterward. He really gave John a way to help him save face and was able to understand where John was coming from in a way I don't think he would have just a few months ago.


I have to wonder if JJ isn't starting to have hints of puberty hitting him, his actions in the pool and on the plane seem to be more than just his usual behaviour. I know that in the past Will has helped him with some questions and maybe it is time for Will to think about it and check back with him on this subject.


Darius blew it, he will never be able to back Will down again. If Darius wants respect or anything else from Will he will now have to earn it and not just expect it to be handed to him. I still don't get Darius's behaviour. I know he is at his first semester of college but I don't remeber turning into a complete tool when I went of to school... Of course, I was always weird...


I really liked Robbie and later Brad's talks with Will. Robbie especially opened up about his family in a way that I don't think he really has with anyone else in any of the stories. I really had forgot that he had an older brother and sister but remeber that from when he was introduced. They were never around and even that first Christmas Frank went back to see them in Claremont but Robbie didn't, if I remember correctly. I wonder if we are going to see something come of that... Brad is finally seeing Will in a new lights, and I think the therapy is doing Brad a world of good, I hope it helps Will with some of his issues.


Stef and Will have a relationship so similar to Brad and Stef but maybe not quite so deep. I mean, Will and Stef obviously have great affection and love for each other but Brad almost viewed Stef as a saviour is some ways when he was young and I don't think Will's feeling run that deep. They are much more like a Grandparent/Grandchild relationship with some interesting twist, ie the sex discussions... Of course, this is Stef, so....


I really want to find out what the issue is with Jeff. I really thing there is something more than just Jeff finding Wade really attractive and wanting a relationship with him. I would hate for Jeff to become a Jake type of persona because it would just seem so out of place for what he has gone through and his life experiences... Well, I am sure Mark has it all planned out....

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As I said in the chapter review: I think Jeff is Robbie's nephew. It would explain why Jeff liked Wade and not his cousin Matt. Also he had some of characteristics and those violet Hayes eyes. Maybe he was named after his great uncle Jeff. Just like in If it Fits and Bloodlines, Mark leaves us a few clues along the way. Another son with father troubles? Up to this point Jeff has been a minor character, maybe his is more than hired help. Would that shake up the family?


Damn, I never even thought about that... My only deal with that would be that his older brothers son would not be as old as Jeff is in this story. Now maybe Jeff has lied about his age to give himself a few extra years but he seems to be really physically mature and unlike Will most guys don't mature that rapidly... I would think the family would deal with it and accept it, like they have so many other inclusions but why would Jeff have issues with Matt, if he was his cousin??? Is he jealous that Matt found Robbie first or that when Matt was adopted he got such a good home??? It would be an interesting plot twist, but I am not sure that is the reason behind Jeff's behaviour; although it would definitely add to the drama....

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I agree with you. And would add two things: Brad was damaged because of his mother and Nick and Bitty. Stef was there for him and helped Brad survive, with Will, he was there but until Paris Will life wasn't damaged. These last few months, since Paris and Rome, but really the blow up and running away has changed Will. Grown up? Willing to see the other person's point of view? I'm not sure but all this drama wasn't a bad thing.


If my idea in correct, and Jeff is Robbie's nephew It could be from Robbie's brother and Robbie is off a few years or maybe his sister had a child nobody knows about. Until the last few chapters Jeff has not acted weird, so maybe Jeff doesn't know he is Robbie's nephew. The only one who knows is Mark.

Edited by rjo
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As I said in the chapter review: I think Jeff is Robbie's nephew. It would explain why Jeff liked Wade and not his cousin Matt. Also he had some of characteristics and those violet Hayes eyes. Maybe he was named after his great uncle Jeff. Just like in If it Fits and Bloodlines, Mark leaves us a few clues along the way. Another son with father troubles? Up to this point Jeff has been a minor character, maybe he is more than hired help. Would that shake up the family? Poor Robbie!


From your review...


With regards to Will, I don't think that's anything more than, here's Will going on about how he's slept with this guy and that guy and yada yada...while Jeff, who prefers to be monogamous, recently hooked up with Wade, who's not going to dump Matt anytime soon. I can't imagine that Will really endeared himself to Jeff, especially after the dig at hooking up with Wade.


As for Jeff secretly being family...how does that really affect that he wants Wade at all? This, again, I think is Jeff not looking too kindly on guys who sleep around - nevermind the fact that Jeff himself used to hustle. Could that still be haunting him, perhaps?

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........ I think is Jeff not looking too kindly on guys who sleep around - nevermind the fact that Jeff himself used to hustle. Could that still be haunting him, perhaps?


I think you have raised an interesting point which could turn out to be validated. Being a player because you have to do it to survive is much different than being a player because you are basically a slut or going through a slutty phase...called adolescence.Posted Image

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I really loved that Robbie talked about his siblings and their kids. That was something I've been curious about for a long time.


Note that Robbie mentions the falling out happened circa 1985, which puts it squarely into Man In Motion territory. I wonder if Robbie's descent into his emotionally abusive relationship with Neal was at least in part inspired by his family turning their backs on him.


I have to wonder if JJ isn't starting to have hints of puberty hitting him, his actions in the pool and on the plane seem to be more than just his usual behaviour. I know that in the past Will has helped him with some questions and maybe it is time for Will to think about it and check back with him on this subject.

It's an interesting thought, but I thought it was just getting to know what JJ was like- that he gets focused on something and doesn't want to do anything else, and doesn't realize how rude he can be. I think that fits fairly in line with what we already know about him- that JJ is pretty superficially friendly when he wants to be but doesn't build deep relationships, therefore doesn't fully understand how to interact with people on a deeper basis.


Maybe JJ has Asperger's Syndrome?

Edited by methodwriter85
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Isn't it interesting how that comes up again. Will the wayward son, Darius the faithful son. both in need of the fathers guidance and love. Some stories never grow old or never lose their meaning for a modern world. What was true then is true now.

Edited by rjo
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Isn't it interesting how that comes up again. Will the wayward son, Darius the faithful son. both in need of the fathers guidance and love. Some stories never grow old or never lose their meaning for a modern world. What was true then is true now.


Darius, the faithful son to Brad and Robbie, who kept him from being whisked back to Ohio with Bitty even though she was a totally unfit mother...while yes, there's Will being the totally wayward son and acting up to those same two parents (Brad and Robbie). Is it any wonder why Darius is now such a jerk to him? :P


Bitty being mentioned in this chapter made me think back to those storylines.

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I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend. The temperature here is in the upper 90's and breezy, perfect weather for hours in the back yard pool and traumatic sunburns in spite of the SPF 50 sunscreen. Compulsory vinegar baths, sitting inside under the A/C and ceiling fan on HIGH being the mode of the day, I'm killing time crunching meaningless numbers and awaiting a new chapter, I suppose. For those of you who may care, average posting frequency has been 4.3 days per chapter. If you deduct the 'rapid fire' chapters (32-36) the frequency decreases to almost 4.9 days per chapter.


I guess that makes the new chapter 19 hours and 52 minutes later than usual? Oh well. It IS a holiday weekend, afterall.


HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY, Mark! Posted Image

Edited by GLH
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Mark's been writing constantly for almost four years now, with just a small break he took back in the fall of 2011. It's okay he takes a little longer to post than usual.Posted Image

Edited by methodwriter85
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I meant nothing derogatory by it, just the miscellaneous ramblings of the terminally bored. I've been reading online serials since I bought my first PC almost 20 years ago, so I am very much aware patience is compulsory. I might add that I cannot recall offhand another writer that has kept me spellbound through the years as Mark has.

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Personally, I’m enjoying the slower pace even though I’ll regret it when his nibs gets a chance to play catch up. My inbox will get slammed with a dozen chapters in 18 hours. Been there, done that several times over the years.
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Personally, I’m enjoying the slower pace even though I’ll regret it when his nibs gets a chance to play catch up. My inbox will get slammed with a dozen chapters in 18 hours. Been there, done that several times over the years.


That's quite possible, and you work just as diligently to clear those chapters out and send them back to me. Posted Image


I look at it this way. If I can produce a chapter each week for the stories I'm working on, I'm doing good. Sometimes I do better than that.

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I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend. The temperature here is in the upper 90's and breezy, perfect weather for hours in the back yard pool and traumatic sunburns in spite of the SPF 50 sunscreen. Compulsory vinegar baths, sitting inside under the A/C and ceiling fan on HIGH being the mode of the day, I'm killing time crunching meaningless numbers and awaiting a new chapter, I suppose. For those of you who may care, average posting frequency has been 4.3 days per chapter. If you deduct the 'rapid fire' chapters (32-36) the frequency decreases to almost 4.9 days per chapter.


I guess that makes the new chapter 19 hours and 52 minutes later than usual? Oh well. It IS a holiday weekend, afterall.


HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY, Mark! Posted Image


I'm a sucker for a guy who's good at stats. Posted Image

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