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28 July 2003


On 28 July 2003 GA opened the forum doors. I knew many of the early members from other venues (that are no longer in existence) that I belonged to, but didn't become a member until 6 months later in December 2003 as member # 82. I haven't seen but a few of the first 100 members these past few years.


The site has grown in the nine years since the beginning and there have been a lot of changes in the 8 1/2 years that I have been a member. Some good and some not, but the one thing that hasn't changed is the quality and variety of the stories posted here and in the great support that the authors both new and old receive.



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I'm not gonna lie, and try to be a saint. This website saved my life more than once, literally. When I initially came, I was a train wreck. Shrink thought I should "write it all on paper" and I landed here after a google search. When, that didn't work, Kiltie69 practically talked me off the ledge and befriended me (Love ya Tommi Boi). After all of THOSE issues, Ya'll ushered me through a bout of a nasty cancer. Among other problems. I, for one, and happy this place exists, and tis the season to give Myr a gold medal for a job well done. 9 years and we still haven't killed each other off?!? Hehe :D

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I'll admit, I've been here almost since the beginning and was grateful this site opened, after the prior one I was associated with ran into some nasty issues. I'm very grateful for Myr, Steph and all of the others who have helped me along the way. I realize I'm not the world's greatest author and will probably never get anything published, but I've enjoyed doing this and am grateful when others find some level of satisfaction from reading the stories I've posted. Things have changed a lot, as people come and go, and it will always be that way, but hopefully Gay Authors will always be here for those who need, and maybe even depend, on this site.

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A huge "Thank you" to all those who created and managed GA, to all those involved to keep it alive Posted Image .


The stories are the source of GA and remain an important part of GA, but this site is unique in the opportunity it gives to its members to share their joys and worries

To follow and take part in forums has taught me that worldwide many of us have the same problems regardless of our origin, our age and where we live


I had sometimes the feeling of being useful by my comments. Even an old guy like me is looking forward to this ninth anniversary Posted Image .


I wish LONG LIFE to GA....... at least for the few years I have left to live and enjoy it! Posted Image

Edited by old bob
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You better have more than a few, dammit. I enjoy watching your soapbox, which is pivotal, cause I hate the soap boxes here.... At least yours are funny. I asked God for a favor, you live to a hundred twenty... sorry. He owed me one after being so mean to me this year, so you get to suffer with the wrinkles :P

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I haven't even been here for a year yet, but I'm amazed at the amount of help and support I've had from everyone on here.


I finally started posting my first stories and if it hadn't been for the constant feedback and butt-kicking from everyone, I know I would have given up after my first story.


The forums are a great part of GA, and I've learned so much about my fellow GA'ers.


May GA and its authors continue for many years to come.

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Wow, thanks for pointing out the anniversary!


While other sites have come and gone, GA has adapted, grown, and survived.


Thanks for all the great stories, the great people I've met, Myr for having and maintaining the vision!


Take Care,



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I have enjoyed my time here at GA. I guess at being a member only a year and a half, I'm still a newbie compared to the others that have been here for so much longer or those still around from the very beginning. Thank you GA, and to Myr and everyone who works so hard behind the scenes to keep this place up and running. Posted Image

Edited by KC Grim
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Happy Birthday GA. This place has become my daily happy place. Thanks to all that put this place here for us,, and to the awesome authors that literally work their butts off so that we have all this great stories to enjoy. Posted Image
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I might not be as "hyper-active" here on daily basis as I used to be but I do visit GA every day.


I wish happy b-day and long life to Gay Authors. Thank you Myr for creating such a great place to share the love for great stories.

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Happy Anniversary GA and a shout-out to all the people who work to keep the site up and growing!


Also, for anyone who can afford to provide a little financial support, buying a premium membership helps defray some of the cost of maintaining and improving the site. So please consider adding your financial support as well!

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