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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

How do I get someone to shut up?


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My mom and I were riding home from Barnes and Noble last night and "Piece of my Heart" by Janice Joplin came on and my mom started singing along to it. Now, I'm good at singing, but that's not a trait that my mom gave me. She stinks. Big time. And I absolutely love Janice Joplin and really wanted to listen to the song without the dying cat that was escaping from my mom's throat. How do I get her to shut the hell up without hurting her feelings?

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My mom and I were riding home from Barnes and Noble last night and "Piece of my Heart" by Janice Joplin came on and my mom started singing along to it. Now, I'm good at singing, but that's not a trait that my mom gave me. She stinks. Big time. And I absolutely love Janice Joplin and really wanted to listen to the song without the dying cat that was escaping from my mom's throat. How do I get her to shut the hell up without hurting her feelings?


Without hurting her feeling ... wow, I can think of dozzens of things to say that would hurt her feelings :)


I think the only way to do it without hurting her feelings is to say point blank that you can't hear the song with her singing, and you'd really like to hear the song.


:king: Snow Dog

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Without hurting her feeling ... wow, I can think of dozzens of things to say that would hurt her feelings :)


I think the only way to do it without hurting her feelings is to say point blank that you can't hear the song with her singing, and you'd really like to hear the song.


:king: Snow Dog


That doesn't help. My mom would stop for 15 seconds then and sing along after that again. :blink:

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Well, my initial reaction is... you can't... I know that's not bery optimistic, and while I normally try to be optimistic, this scenario calls for a realist instead.


Maybe you could start asking her lots of questions, the singing might stop then, but I won;t guarantee that you would be able to hear the song even then...


Good Luck hun,


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slaveboy...Just like your mum, I am equally gifted in the art of singing out of tune and off key and sounding like a cat in a tumble dryer ( not that I would ever put a cat in a tumble dryer 0:) )


This may not be the answer you want but I think you should be generous - it's Christmas time and all - and let your mum sing as badly as she wants as often as she wants. And invest in some earplugs!



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My mom and I were riding home from Barnes and Noble last night and "Piece of my Heart" by Janice Joplin came on and my mom started singing along to it. Now, I'm good at singing, but that's not a trait that my mom gave me. She stinks. Big time. And I absolutely love Janice Joplin and really wanted to listen to the song without the dying cat that was escaping from my mom's throat. How do I get her to shut the hell up without hurting her feelings?


Let her sing. I mean, if she's enjoying herself be happy - you can listen to the song later. I dunno, young kids today.

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I've decided that I like the one about singing louder than her. I can handle that one, I've been told I'm VERY loud. I don't know, I think that I talk/sing at a normal volume, but that's just me...but if I sing louder, then she'll have to shut up because she'll be listening to me sing, which I do often, and then I'll be quiet and hopefully she won't start again.

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I've decided that I like the one about singing louder than her. I can handle that one, I've been told I'm VERY loud. I don't know, I think that I talk/sing at a normal volume, but that's just me...but if I sing louder, then she'll have to shut up because she'll be listening to me sing, which I do often, and then I'll be quiet and hopefully she won't start again.


Yep, that is far the best option. She might even stop singing and listen to you.


You might be loud, but no singer was louder than Joplin. It makes me feel good that the new generation loves old rock songs.

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Yep, that is far the best option. She might even stop singing and listen to you.


You might be loud, but no singer was louder than Joplin. It makes me feel good that the new generation loves old rock songs.


Oh Cheez! Not another old hippy on gayauthors! I mean, James and his Doors and Yes is bad enough but now we got another one?

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Oh Cheez! Not another old hippy on gayauthors! I mean, James and his Doors and Yes is bad enough but now we got another one?



:P Old Hippies never die. They just dry us up and smoke us.


But seriously folks, old hippies ought to be an endangered species. Those of us in the wild should probably be tagged and studied like bears or whales.

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Okay... not a recommended choice here but... I was just in the car with my 4 year old son, and while I have been told on many occasion that I sing and sing well, he plainly said, "No Mom, don't sing okay?" You could try it, although I don't suggest it and I seriously doubt it will work.

Edited by viv
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If she's happy, let her sing. this remind me of a old song i knew. it was about a man that sang so bad at church, the preacher and the choir ask him to stop singing, he sang because he was joyful! it broke his heart to think he was messing the church goer singing and he stop

when he didn't come to church soon, they stop by to see why he didn't show? when they got to his house, they found he was dead! in his hand was a songbook of songs he use to sing in church, but because he was a nice person and care for others, they now felt guilty for his kindness to others in need is gone and they knew how he cared, so now the bad singing didn't mean anything anymore because they miss his gentle ways and kindness


i had many friends in my life that could not sing, but i just smile knowing they were happy and not as lucky as some of us and didn't know they could not carry a tune

some of them are now gone and i miss them, but i felt good for not saying they could not sing, because i miss them being around to talk to keep from being lonely as much


my mom could sing, but even if she couldn't. i still miss her as much. i still feel gulity, i never told her how nice she sang

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I agree with the general consensus, just let her sing. Speaking for myself I know I sing badly, but I enjoy it. I don't sing around other people often though because I know suck. But if I do sing around someone, it means I've decided to just go ahead and have fun anyway. In which case I'd be seriously offended if they were like "dude you should stop". But then I may be easier to offend than your mom.

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Okay... not a recommended choice here but... I was just in the car with my 4 year old son, and while I have been told on many occasion that I sing and sing well, he plainly said, "No Mom, don't sing okay?" You could try it, although I don't suggest it and I seriously doubt it will work.


I would think very carefully before following this suggestion by Viv. My kids used to tell me not to sing in the car...I say used to - because when they did, I sang even louder (and worse) and whats more, if they complained further, I used to wind down the window so everyone could hear me sing! I'm such a loving mother. :2thumbs:

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