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I'm an iPerson

Hayden L

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Does iOS change every two years?

This year is iOS7 vs Android 4.2.1


Does your iOS1,2,3 apps still work in the newer iOS?

or is this appls way of pushing you to upgrade your apps?

Doesn't it get quite expensive if you have like 20 apps?


So which OS looks better iOS or the Android?



iOS6.1 v Android 4.2.1

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Good news - appl gaining ground over android

iPhone5 sales picking up, stock is down to 422, there are predictions to go down to 350, the question is has it hit bottom?

Lets see how the next two quarters go when samsung releases its products


Update: Samsung Galaxy note 8 (UK) priced at 339# while iPad mini is 269#

* Is Samsung this Samsung Arrogance?

* will people be willing to pay the extra 70# or buy a mini instead?

* It seems that Samsung is very far from competing with kindle,nexus, nook level or even the mini

* Will we by the next model a big price drop to below mini price?



Mix News - Appl protecting user privacy in iMessage irritates DEA n FBI



Apple's iMessage encryption trips up feds' surveillance

Internal document from the Drug Enforcement Administration complains that messages sent with Apple's encrypted chat service are "impossible to intercept," even with a warrant.


iWallet, iAds, iTV, iRadio coming one day


the issue of iRadio rumoured for release in the summer is the price per play and the labels

and if iRadio cuts into iTunes, they hope iAD will help make up the diff

Apple hopes to cut into pandora and Spotify bussiness


For labels, Apple's iRadio deal could be sweeter than Pandora

Apple is close to a deal with two major music labels to bring to life its streaming music service, which could pay labels better than Pandora does.
It was reported earlier in March that the launch of Apple's as-yet-unannounced service has been held up by royalty rate negotiations. Apple reportedly offered to pay 6 cents per 100 songs streamed to content owners, which is half the 12 cents per 100 songs music streaming powerhouse Pandora pays. 
Record labels believe Apple should pay the rate set by the Copyright Royalty Board for companies that don't own broadcast operations, which comes out to about about 21 cents per 100 songs. That is still lower than the 36-cent rate Spotify reportedly pays out and in line with terrestrial radio-backed iHeart, which pays 22 cents per 100 tracks.


A little Win8 competition coming or will Win8 disappear one day

if the latter then here goes MSFT again dropping a product


Price of Windows RT tablets lowered by manufacturers

Analysts have said this could be a reflection of poor demand or a tactic to generate sales. Then again, chances are high that Windows RT may just fade away over time.
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Cool tmobile deal trade in deal


"Our message to iPhone 4S and iPhone 4 customers is simple: bring in your device and trade up to iPhone 5 on T-Mobile," said T-Mobile marketing chief Mike Sievert in a prepared statement. "We're making it incredibly attractive to buy an iPhone 5 by pairing an un-beatable upfront price and trade-in offer with Simple Choice, the most hassle-free and affordable rate plan in wireless."

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Cool tmobile deal trade in deal


Yep. Any device really. So if someone just bought a Samsung Galaxy 3 and wanted the iPhone 5, they could trade in the phone and it takes off of the price of it. 

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I actually pre-ordered the HTC One from t-mobile today. I'm hoping I like it, and Android, but if not I have 14 days to bring it back and then I'll just grab an iPhone 5 instead

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I heard yesterday that the Blackberry Z10 has made RIM money last quarter. Also, two of the major carriers in Canada started taking pre-orders for the new Blackberry Q10 which is the same as the Z10 but has the keyboard that so many users loved from the original Blackberries. Another major feature is to have two separate and complete platforms all on one phone. You'll be able to have a work and a personal platform thus enabling your work IT department have access to the work side but no access to your personal platform.


Just wondering if Blackberry is in the grave as so many predicted with the iPhone and Samsung replacing much of it's market :unsure:

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I thought I heard something like that for the new Samsung Galaxy S4 having a secure separate workspace

In 2010-2011 blackberry was very popular overseas like in ME and Asia

so whats changed? 


I heard yesterday that the Blackberry Z10 has made RIM money last quarter. Also, two of the major carriers in Canada started taking pre-orders for the new Blackberry Q10 which is the same as the Z10 but has the keyboard that so many users loved from the original Blackberries. Another major feature is to have two separate and complete platforms all on one phone. You'll be able to have a work and a personal platform thus enabling your work IT department have access to the work side but no access to your personal platform.


Just wondering if Blackberry is in the grave as so many predicted with the iPhone and Samsung replacing much of it's market :unsure:

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We've already done training for the Iphone and HTC one, both are great phones. 

So you've had hands on experience with both?


Any interesting information you could give me? 


Anything like quirks, annoyances, etc. Anything involving battery life would be nice. And does the HTC One's metal body interfere with signal. Stuff like that.

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So you've had hands on experience with both?


Any interesting information you could give me? 


Anything like quirks, annoyances, etc. Anything involving battery life would be nice. And does the HTC One's metal body interfere with signal. Stuff like that.


For the HTC One, I really don't remember much, except it has a really neat interface called Blinkfeed (I think) but it basically helps with the whole 'having to exit one program to go into another one'. The metal didn't mess with the signal and it feels really good for a large phone and the quality was pretty darn amazing, and I think it ran both Jellybean and it's own software but I forget the name, and the battery did drain a bit quick, like the Samsung. That's about all I remembered.


And the iPhone training was just recent. I liked how all the apps are preapproved so there's no chance of malware, and how user friendly it was and integrated it is with other Apple products. SIRI was a load of fun talking to too. I asked how old she was and she got sassy with me. XD The glass of the screen is tempered glass so it's really easy to break, and the screen is small, but then again, I have a Galaxy S3.... The other downside is if you don't purchase Apple Care Plus for $99 and need to get technical support from Apple, you have to pay about $30 upfront, even if your carrier was unable to assist you. And the coverage only protects twice against damage, and only damage that is "economically repairable". 

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I heard yesterday that the Blackberry Z10 has made RIM money last quarter. Also, two of the major carriers in Canada started taking pre-orders for the new Blackberry Q10 which is the same as the Z10 but has the keyboard that so many users loved from the original Blackberries. Another major feature is to have two separate and complete platforms all on one phone. You'll be able to have a work and a personal platform thus enabling your work IT department have access to the work side but no access to your personal platform.


Just wondering if Blackberry is in the grave as so many predicted with the iPhone and Samsung replacing much of it's market :unsure:


I think Blackberry just waited so long before jumping on the new smartphone wagon, but the Z10 was really awesome. Even without a physical keyboard, it's easy to text. The keyboard is designed to adapt to the individual user, and I was able to text in Spanish and English without having to change any settings whatsoever. And there's video calling. The thing I liked most was the flow it had. Basically you never had to exit out of an app to go to another app. It all integrates itself together. I was on facebook and saw I had an email and went to it to check it out, but went right back to what I was doing. 


We also did our entire training with it from a Z10. It had the powerpoint, the videos, and extra trainers conferenced in. It's a really impressive phone, so I don't think BB is in the grave, just a little slower to jump in. 


Also the battery life was crazy long. 

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looks like MSFT scored on patent licencing subscribers this affects mainly android devices

Facebook hired the iMaps guy ... is that a good or goof thing? Will he work well with Zuckerberg?

It looks like companies are after Appl alumni to help develop their iOS apps

APPL low for today = 398 back to 2011 prices

I heard it can go as low as 350


How much can appl go up if it released iRadio, iWatch, iTv, iWallet, iPhone5S, 6, iMini2?

Keeping in mind Samsung n MSFT will release their products?




Microsoft scores biggest patent licensee yet: China’s Foxconn

Software giant goes after contract manufacturers to achieve worldwide licensing.
Facebook Is Said to Hire Apple Maps Executive in Mobile Push
Apple Inc. (AAPL): It Is Still The King In This Industry
 (iMusic King)
Apple Inc. Secrecy Is Killing the Stock
Exxon Mobil Corp. has reclaimed the throne as largest company


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Why rumors are flying that Apple may fire Tim Cook

The latest murmurs suggest Steve Jobs' successor is on his way to being ousted. Not so fast...



From my Gnome,  high above the Alps - "Is Apple's Tim Cook... Cooked?" #stockaction $SPy


In a Forbes article, which was also published Sunday, columnist Gene Marcial joins the Tim-Cook-is-on-his-way-out rumor mill. Marcial says that his sources tell him "such a move is afoot." But then he concedes in the next sentence that "there's no available evidence that the board of the once-mighty top tech-innovator is officially in such a game-changing mode." (Noteworthy: A fellow Forbes blogger claims in the comments section of Marcial's post that Marcial's sources are "making it up.")
Completing the trifecta of Apple doomsaying was this puzzling TG Daily column by technology analyst Rob Enderle, who argues that Apple is beyond broken, and the only way to stop the bleeding is to elect a new board of directors. "Apple needs a board made up of people who understand how to manage a premium brand," argues Enderle. That way, if Cook is given the boot, this newly elected board can appoint a CEO who's more capable.







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Apple n Samsung trying to win over customer with goodwill
Apple got degraded from Value stock to growth stock



Apple Inc. rejects 8 million iPhone 5S phones due to problems with fingerprint sensor



“The iPhone 5S could be delayed until after June due to problems associated with Apple’s new fingerprint-scanning feature designed by Apple to replace the passcode-based unlocking system on previous models. A supply chain source in Taiwan stated that Apple was trying to find a coating material that did not interfere with the fingerprint sensor, and this may be causing a delay,” the report says.


Apple Inc. (AAPL) Donates $8M To Earthquake Recovery Efforts In China

“At this difficult time, our hearts are with the victims of the Sichuan earthquake. Aside from the cash donation to help the affected people to tide over their difficulties, we are committed to providing new Apple devices to schools in the disaster area, and Apple employees in the locality are on stand-by at any time to help.”


Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) isn’t the only company that’s pledged to donate for recovery efforts. Their biggest rival Samsung also pledged to donate $9.63 million.


News stated that Samsung is #1 in product innovation over Apple currently.


Ways to get the stock price up

* buyback stock $60B

* 3.05 div ($11B)

* Product releases


Which way do you Value Apple Stock (manipulate EPS or release industry leadership products)?

Will the above affect their $145B cash?

Any chance of the above backfiring?

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so it looks like apple won't release two phones a year

more like every two years a major release


Apple iPhone 5S motherboard leak shows new quad-core A7 processor

iPhone 5S and iPad 5 release date leaked as Autumn by Apple

iPad 5 Rear Shell Leaks, Shows Off iPad Mini-Like Design

Amazon to sell set-top box to challenge Apple TV: report





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I have a MacBook Pro, a MacBook Air and an iPod. I'll probably end up getting an iPhone at some point, but I like my dumb phone, don't really want a smart phone till it dies.


What I like best about Mac is without a doubt Garage Band, which is the most powerful user friendly music recording software out there, and it comes for free included on all Mackintosh computers. I adore it.

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if Apple introduces the cheaper iphone then they will close the gap and compete with samsung

Samsung been greedy with their expensive prices for their 2013 products

as wells as not putting out other varient memory capacities with their products

lol, that should be doing apple a favor to push customer to their competitor


if Apple takes on intel new power saving Haswell they might have a jump on HP n Dell with their new mac pros





iPhone will remain king While the iPad's growth is probably peaking, the iPhone appears to have already exited its high-growth phase. However, as I have written previously, I expect Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) to introduce a cheaper iPhone priced at $329 or $349 (unsubsidized) within the next year or so. This could have the same effect on iPhone sales that the iPad Mini had on iPad sales. There are many people who would pay a premium for an iPhone but cannot afford $450 or more for a phone, and therefore turn to cheap Android phones instead. Narrowing the price gap would allow Apple to compete for these customers. For example, a recent "trade-in" promotion in India that lowered the cost of an iPhone 4 from approximately $485 to $360 tripled the sales rate in one week.
It's also entirely likely that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) will update its MacBook lineup like it did at WWDC 2012. The timing coincides with the timing of Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC)'s Haswell chips, which have already begun shipping to OEMs, and are expected to reach consumers' hands this quarter. Apple is rumored to be preparing to ramp up Haswell-equipped MacBooks starting next month, which could pave the way for a WWDC MacBook announcement.

Vintage iPhones outside of the state of california will need to upgrade ... since there is no statue for them

has the industry changed the transmission technology much?



“Vintage products are those that were discontinued more than five and less than seven years ago. Apple has discontinued hardware service for vintage products with the following exception:



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Roomers about a cheaper ipad mini to be released in the summer

the retina display version is delayed until October


it sounds like the richer market is saturated so now its time to get into the cheaper markets

perhaps this is how to put out two releases a year 


amazon, Samsung, bnn may need to gear up for some competition


Yield issues to keep Apple from building Retina iPad mini until October - report

Because of those rumored production issues, Kuo suggested that Apple might introduce a more affordable iPad mini in the interim to help boost sales and fend off low-priced tablet competitors. He sees a low-cost iPad mini being priced between $199 and $249.


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lol, remember years ago that Apple commercial where big brother was IBM ... 

now with BYOD, big brother is JOBS

funny spin on irony


BYOD Privacy: Are You Being Watched?




Apple’s Ive Seen Risking iOS 7 Delay on Software Overhaul


Apple drinks the Microsoft Kool Aid, bases iOS 7 on Windows 8 "Metro"


"...framed the new OS as having a level of 'flatness' approaching recent releases of Microsoft's Windows Phone 'Metro' UI.
The New York Times says the Apple redesign represents a recognition that Microsoft knew before Apple and others that a basic shift was needed in the basic human-machine interface. While Microsoft was moving in the right direction, Apple and others were headed the wrong way, the newspaper reports:
"While Microsoft was flattening its interfaces as if it were a child pushing down on a bulge of putty, its competitors -- including Apple and Facebook -- were focused on skeuomorphism, a type of look in which, say, a note-taking feature on a Web site or in an app would look like a spiral-bound notebook, a reference to the real world look of a notebook."


"[Design] is increasingly being driven by mobile, where you're designing for the lowest common denominator so you can't load a site up with heavy graphics...The end result, with flat design, is that it all feels less cluttered."


The new flat iOS look will also habituate people to the Windows 8 look and feel, which could help that struggling operating system.
To a degree, Apple built itself on being the anti-Microsoft. And now, in mimicking Microsoft's OS designs, it may help its biggest competitor.



iOS 7 might be late in showing up for a demo in June



How many of u would shiver if iOS7 looked like Win8 phone?

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iPad losing ground to android


this is an interesting year for tablets as products mature in-spite of patent disputes in prior years


IDC: Android tablets will overtake the iPad in 2013

Tablet Market Share Shakeup – Android Outsells iOS for the First Time



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