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NFL - Gay Players


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After the debate involving gay rights, with players coming out in support of equal rights and against it. There has been talk, after the retired NFL player came out of the closet, that four more ACTIVE players are planning to come out.


Proponents say that it is a "selfish" self-serving act on their part.


But there have been coaches and players come out in support, saying that they wouldn't mind coaching, drafting, and playing with players that are gay.  They say the four players are communicating with one another and will try to come out together so all the pressure and the back lash wouldn't be on just one person, but a supportive group.  Now I know there are more than just four guys that are gay in the NFL, so maybe that number will grow in the coming weeks.


I do support the decision - it will show gay youth that more is possible and that there isn't a certain mold that homosexuality creates. Also, if these players do come out they become role models - and hopefully lasting and good role models. They transition the sport from homophobic, locker room trash talking, into a more suitable place for people OR I hope more players begin to behave themselves in the locker rooms and on the field and the like. That slinging the word "faggot" and "fairy" and stuff around isn't the most appealing thing to do.


It may also show the groups of people that still think that homosexuality means that men are effeminate and that women are masculine. Make them take a step back and question what it all means.


Either way it will open a lot of eyes.


On a lighter note: Wanna take guesses/hopes on who it is?


As long as Joe Flacco and Aaron Rogers still qualify for my second husband list, I'll be fine. 

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Oh, so it's four now? :o I'd read an Advocate piece mentioning this a few weeks back, but that had only suggested one coming out. (It does also make me wonder who's saying it'll be four coming out, if only in the interest of having something concrete. :P)


If in fact four players do come out, I think it'd be kind of nice if at least one of them is a guy who hasn't already spoken up as being supportive - i.e. if at least one of them comes as something of a surprise. :)

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As long as Joe Flacco and Aaron Rogers still qualify for my second husband list, I'll be fine. 


I can't picture Flacco as being gay. No self-respecting gay man would ever let his unibrow get that bad. Aaron doesn't ping, either.


I'd love it if Tim Tebow finally came out as gay, but I suspect that man will stay in deep denial for a long, long time.


I wonder if it'll be any quarterbacks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's a gay kicker trying to become the first openly gay active NFL player. He was one of the best kickers in all College Football his junior season, but had a few bad kicking games last year.  He still hopes he will be picked up by a team.


As for predictions, there hasn't been that much negativity hit the media. The biggest being a college football player saying that football isn't a sissy sport. He later retracted that statement - of course. I hope he got into a lot of trouble. ;) Also, don't expect anyone to come out until after the off-season contracts and rosters are finalized. So it will be a few weeks/months yet. I hope it's soon, I'm curious as to who it is. 

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B) ............I truly think it will be a college draftee that comes out in the NFL before others already entrenced in the sport. The kicker if chosen would have been great!

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  • 1 month later...

Hmph.. I know I said that they will likely wait until contracts and positions for the new season were finalized.. but I hope they haven't backed out... 

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As far as I know its still coming but I wouldnt expect until the season or training camp begins. My inside source tells me that they wanna make sure they have all there bases squared away before making the announcement(s)

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